
習近平百多命令 “換囚”救孟晚舟

(2022-12-01 04:48:21) 下一個


• 華爾街日報


華爾街日報記者 Drew Hinshaw / Joe Parkinson / Aruna Viswanatha


2021年9月24日,華為首席財務官孟晚舟於團隊步離加拿大溫哥華的寓所。攝:Jimmy Jeong/Bloomberg via Getty Images

本文原刊於《華爾街日報》,端傳媒獲授權轉載。目前,《華爾街日報》中文版全部內容僅向付費會員開放,我們強烈推薦您購買/升級成為“端傳媒尊享會員”,以低於原價 70% 的價格,暢讀端傳媒和《華爾街日報》全部內容。



15個時區之外,一架國航波音777飛機在溫哥華國際機場待命。加拿大皇家騎警的武裝警官在候機樓裏守候。一位腳踩Manolo Blahnik高跟鞋的中國高管從他們身邊闊步走過,她身穿Carolina Herrera連衣裙,顏色與中國國旗一般鮮紅,她身後跟著一群律師、助手和外交官,他們稱呼她孟女士。她也要回家了。




孟晚舟2018年在加拿大被捕時擔任中國華為技術有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)首席財務官,那時,這家由她父親創立的通信設備巨頭正準備在全球多數大型經濟體的5G網絡建設競標中大展拳腳。加拿大應美國的要求在不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華拘押了孟晚舟,美國對孟晚舟提出銀行欺詐指控。


幾天後,作為對孟晚舟被捕事件的反製,兩名加拿大人被中方扣押。50歲的康明凱(Michael Kovrig)當時正處於從加拿大外交部暫時離崗的狀態,在香港為國際危機組織(International Crisis Group)工作。46歲的斯帕弗(Michael Spavor)當時正經營一家幫助學生、運動員和學者訪問朝鮮的機構。在被監禁和受到嚴厲對待期間,這兩個加拿大人被新聞報導和西方領導人同情地稱作“兩個邁克爾”。兩人都否認有任何不當行為。




加拿大駐華大使鮑達民(Dominic Barton)在大使館機密室的白板前花了上百個小時,製定讓這兩名加拿大人獲釋的方案,並去監獄中探望他們。他用語速很快的英語傳遞加密資訊,知道偷聽的警衛很難聽懂。直到最後一刻,加拿大還在擔心消息泄露或美國參議員的一句閑話會破壞這次交換。





這位華為首席財務官托運了七個行李箱,裏麵裝滿了在四個國家(包括墨西哥)開會的演示材料。墨西哥那時新上任的總統安德烈斯·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯·奧夫拉多爾(Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador)未理會美國的安全擔憂,對華為在該國建設5G網絡持開放態度。


在孟晚舟走進香港國際機場時,有關她行程的消息通過一條安全線路傳到了當時二十國集團(G20)峰會舉辦地布宜諾斯艾利斯的Palacio Duhau酒店。一位白宮律師在一間套房內的隔音帳篷裏接聽了電話。之後,這位律師叫醒了博爾頓(John Bolton),告訴他孟晚舟上路了。

作為時任特朗普(Donald Trump)政府的國家安全顧問,博爾頓十分清楚,抓捕孟晚舟可能會擾亂當晚的“特習會”晚宴,這是此次峰會的一場重頭戲,但他認為值得冒險。博爾頓長期以來一直主張對華強硬。特朗普當時還不知道這個計劃。後來,對於博爾頓是否將此事告訴了特朗普,或者此行動是否已向特朗普完全報備,白宮內部眾說紛紜。

當孟晚舟搭上飛往溫哥華的航班時,美國聯邦調查局(FBI)特工傳來了孟晚舟此行裝扮的細節:一件黑色Abercrombie & Fitch連帽衫,深色運動褲,長發剛剛過肩。

聯邦檢察官以銀行欺詐罪對孟晚舟和華為提起了密封起訴(sealed indictment),稱孟晚舟曾幫助隱瞞該公司在伊朗的業務往來。證據是孟晚舟2013年在香港一家餐廳的包間內向匯豐控股有限公司(HSBC Holdings PLC, 0005.HK, HSBC, 簡稱﹕匯豐控股)一名高管展示的PPT演示文件。她在演示文件中稱,華為沒有違反美國對伊製裁。



引渡孟晚舟的請求是美國政府以加密文件的形式發來的,加拿大當局花了一天多時間才解密。這一延遲意味著同樣前往布宜諾斯艾利斯參加G20峰會的加拿大總理杜魯多(Justin Trudeau)直到在警員們在溫哥華機場65號登機口廊橋就位時才被告知美方的這一請求。

上午11點18分,國泰航空(Cathay Pacific Airways)的838號航班滑停在65號登機口。

兩名邊防警察把孟晚舟護送到一個櫃台,在那裏,另一名邊防警察仔細檢查了她的行李。警察提出了一些問題,其中包括:華為是否曾在伊朗銷售過產品?他們沒收了她的電子設備,並要求她提供密碼。按照美國方麵的要求,他們把孟晚舟的電子設備分別放入不同的安全袋。這些設備包括一部紅色外殼的華為手機,一個黑粉色的256G U盤,一台粉色邊框的MacBook以及一台貼有小熊維尼貼紙的iPad。在社交媒體上,小熊維尼有時被用來嘲諷習近平。


















杜魯多是一位自由黨領導人,在公開場合有時會表現得有些少年氣,但也有強硬的一麵。就在他上任之前,伊斯蘭國(Islamic State)武裝分子綁架了兩名加拿大老人。後來,杜魯多拒絕支付贖金,兩人被斬首。




出庭律師Reid Weingarten是華為招募的律師之一,他在2019年初與美國司法部官員會麵時帶了一份報告。該報告詳細說明了辯護團隊認為孟晚舟會輕鬆勝訴的原因。Weingarten之前的客戶包括高盛集團(Goldman Sachs Group Inc., GS)的貝蘭克梵(Lloyd Blankfein),以及被定罪的性犯罪者愛潑斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)等。




華為5G設備(天線、基站和路由器)不僅比西方競爭對手交付速度更快,而且價格更便宜。該公司當時已經成為世界領先企業。與具有百年曆史的通訊設備對手諾基亞公司(Nokia Co., NOK)和愛立信(Ericsson, ERIC)相比,華為是後起之秀。



到了特朗普政府時期,華為已經建立了令競爭對手似乎難以超越的領先地位。一份在情報官員中流傳的分析報告警告說,華為可能將控製全球80%的5G設備市場。國家安全官員擔心,這將為中國提供一個監聽工具,有可能收集從核電站藍圖到北大西洋公約組織(North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 簡稱﹕北約)軍事計劃的各種機密。







任正非回憶起在達拉斯參觀德州儀器公司(Texas Instruments Inc., TXN)占地6萬英畝的總部時的情景。那裏的員工加班加點帶他參觀了一整天的研究設施,展示了新高速設備的技術細節。

在當時全球領先的晶片製造商之一、位於加州的National Semiconductor,他觀看了一場光學設備和3G網絡交換技術的展覽。

任正非雇了一輛出租車,繞著International Business Machines Corp. (IBM)的矽穀研究設施轉了一圈,計算園區麵積有多少平方公裏。他在一篇博客文章中回憶道,他覺得“美國將經久不衰”。

25年後,他的公司在人工智能研究領域處於領先地位,其智能手機品牌的銷量超過了蘋果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL)。華為在深圳郊外開設了一個占地4平方英裏的園區,瑞士風格的有軌電車穿過複刻版的歐洲城堡以及巴黎和意大利維羅納地標建築,這裏是華為的辦公室和研究實驗室所在地。

隨著華為發展壯大,該公司被來自前員工、競爭對手和美國官員的各種指控所困擾,他們指稱該公司的進步依賴於欺騙。華為否認了這些指控,並稱其致力於遵守業務所在國適用的法律法規。該公司與指控其竊取商業機密的競爭對手達成了和解,其中包括思科係統(Cisco Systems Inc., CSCO, 簡稱﹕思科)和Quintel Technology Ltd.。




那次會麵結束幾個月後,在孟晚舟於紐約肯尼迪國際機場(John F. Kennedy International Airport)轉機時,搜查她電子設備的邊防人員恢複了一份她關於伊朗問題談話要點的文本文件。該文件已被刪除,但沒有從硬碟中清除。












這群助手和助理被稱為“薩布麗娜團隊”(Sabrina's Team),薩布麗娜(Sabrina)是孟晚舟用過的一個英文名。

孟晚舟外出時,一組由法院指派的安保人員會跟著她;這些安保人員在她家院子裏搭了帳篷駐守。時尚精品店為她的私人購物之旅提供方便。孟晚舟與朋友們在皇朝海鮮酒家(Dynasty Seafood)用餐,這群溫哥華的中國精英們在那裏品嚐點心、觀賞城市景觀。



法院外的台階上,反對中國政府在香港采取壓製行動的抗議者點燃了一麵中國國旗。一些人舉著標語牌,上麵用大寫字母寫著“EXTRADITE MENG!”,意思是“引渡孟晚舟”。



斯帕弗是卡爾加裏人,21歲時去了韓國,教過英語。他對威權主義的朝鮮產生了極大的興趣,並開始組織前往朝鮮的旅行。在2013年和2014年,他為曾效力於芝加哥公牛隊(Chicago Bulls)的前籃球明星丹尼斯·羅德曼(Dennis Rodman)策劃了三次朝鮮之旅;羅德曼本人對這個神秘國度及其領導人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)很感興趣。







44歲的納吉布拉(Vina Nadjibulla)是2001年在哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)認識康明凱的,當時兩人都在該校學習國際關係。納吉布拉目前是一名國際安全分析員。她在戰亂中的喀布爾長大,父母一個是蘇聯的猶太人,一個是阿富汗的穆斯林;她在聯合國從事衝突預防工作。康明凱是在聯合國日內瓦辦事處的大會堂(U.N. Assembly Hall)向她求婚的。











在整個2019年上半年,杜魯多一直未能與習近平會麵。加拿大駐華外交官被拒之門外。中方對杜魯多的答複令人沮喪:若中國國家元首習近平與杜魯多直接對話,將有悖外交禮儀,杜魯多隻是加拿大的政府首腦,而加拿大的國家元首是當時的英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)。









數天之後,谘詢公司麥肯錫(McKinsey & Co., Inc.)的前全球管理合夥人鮑達民(Dominic Barton)帶著一個薄薄的文件夾進入了北京市有警衛把守的釣魚台國賓館。他的此次會晤是非正式和秘密的。他先前告訴秘書自己休假去了。

這位60歲的加拿大人是在中國經濟奇跡的浪潮中發跡的,他在中國生活和工作了十多年,與中國企業家、高管和黨的領導人建立了聯係。他寫過兩本關於中國的書籍,並曾在北京的清華大學(Tsinghua University)任教。








鮑達民在最後一小時的威嚇中保持沉默。這位中國官員重點提到了加拿大1999年頒布的《引渡法》(Extradition Act)第23條第3款,該條款授權加拿大司法部長可取消引渡案件。























招待會在綠色客廳(Green Drawing Room)舉行,這是一個長長的行廊,鋪著深紅色的地毯,裝飾著絲綢牆紙和鑲有金框的英國君主照片。凱特·米德爾頓(Kate Middleton)和威廉(Prince William)王子在一群負責捍衛西方的北約官員中穿行。杜魯多與女王進行了私下交談。

杜魯多的首席外交政策顧問David Morrison乘機與白宮幕僚長馬爾瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)說了幾句話。當天早些時候,杜魯多向特朗普講述了兩個邁克爾正在遭受的苦難。美國同意在華盛頓舉行會談,加拿大對這個開頭表示歡迎。

白宮已經恢複了與北京方麵的換囚談判。在博爾頓之後擔任國家安全顧問的奧布萊恩(Robert O'Brien)不久前在曼穀參加了一次亞洲領導人會議。

在會上,他為兩名加拿大囚犯準備的幾本書讓中國總理李克強感到意外。給康明凱的書是勞拉·希倫布蘭德(Laura Hillenbrand)描寫二戰囚犯路易斯·讚佩裏尼(Louis Zamperini)的《堅不可摧》(Unbroken),給斯帕弗的書是一本劉易斯(C.S. Lewis)的小說,以及每人一本《聖經》。這些書裏有手寫的標記,讓這兩個被囚禁的人放心,全世界都知道他們的遭遇。


幾天後,中國駐美使館臨時代辦在白宮旁邊的艾森豪威爾行政辦公大樓(Eisenhower Executive Office Building)低調會見了美國國家安全委員會工作人員。這位中國代表說,美國無權要求釋放這兩位加拿大公民,“這不關美國的事。”

不過,中國政府願意先考慮另一項人員交換,以建立互信。美國可以加速驅逐中國銀行股份有限公司(Bank Of China Ltd.,簡稱﹕中國銀行)經理許國俊,他因腐敗相關指控被中國有關部門通緝。

作為回報,美國人希望中國釋放台裔美國牧師林大衛(David Lin),以及紐約州長島的華裔美國商人李凱。前者在中國傳教後被判終身監禁,後者因間諜罪正在服10年刑期。


加拿大駐美國代理大使希爾曼(Kirsten Hillman)和鮑達民、Morrison圍在美國司法部負責國家安全的助理部長德默斯(John Demers)和副國家安全顧問博明(Matt Pottinger)旁邊近身交談。博明說,孟晚舟越早被引渡,康明凱和斯帕弗就能越早獲釋。




鮑達民和他在北京最親密的助手經常在加拿大大使館下麵的一個房間裏工作,這個房間的牆壁包有金屬,以防禦電子監控。這個房間名為Salle de Deux Innocents(兩個無辜者的房間),以加拿大前總理皮耶·杜魯多(Pierre Trudeau)與一位朋友搭便車穿越毛澤東時代的中國後寫的一篇遊記命名。






孟晚舟、她的律師團隊和華為對勝訴充滿信心,他們甚至已經打點好行裝,包下了波音公司(Boeing Co., BA)生產的第787架波音787飛機,這架紀念性的夢想客機將把她從溫哥華送回家。








康明凱每個月閱讀二三十本書,他研讀了哲學和地緣政治類書籍,看了托爾斯泰、卡夫卡等名家的經典作品,以及曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的獄中自傳《漫漫自由路》(The Long Walk to Freedom)。他和斯帕弗都讀了維克多·弗蘭克(Viktor Frankl)關於奧斯威辛集中營生活的沉思《追尋生命的意義》(Man's Search for Meaning)。





2020年夏天,疫情在全球範圍內蔓延之際,FBI特工逮捕了五名學術研究人員,這五人大多被指控在簽證申請中撒謊。特朗普(Donald Trump)政府官員認為他們正利用美國的研究來推動中國的軍事發展。五人都做了無罪抗辯。


美國國家安全委員會、國務院和司法部官員與中國外交部外交官和公安部人士開了一場影片會議。美國堅持使用Microsoft Teams而不是中國軟體舉行此次會議。



作為交換條件,美方希望中方釋放商人李凱和牧師林大衛,以及自2018年以來被中國阻止離境的美國姐弟Cynthia Liu和Victor Liu。美方還要求中方允許另外三名美國公民離開中國,其中包括兩名兒童。






那年夏天,華為超越三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co., 005930.SE),成為全球最大的智能手機製造商。作為首席財務官,孟晚舟得保護她父親建立的這個帝國。







華為北美公共事務負責人Vincent Peng輾轉於美國、加拿大和中國,尋找遊說者與國會議員和外交官接觸,幫助釋放孟晚舟。

特朗普在11月輸掉了2020年的總統選舉,在新政府即將上台之際,Peng在聖誕節幾天前給鮑達民打電話。他說,華為打算在拜登(Joe Biden)那裏試試運氣。

拜登首次以總統身份進行的雙邊會晤是2021年2月23日的美加會晤,當時加拿大總理杜魯多首先要談的就是讓康明凱和斯帕弗獲釋。“這兩個人在監獄裏,” 杜魯多說。“他們遭受牢獄之災是因為加拿大正在履行對美國的承諾……我們要解救他們。”



在2021年3月份的阿拉斯加會議上,中國最高級別外交官員楊潔篪公開指責美國鼓動其他國家攻擊中國。在非公開場合,美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)提到康明凱和斯帕弗,稱嚴肅的國家不會用綁架作為談判籌碼。






在圍繞疫情和人權問題的激烈交鋒中,美國副國務卿舍曼(Wendy Sherman)表示,如果孟晚舟與美國檢方達成和解,美國國務院不會阻止孟晚舟回到中國。




























飛機在深圳寶安國際機場降落時是當地時間的晚上,孟晚舟走下舷梯。她在紅色Carolina Herrera連衣裙上別了一枚中國國旗徽章,向等待的人群揮手致意。深圳的摩天大樓上打出她的名字。



杜魯多和少數隨行人員在卡爾加裏(斯帕弗的故鄉)迎接他們歸來。二人還拿到了迎接者帶來的外帶Tim Hortons咖啡。





康明凱和斯帕弗回國三個月後,鮑達民辭去了大使職務,成為英澳礦業集團力拓股份有限公司(Rio Tinto Ltd., RIO.AU, RIO.LN, RIO)董事長。中澳兩國長期陷於貿易爭端,但中國上個月同意與力拓合作開發一個20億美元的鐵礦石項目。








英文原文:Inside the Secret Prisoner Swap That Splintered the U.S. and China


Inside the Secret Prisoner Swap That Splintered the U.S. and China

Detention of a Chinese executive to stand trial in the U.S. provoked a standoff between global rivals and opened an acrimonious new era

Length(61 minutes)

4:30 a.m., Sept. 25, 2021, Tianjin, China

A pair of prison vans approached the terminal at Tianjin Binhai International Airport carrying two Canadians, blindfolded and disoriented from 1,019 days in captivity.

On the moonlit tarmac, an unmarked U.S. Gulfstream jet waited to take them home. Nearby, the Canadian ambassador paced the carpeted lounge.

Fifteen time zones away, an Air China Boeing 777 stood ready at Vancouver International Airport. Armed officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police kept watch in the terminal. A Chinese executive in Manolo Blahnik heels strode past them, carrying a bag with a Carolina Herrera dress shaded the same vibrant red as China’s flag and trailed by an entourage of lawyers, aides and diplomats who called her Madam Meng. She, too, was headed home.


One of the most significant prisoner swaps in recent diplomatic history was under way, after a top-secret negotiation that was three years in the making.

At the Tianjin airport, a Chinese official was on the phone to confirm the woman’s passage through the Vancouver terminal. He then cleared the Canadian prisoners. The Canadian ambassador fumbled for their passports in a yellow envelope and ushered the men to an immigration checkpoint.

A Chinese guard stamped the passports and directed them to the runway.

When Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada in 2018, she was chief financial officer of China’s Huawei Technologies Co., a telecommunications giant founded by her father that was poised to win the race to build 5G networks in most of the world’s largest economies. Canadian authorities took Ms. Meng into custody in Vancouver, British Columbia, on behalf of the U.S., which had filed bank-fraud charges against her.

The detention of the 50-year-old celebrity businesswoman, and U.S. efforts to extradite her for trial in New York, transformed her into a national martyr in China and a symbol of America’s growing hostility to its nearest rival.


Meng Wanzhou arriving at a parole office with a security guard in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Dec. 12, 2018.DARRYL DYCK/THE CANADIAN PRESS/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Days later, the two Canadians were seized in retaliation for Ms. Meng’s arrest. Michael Kovrig, 50, was on leave from Canada’s Foreign Ministry to work for the International Crisis Group in Hong Kong. Michael Spavor, 46, ran a business that helped students, athletes and academics visit North Korea. During their incarceration and harsh treatment, the two men were sympathetically shorthanded in news reports and by Western leaders as “the two Michaels.” Both men denied any wrongdoing.

The arrests marked a turning point in the growing power competition between the U.S. and China, helping shift it from mutual wariness to full-blown animosity. Unlike last century’s Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Union, the prisoner skirmish reflected a U.S.-China battle for control of the international flow of data and, ultimately, primacy in global commerce.

Negotiations to free the prisoners strained relations between China, U.S. and Canada. Each nation navigated its own security concerns and domestic political pressures. The U.S. pressed Chinese leader Xi Jinping to release the two Canadians and cited their arrest as evidence of Beijing’s disregard for the international rules-based order. Mr. Xi saw Ms. Meng’s detention as another underhanded attempt by the U.S. to contain his country’s advance.

Mr. Xi penned more than 100 notes about her case, and he discussed the Michaels with two U.S. presidents. Mr. Xi refused to free them until Ms. Meng was released. Canada was caught in the middle.

Dominic Barton, the Canadian ambassador, spent hundreds of hours at a whiteboard in an embassy safe room charting proposals to get his countrymen released and visiting them in prison. He delivered coded messages in rapid-fire English he knew eavesdropping guards would struggle to understand. Until the final moments, Canada worried that a news leak or a stray remark from a U.S. senator would scuttle the exchange.

This account is based on interviews with current and former U.S., Canadian and Chinese officials, lawyers and prosecutors, former Huawei officials, people familiar with Ms. Meng’s legal team and her staff, as well as current and former diplomats of the three countries. It draws from court documents, real-estate and corporate records, classified diplomatic cables, unpublished photographs and notes of government officials involved in the negotiations.

A spokesman for the Chinese consulate in New York declined to answer questions. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman has said that Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor were detained and tried in accordance with Chinese law, and their case was unrelated to Ms. Meng’s arrest.

Meng Wanzhou planned to spend only a few hours in Vancouver when she touched down on Dec. 1, 2018. It was one of four cities where she kept a home.

The Huawei CFO checked seven suitcases, packed with presentation material for meetings in four countries, including Mexico. The country’s newly inaugurated president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was open to Huawei building 5G networks in his country, brushing off U.S. security concerns.

Ms. Meng also booked a stop in Buenos Aires, where she would join her father, Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s billionaire founder. Mr. Ren had once announced that none of his three children was visionary enough to succeed him. Ms. Meng, who crisscrossed the world representing her father’s empire, seemed determined to prove him wrong.

Around the time Ms. Meng walked into Hong Kong’s international airport, word of her itinerary passed over a secure line to the Palacio Duhau hotel, site of the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires. A White House lawyer took the call in a soundproof tent set up in a suite. Afterward, the lawyer woke up John Bolton: Ms. Meng was en route.

Mr. Bolton, then-national security adviser in the Trump administration, knew Ms. Meng’s arrest could disrupt the summit’s marquee event that evening, a dinner between President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Yet Mr. Bolton, a longtime China hawk, felt it was worth the risk. The president didn’t yet know about the plan. White House staffers later debated whether Mr. Bolton had told Mr. Trump or if it hadn’t fully registered with the president.

While Ms. Meng was on her flight to Vancouver, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents passed along details of her travel outfit: a black Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie, dark sweatpants, her hair just past the shoulders.

Federal prosecutors had a sealed indictment against Ms. Meng and Huawei for bank fraud, alleging she had helped disguise the company’s business dealings in Iran. The evidence was in a PowerPoint presentation Ms. Meng showed an executive of HSBC Holdings PLC in the back room of a Hong Kong restaurant in 2013. Huawei, she claimed in her presentation, wasn’t violating U.S. sanctions on Iran.

The charge was narrow, but it would serve a broader national security objective—to help Washington convince U.S. allies Huawei couldn’t be trusted.


Ren Zhengfei, founder and chief executive officer of Huawei Technologies Co., showing a photo of himself with his daughter Meng Wanzhou in May 2019.QILAI SHEN/BLOOMBERG

In a briefing room at the Vancouver airport, six Canadian police officers and border guards studied photos of Ms. Meng. “Seize any electronic devices on MENG to preserve evidence, as there will be a request from FBI,” a Canadian constable scrawled in a spiral notebook.

Ms. Meng’s extradition request had arrived from Washington on a password-protected file that Canadian authorities needed more than a day to unlock. The delay meant Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, also attending the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, was told of the request only around the time officers took positions at the Vancouver airport’s Gate 65 jet bridge.

At 11:18 a.m., Cathay Pacific Flight 838 rolled to a stop at the terminal gate.


Two border guards escorted Ms. Meng to a counter where another guard combed through her luggage. Officers asked questions, among them: Did Huawei ever sell products in Iran? They collected her electronics and demanded her passwords. One by one, they slid her devices into security bags, as the U.S. had requested: a red-cased Huawei phone, a black-and-pink 256-gigabyte thumb drive, a pink-framed MacBook and an iPad with a sticker of Winnie-the-Pooh, a character sometimes used on social media to mock Mr. Xi, China’s leader.

“You have committed fraud, we’re arresting you, and then you will be sent back to the United States,” a police officer told Ms. Meng.

“Me?” she said. “You’re saying I committed fraud in the United States?”

“I don’t have details,” another officer replied. “They have a fraud charge against you regarding your company, uh, Huawei?”

An officer added, apologetically, “We’re only assisting the United States.”

At the police station, Ms. Meng was fingerprinted, and allowed a phone call to the only Chinese-speaking lawyer Huawei could find on short notice, a patent attorney. As the attorney dashed to the station, Ms. Meng began to gasp for air, worrying officers who sped her to a hospital.

Messrs. Trump and Xi were dining on Argentine sirloin, accompanied by a 2014 Malbec. The goal of the dinner was to reach a truce in an escalating U.S.-China trade war. Neither man appeared aware of Ms. Meng’s arrest. Mr. Bolton, seated near Mr. Trump, didn’t mention it.


President Donald Trump, right, national security adviser John Bolton, second from right, and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, far left, having dinner on Dec. 1, 2018, at a G-20 summit in Buenos Aires.KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS

Mr. Xi learned shortly after, according to Chinese government officials, and it struck him as deceptive and an insult. He had just agreed to buy more U.S. food and energy.

Mr. Trump questioned Mr. Bolton days later at a White House Christmas dinner, according to people familiar with the conversation. “Why did you arrest Meng?” the president said. “Don’t you know she’s the Ivanka Trump of China?”

Chinese Foreign Ministry officials briefed Mr. Xi on the arrest when he returned to Beijing on Dec. 6. Ms. Meng, ranked China’s eighth most powerful businesswoman by Forbes magazine, was in custody and under severe distress.

China’s Ministry of Public Security, which had a list of Canadian names, proposed two for him to select. Canada’s ambassador was summoned to a Foreign Ministry office in Beijing and warned China would retaliate.

Two days later, a call came to the Canadian embassy from a man stopped while trying to board a 2 p.m. flight to South Korea from a city in China’s northeast.

“I’m being questioned,” Michael Spavor said.

China's leader Xi Jinping in Beijing on Dec. 7, 2018.FRED DUFOUR/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

That night, the embassy got another call, this one about Michael Kovrig. He had been walking in Beijing when he was bundled into a vehicle.

For hours, embassy officials waited to hear from the two men, hoping authorities would release them. Then came the whir of the office fax machine, signaling trouble. Fax was the preferred channel of China’s Foreign Ministry. The machine spat out back-to-back missives announcing the detention of two Canadian citizens suspected of threatening national security.

Canada’s ambassador met with officials in Beijing. They asked for Ms. Meng’s release. “He who ties the knot must untie it,” one of them said.

A month later, Mr. Trudeau cemented his government’s position at a snow-drenched cabinet retreat in Quebec. Arrests of innocent Canadian citizens wouldn’t force Ms. Meng’s release.

“Canada cannot be bullied,” he told his cabinet members.


Chinese police patrol in front of the Canadian embassy in Beijing on Dec. 14, 2018.GREG BAKER/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

The prime minister, a liberal leader who in public appearances sometimes appeared boyish, had a harder side. Just before he assumed office, Islamic State militants had abducted two elderly Canadians. Mr. Trudeau later refused to pay a ransom, and they were decapitated.

It was his worst moment as prime minister—and the right decision, Mr. Trudeau said at the cabinet retreat.

When Canada’s ambassador to China said in public remarks that Ms. Meng had a strong case to fight her extradition, Mr. Trudeau fired him.

To free Ms. Meng, Huawei assembled a team of more than a dozen lawyers, including some of the corporate world’s highest-paid. They all agreed she was unfairly trapped in the rivalry between Washington and Beijing.

One of Huawei’s recruits—trial lawyer Reid Weingarten, whose clients had included Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Lloyd Blankfein and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein—carried a report into a meeting early in 2019 with Justice Department officials. It detailed reasons the defense team believed Ms. Meng would easily win her case.

Elevating a six-year-old PowerPoint presentation to a charge of bank fraud was an overreach the Justice Department would regret, according to Ms. Meng’s lawyers. Some doubted prosecutors had the appetite to go to trial.

Instead, they found little hope for a swift resolution. Federal prosecutors in the case were confident. If Ms. Meng wanted to plead guilty, they were ready to talk. Otherwise, they would see her in court.

The White House had a lot riding on the case. Huawei was on the other side of a contest for control of 5G, the wireless network slated to ferry data to billions of devices worldwide. It was a fight the U.S. didn’t want to lose.

Huawei was offering to deliver its 5G equipment—antennas, base stations and routers—more quickly and less expensively than its Western competitors. The company, a relative newcomer compared with century-old telecom rivals Nokia Corp. and Ericsson AB, had become a world leader.


Ryan Ding, Huawei president of the carrier business group, speaking on Jan. 24, 2019, in Beijing for the launch of new 5G Huawei products.FRED DUFOUR/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

U.S. national security officials were convinced of a danger other nations thought could be managed—that Huawei was assembling the architecture China could use to conduct worldwide surveillance.

In 2009, U.S. cyberspies had infiltrated the company’s networks. FBI analysts, worried Beijing could use those same networks to spy, alerted their bosses. Defense Department officials urged U.S. telecom companies to steer clear of Huawei. A 2012 congressional investigation concluded China could use Huawei equipment for espionage but didn’t find clear evidence it had.

By the time of the Trump administration, Huawei had built a seemingly insurmountable lead over its rivals. An analysis that circulated among intelligence officials warned Huawei would control 80% of the global market for 5G equipment. National security officials feared that would hand China a surveillance tool with the potential to collect all manner of secrets, from the blueprints of nuclear plants to military plans of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


Defense officials and diplomats reached out to America’s closest foreign partners and pushed for Huawei bans. The company dispatched its own lobbyists, lawyers and public-relations firms to say it had never conducted espionage and never would. Huawei challenged the Trump administration to reveal the evidence it claimed to hold, material the U.S. said was secret to protect its sources and methods.

The White House instead offered a slim thread of evidence. In 2017, Beijing had introduced an intelligence law that said “any organization or citizen shall support, assist, and cooperate with state intelligence work.”

Huawei, the Trump administration argued, was bound by law to spy. The company countered that it applied only in China.

U.S. diplomats took printouts of the law to allies around the world, reading it aloud to officials caught up in what many saw as a feud between superpowers. The U.K., South Korea, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Canada balked at pressure to ban the company. Some were baffled by the escalating campaign.

Huawei said it was a Chinese success story whose founder was motivated not by rivalry with America but admiration for it.

Mr. Ren, a former army engineer, started out in 1987 selling telecom switches from an apartment in Shenzhen, a small city overshadowed by neighboring Hong Kong. In his telling, a 1993 Greyhound bus trip across the U.S. stirred grand ambitions.

In Dallas, Mr. Ren recalled visiting the 60,000-acre headquarters of Texas Instruments Inc. Employees there clocked overtime to take him on a daylong tour of research facilities, revealing technical details of new high-speed devices.

At National Semiconductor in California, at the time one of the world’s leading chip makers, he saw an exhibition of optical devices and 3G network switching technologies.


Mr. Ren hired a taxi to drive around the Silicon Valley research facility of International Business Machines Corp. to calculate how many square kilometers it encompassed. He felt “the United States will prosper forever,” he recalled in a blog post.

A quarter-century later, his company was a leader in artificial-intelligence research and had a smartphone brand that sold more units than Apple Inc. Huawei opened a 4-square-mile campus outside Shenzhen that featured Swiss-style trams zipping past replicas of European castles and landmarks of Paris and Verona, Italy, that housed Huawei offices and research labs.


A replica of Germany's Heidelberg Castle built at Huawei's campus outside Shenzhen, China.KEVIN FRAYER/GETTY IMAGES

As the company grew, it was stalked by allegations—from former employees, rival corporations and U.S. officials—that its advance relied on deceit. Huawei denied the allegations and said it was committed to complying with laws in global markets. The company settled lawsuits with competitors that accused it of stealing trade secrets, among them Cisco Systems Inc. and Quintel Technology Ltd.

Paperwork for search warrants and interview notes piled up in a Justice Department office in New York. Some companies were afraid China would retaliate if they took Huawei to court, feeding a view at the department that Huawei’s competitive advantage was impunity.

A bank ended up providing investigators with evidence for the government’s first case, which originated in the Brooklyn, N.Y., office.

In 2013, HSBC had asked Huawei to explain a news report claiming it secretly owned and operated a company that sold its products in Iran. Afterward, Ms. Meng then told the HSBC executive in the Hong Kong restaurant that Huawei adhered to U.S. sanctions.


Months after the meeting, border agents searching Ms. Meng’s electronics during a transit through John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York recovered a text file of her talking points concerning Iran. It had been deleted but not erased from the hard drive.

The file became useful when HSBC, on the hook for its own legal missteps, had to give federal prosecutors a dossier on its business with Huawei, including what Ms. Meng had said about her company’s dealings in Iran.

Federal investigators assigned a code name to keep the probe secret. HSBC and other banks cooperating with the Justice Department feared for the safety of their executives in China, as well as business ties there.

Prosecutors in April 2017 served Huawei with a subpoena to answer questions about whether it conducted business in sanctioned countries, and company executives subsequently halted travel to the U.S.

In August 2018, prosecutors readied an indictment against Huawei and Ms. Meng. They kept it under seal until she landed in a country within their reach.


Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei working in his office at the company's campus outside Shenzhen, China, on Aug. 20, 2019.NG HAN GUAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Ms. Meng’s jail in Vancouver was a $4.2 million house facing the North Shore Mountains. It was the smaller of her two homes in the city.

U.S. officials had hoped Canada would keep Ms. Meng behind bars until her extradition. The billionaire’s daughter, who had been issued at least seven passports, was a flight risk, prosecutors argued during her December 2018 bail hearing.

Instead, a judge had granted her bail, set at 10 million Canadian dollars, equivalent to $7.5 million, and imposed a curfew from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Otherwise, she was free to roam. A GPS monitor on her ankle kept Ms. Meng tethered to authorities.


Later, she received court permission to move, for security reasons, to a $12.3 million, seven-bedroom villa, two doors from the home of the U.S. consul general. Mr. Ren dispatched a team of Huawei employees to help with public relations and his daughter’s defense.

A vice president from the Brazil office and a China-based legal director were the first to arrive. They stayed in a villa nearby. A PR manager from Huawei’s headquarters followed, and he began holding impromptu news conferences on the courthouse steps, irritating Ms. Meng and her legal advisers. They worried his public statements could jeopardize the case, but Mr. Ren overruled their objections.

By April, Huawei had a more senior team in place, including Mr. Ren’s translator and personal assistant, who served as a liaison.

The former head sales executive in Europe directed Ms. Meng’s daily Zumba classes and yoga workouts. Personal chefs prepared health-conscious meals. A florist arranged bouquets for the dining table. Mr. Ren tried to prod his daughter into pursuing a Ph.D. while she waited for her release.


Meng Wanzhou leaving her house to attend a court hearing in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Oct. 29, 2020.DARRYL DYCK/BLOOMBERG NEWS

The cast of helpers and aides was known as Sabrina’s Team, after one of the English-language names she used.

When Ms. Meng stepped out, a set of court-appointed bodyguards, stationed in a tent pitched on the property, trailed her. Fashion boutiques accommodated her private shopping tours. She dined with friends at the Dynasty Seafood restaurant, where the city’s Chinese elite enjoyed dim sum and city views.

Huawei had built a foothold in Canada’s telecom market, including a 5G research center. Shortly after Ms. Meng’s arrest, the company ramped up its advertising around the city, draping bus stops, billboards and shopping malls in banners, many in Chinese, featuring its latest slogan—Huawei: a higher intelligence.


On March 6, 2019, three months after her arrest, bodyguards and TV cameras followed Ms. Meng into court for her extradition hearing.

On the courthouse steps, protesters opposing Beijing’s crackdown in Hong Kong set fire to a Chinese flag. Some held placards scrawled in all caps, “EXTRADITE MENG!”

The court hearing lasted just a few minutes, marking the start of a protracted legal battle. Each time Ms. Meng went to court, she passed a Chinese nurse, a member of China’s Uyghur minority, holding pictures of Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor, the two Michaels, to protest their detention.

In the northeastern city of Dandong, on the North Korea border, Michael Spavor lived with some 20 other inmates in Cell 315. At night, they slept side by side like sardines. The overflowing compound was sweltering on hot days and cold after dark. Meals were meager and unchanging: cabbage, eggs and rice.

Mr. Spavor, a Calgary native, traveled to South Korea at age 21 and taught English. He became fascinated with the authoritarian state of North Korea and began arranging tours. In 2013 and 2014, he planned three trips for Dennis Rodman, the former Chicago Bulls basketball star who had his own interest in the secretive country and its leader, Kim Jong Un.

Mr. Spavor impressed party guests in South Korea with his pitch-perfect North Korean accent.


Dennis Rodman, left, Michael Spavor, third from left, and North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, right, in January 2014 in Pyongyang, North Korea.WANG ZHAO/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

The two Michaels had met once at a dinner in Beijing. The expatriates chatted about China, North Korea and relations between the two countries.

Mr. Kovrig had gone to Budapest after college in the mid-1990s, joining a wave of Westerners who flooded into once-closed Central European countries. He worked as a reporter and sang in a punk band before returning home to join Canada’s diplomatic service.

Fluorescent lights glowed 24 hours a day in Mr. Kovrig’s windowless cell at Beijing’s No. 1 Detention Center. For almost six months, he was confined without a whiff of fresh air. To break the monotony, he devised a daily workout of push-ups, six-minute planks and 7,000 steps around the tiny space.

Prison authorities spent the first months of Mr. Kovrig’s incarceration conducting interrogations that stretched to 10 hours. Over and over, they questioned his work at the Canadian embassy in Beijing.

In June 2019, after more than 150 days in prison, Mr. Kovrig was allowed to send a batch of letters home. The embassy scanned the stack of handwritten notes and emailed them to his wife in Toronto.

Vina Nadjibulla, a 44-year-old international security analyst, met Mr. Kovrig while they were studying international relations at Columbia University in 2001. She was raised in wartime Kabul, the daughter of a Soviet Jew and an Afghan Muslim, and had found her calling in conflict prevention at the United Nations. Mr. Kovrig proposed to her in the U.N. Assembly Hall.


Vina Nadjibulla and Michael Kovrig in an undated photo before his arrest in China.FAMILY PHOTO/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

He entered Canada’s foreign service, and she worked on the reconstruction of postwar Sierra Leone. The couple had separated by the time of Mr. Kovrig’s arrest. But each had promised to help the other if they were ever kidnapped during their work abroad.

Ms. Nadjibulla put her life on hold, flying between Toronto, Washington and Ottawa to petition officials who could help free Mr. Kovrig. In June, Mr. Trudeau invited Ms. Nadjibulla to his office, and she read from her husband’s letters to his family.

“If there is one faint silver lining to this hell, it’s this: trauma carved caverns of psychological pain through my mind,” one letter said. “I find myself filling those gulfs with a love for you and for life that is vast, deep and more profound and comforting than what I’ve ever experienced.”

“Come sit with me and walk with me in spirit,” Mr. Kovrig wrote. “Help me feel less isolated. Let me share the love I have for you and we’ll get through this together.”

About a week later, Mr. Trudeau arrived in Osaka, Japan, for the G-20 summit. He set out to lobby the one person who could release his two countrymen—Mr. Xi, the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong.


In meetings with Western leaders, Mr. Xi seldom joked and rarely smiled. He usually began with a monologue of talking points almost identical to his public statements. He so resolutely stuck to scripted remarks that his interpreter simply read aloud from a prepared English text. When finished, Mr. Xi would ask, “Don’t you agree?”

White House officials analyzing transcripts from closed-door talks often struggled to understand whether Mr. Xi had said anything of substance beyond his prepared statements.

In their conversations, Mr. Trump would try six or seven ways of bluntly asking a specific question, and Mr. Xi would repeat the same vague responses.


Other world leaders traded small talk and called each other by their first names—Donald, Angela, Vladimir. Even behind closed doors, Mr. Xi stuck to “Mr. President” or “Madam Prime Minister” and other honorifics.

Throughout the first half of 2019, Mr. Trudeau had failed to get an audience with Mr. Xi. His diplomats in China were frozen out. The Chinese reply to Mr. Trudeau was frustrating: It would breach protocol for Mr. Xi, China’s head of state, to speak with Mr. Trudeau, merely the head of government of Canada, whose head of state was Queen Elizabeth II.

Beijing expressed itself through trade restrictions. China blocked shipments of Canadian canola oil at its ports. In May, it barred pork from two of Canada’s top slaughterhouses. Three days ahead of the G-20 summit, it stopped all Canadian meat from entering China.

Mr. Trudeau asked Mr. Trump to speak up for Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor when the U.S. president met with the Chinese leader at the summit in Osaka.

At their meeting, Mr. Trump handed Mr. Xi a sheet of paper that listed the names of Americans being held in China. The names, written in Chinese and English, also included Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

“It would be a great gesture,” Mr. Trump said with a stroke of flattery, if China could help these people get home.

Scanning the names, Mr. Xi pointedly noted that the last time the two leaders had met was the day of Ms. Meng’s arrest.


Mr. Trudeau got his opening by chance. Chile was a guest at the G-20 meeting, but its representative didn’t attend a scheduled assembly. That left Canada seated alphabetically between China and Brazil—and Mr. Xi seated to the right of Mr. Trudeau.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping, left, seated next to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, on June 29, 2019.KAZUHIRO NOGI/PRESS POOL/REUTERS

The Canadian prime minister passed a note, handwritten in Chinese, to Mr. Xi. “We have to communicate,” it said. Mr. Trudeau proposed they select two confidants to begin backchannel talks.

The two men stepped to the side of a conference floor, exchanged pleasantries through a translator and clasped hands.

Days later, Dominic Barton, the former global managing partner of consulting firm McKinsey & Co., carried a thin folder of notes into the gated Diaoyutai state guesthouse in Beijing. His meeting was unofficial and secret. He told his secretary he was on vacation.

The 60-year-old Canadian had risen in the slipstream of China’s economic miracle, and through more than a decade living and working in the country had ties with Chinese entrepreneurs, executives and party leaders. He had written two books on China and taught at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Mr. Barton wasn’t a diplomat. Yet Mr. Trudeau believed he could break the diplomatic logjam and bring home the two Michaels.


An adviser had informed the prime minister that there was a 40% chance Mr. Barton’s first meeting with Chinese officials would go well, a 40% chance it would go well enough for a second visit and a 20% chance it would go sour.

The silver-haired executive smiled at a pair of Foreign Ministry officials when he and the adviser entered the meeting room. An elderly Communist Party official began reading from a stack of pages, pausing with dramatic effect for the translator to catch up.

“You have arrested Madam Meng.”

“You are lapdogs of the United States.”

Mr. Barton interrupted, and the ministry official, appointed by Mr. Xi, looked up and flipped back to the first page. Then he began rereading from the beginning. For three hours, the official read from an invective-laced script, circling back to the top each time Mr. Barton protested.

Calling for a timeout, Mr. Barton stepped into the hallway. “I think we’re in the 5%,” the adviser said, acknowledging the worse-than-expected outcome.


Dominic Barton, Canada's then-ambassador to China, at a 2020 forum in Beijing.VCG/GETTY IMAGES

Mr. Barton held his tongue through the last hour of hectoring. The Chinese official focused on Section 23(3) of Canada’s 1999 Extradition Act, which gave the country’s justice minister authority to cancel an extradition.

“You don’t even know your own law!” the official said.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Barton asked if China’s Foreign Ministry would attend a second meeting in Ottawa. No, the official said. But the Canadians were welcome to return to Beijing.


That was the only good news Mr. Barton had for the prime minister.

“OK,” Mr. Trudeau said in their phone call. “Well, that’s something.”

Weeks later, Mr. Barton was named Canada’s ambassador to China. His first test was a meeting with Mr. Xi in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. The ambassador delivered a short speech in his halting Mandarin during an exchange that lasted barely a minute.

“My mission here is to resolve this issue,” Mr. Barton said. “I want to get Madam Meng and our people home.”

“I didn’t know you spoke Mandarin,” Mr. Xi said.

“I don’t…that’s the only Mandarin I know,” the executive replied.

Mr. Xi smiled. “It takes two people to repair a relationship,” he said.


China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, then offered his own rough-edged advice.

“You got a lot of work to do,” Mr. Wang said, slapping Mr. Barton’s back. “You better exercise hard!”

Shortly after, Mr. Barton made his first visit to a Chinese prison. Guards escorted him past an interrogation room holding a metal chair with straps.

Guards told Mr. Spavor that he had a visitor.

The two men met in a reception room, and they were told not to discuss Mr. Spavor’s case. Mr. Barton leaned across a table toward the handcuffed prisoner. “I’m going to talk to you very fast to be able to smuggle some stuff in about the case,” he said. “Here are the four things I want to discuss. But first, is there anything you want to put on the agenda?”

Mr. Spavor, struggling with sleep, looked numb. “How long will this go on?” he said. “Every day I wake up, and it’s the same.”


Mr. Barton said he didn’t know. He spoke rapidly about efforts to free him and of the health of Mr. Spavor’s father in Calgary, who had fallen seriously ill.


Prison gates frame a view in August 2021 of the Dandong detention center in China, where Michael Spavor was held.NOEL CELIS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

When guards caught mention of Ms. Meng, they interrupted, and Mr. Barton switched subjects before returning to the case.

Mr. Barton also went to the Beijing prison to see Mr. Kovrig, who was livid and gesturing at guards he said were abusive. They had taken away his glasses, citing rules against metal objects.

“Take their numbers!” he said, his 6-foot-4 frame stretching out of his too-small prison uniform. “Write them down!”

In his letters, Mr. Kovrig had called the prison a concrete desert.

He also demanded to know about his release. “When will this get done?”


Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor were headed toward their second Christmas behind bars when NATO leaders mingled at a Dec. 3, 2019, Champagne reception in Buckingham Palace.

It was hosted in the Green Drawing Room, a long, crimson-carpeted hallway decorated with silk wallpaper and gold-framed pictures of England’s monarchs. Kate Middleton and Prince William filtered through the crowd of NATO officials charged with defending the West. Mr. Trudeau spoke privately with the queen.

The prime minister’s chief foreign policy adviser, David Morrison, grabbed a word with White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Earlier in the day, the prime minister had told Mr. Trump about the ordeal the two Michaels were enduring. The U.S. agreed to a meeting in Washington, an opening Canada welcomed.

The White House had already resumed prisoner-exchange talks with Beijing. National security adviser Robert O’Brien, who followed Mr. Bolton, had recently been in Bangkok for a meeting of Asian leaders.

He surprised China’s premier, Li Keqiang, at the meeting with books for the two Canadian prisoners: “Unbroken,” Laura Hillenbrand’s profile of World War II prisoner Louis Zamperini, for Mr. Kovrig, a C.S. Lewis novel for Mr. Spavor and a Bible for each. The books contained handwritten notes reassuring the two captives that the world knew of their suffering.

As Mr. O’Brien passed on the books, he also relayed a diplomatic message: Washington wanted to talk.


Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking at Buckingham Palace during a Dec. 3, 2019, reception for leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.YUKI MOK/PRESS POOL/REUTERS

Days later, China’s deputy chief of mission in Washington met discreetly with National Security Council staff at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House. Washington had no right to demand the Canadians’ release, the Chinese delegate said: “This is not a U.S. matter.”

Beijing, however, was willing to consider another exchange first, to build trust. The U.S. could accelerate the deportation of Bank of China Ltd. manager Xu Guojun, who was sought by Chinese authorities for corruption-related charges.

In return, the Americans wanted David Lin, a Taiwanese-American pastor imprisoned for life after proselytizing in China, and Kai Li, a Chinese-American businessman from Long Island, N.Y., who was serving 10 years for espionage.

A few days before Christmas, a Canadian delegation met in Mr. Mulvaney’s office at the White House, where administration officials were preoccupied with Mr. Trump’s first impeachment hearings.

Canada’s acting ambassador to Washington, Kirsten Hillman, and Messrs. Barton and Morrison squeezed next to John Demers, the Justice Department’s assistant attorney general for national security, and Matt Pottinger, deputy national security adviser. The sooner Ms. Meng was extradited, Mr. Pottinger said, the sooner the two Michaels could be freed.

The Canadian delegation said Ms. Meng’s appeal could last years and would almost certainly end in a plea deal. If so, they said, the sooner the U.S. agreed to a plea deal, the better for Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor.


After several videoconference calls through the spring of 2020, Mr. Demers told the Canadian diplomats that the Justice Department was considering a deferred prosecution agreement: Prosecutors wouldn’t move forward with charges if Ms. Meng pledged not to commit other federal crimes.

The sticking point was that Ms. Meng would have to admit wrongdoing. Her lawyers said she would never agree because she had done nothing wrong.

Mr. Barton and his closest aides in Beijing frequently worked in a room below the Canadian embassy that had metal-coated walls to repel electronic surveillance. It was named the Salle de Deux Innocents—the Room of Two Innocents—for a travelogue written by former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau after he hitchhiked with a friend across Mao-era China.

In meetings, Mr. Barton and the aides toggled through flipboard pages with names of officials they hoped could persuade China to see the logic of settling Ms. Meng’s case with the Justice Department.

Months before her arrest, the two countries had pursued a free-trade agreement. Now, the invitations to state functions slowed to a trickle. Mr. Barton, known for his ability to strike deals in China, couldn’t get calls returned, even from longtime acquaintances. “We have come to expect this from the U.S., but we have a 50-year relationship with you,” one official said.

The mission wasn’t just faltering, Mr. Barton confided to a colleague. It was lurching toward humiliation.


In spring 2020, Mr. Barton hoped for better luck with Mr. Ren, the Huawei founder. He secured an appointment at the company’s Shenzhen headquarters, where he found Mr. Ren upbeat about his daughter’s prospects.

Madam Meng would be home soon, Mr. Ren said through his translator. Her lawyers had many grounds to appeal her extradition, and they believed one would stick. “I trust the Canadian legal system will do the right thing,” he said.

Ms. Meng, her legal team and Huawei were so confident of a win that they had her bags packed and chartered the 787th Boeing 787 ever made, a commemorative Dreamliner jet that would bring her home from Vancouver.

Days before Ms. Meng’s May 27, 2020, court hearing, her assistants staged a rehearsal for a planned photo on the steps of British Columbia’s Supreme Court building. Huawei colleagues and household staff joined Ms. Meng, flashing victory signs in front of an imagined crowd of supporters.

On the morning of the hearing, they were met instead by a jeering crowd hoisting signs: “Boycott Huawei” and “Free Canadians Michael Kovrig, Michael Spavor.”


Meng Wanzhou leaving court after an extradition hearing in Vancouver, British Columbia, on May 27, 2020.DARRYL DYCK/BLOOMBERG NEWS

In the courtroom, Ms. Meng’s lawyers told the judge that the U.S. extradition request was faulty. Under Canadian law, the extradition could proceed only if the offense was a crime in both Canada and the U.S.

Although U.S. prosecutors had charged Ms. Meng with bank fraud, the lawyers said, the case was in fact about U.S. sanctions on Iran, and Canada had no such sanctions. The judge declined the appeal.

Vina Nadjibulla, Mr. Kovrig’s wife, was watching the judgment and taking notes. She had spent hundreds of hours following the case. After the judge’s decision, she went to Washington to brief officials.


Each month, she sent Mr. Kovrig a letter with regards from friends. She included such cryptic messages as, “I was walking in our old stomping grounds,” meaning she had been lobbying officials at the U.N.

Ms. Nadjibulla sent nutritional and fitness advice. Mr. Kovrig began sprinkling milk powder and sesame powder from the prison canteen on meals for a protein boost; he tried pistol squats to strengthen his core. His life was so closed he didn’t understand that a pandemic was disrupting the world.

Mr. Kovrig read 20 to 30 books a month—on philosophy and geopolitics, classics from Tolstoy to Kafka and Nelson Mandela’s prison autobiography, “The Long Walk to Freedom.” He and Mr. Spavor read copies of Viktor Frankl’s meditation on life in Auschwitz, “Man’s Search for Meaning.”

Mr. Spavor shared his books with cellmates, who were rarely allowed them. In return, they helped him learn to write Chinese characters.

Mr. Kovrig’s letters home included book reviews, and Ms. Nadjibulla forwarded his recommendations to an informal book club of friends and colleagues in the U.S., Canada and Asia.

After months of requests, Chinese prison guards allowed Mr. Kovrig to call his family. Ms. Nadjibulla answered.

“V, is that you?” he said.


In the summer of 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic spread worldwide, FBI agents arrested five academic researchers, most of them charged with lying on visa applications. Trump administration officials believed the students were exploiting U.S. research to advance China’s military. All pleaded not guilty.

The arrests prompted China to resuscitate secret prisoner-swap discussions with the U.S., which had gone silent in the pandemic. Beijing wanted its researchers back. Washington wanted its Americans—and the two Michaels.

A videoconference linked officials from the National Security Council, State Department and Justice Department with Chinese Foreign Ministry diplomats and the Ministry of Public Security. The U.S. insisted on using Microsoft Teams rather than Chinese software for the meeting.

“They are students,” a Chinese Foreign Ministry official said. “They are just studying.”

The U.S. offered to return the researchers, as well as speed up the deportation of Xu Guojun, the banker sought by China on corruption charges.

In return, the Americans wanted Kai Li, the businessman, and David Lin, the pastor, as well as Victor Liu and Cynthia Liu, American siblings blocked from leaving China since 2018. The U.S. also asked China to allow the exit of another three U.S. citizens, including two children.


The proposed exchange—seven Chinese for seven Americans, plus the two Canadians—would make it one of the largest prisoner swaps since the Cold War.


Customers looking at Huawei smartphones in 2020 at the company's flagship store in Shanghai.AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

When U.S. officials raised the names of Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor, a Ministry of Public Security official said, “The Chinese people would not allow the Michaels to go home unless Madam Meng does.”

A Justice Department official encouraged the Chinese officials to talk with Ms. Meng’s lawyers about accepting the offer from federal prosecutors: freedom in exchange for an admission of wrongdoing. Persuade her to sign, the U.S. official said.

The talks fizzled. The U.S. wouldn’t bring home the Americans without the two Canadians. Ms. Meng wasn’t interested in the prosecutors’ offer.

The Chinese executive told her lawyers she would never admit wrongdoing. She was willing to remain in Vancouver for years, if necessary, while her legal team fought the U.S. extradition. The company’s reputation was at stake.

That summer, Huawei swept past Samsung Electronics Co. to become the world’s top smartphone maker. As chief financial officer, Ms. Meng had to protect the empire her father had built.


But Huawei was already tipping.

Mr. Trump, who began referring to Huawei as “Spyway,” signed off on new export restrictions in 2020 that blocked the company from buying computer chips produced with U.S. tools. The restrictions extended to manufacturers using American technology worldwide. Huawei started to run low on chips it needed to churn out smartphones, which made up around half its revenue.

Huawei also lost the license to load Google software on its phones and tablets. As sales plunged, Huawei considered shifting into electric cars.

Canada discussed the arrest of Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor at NATO counterintelligence briefings. Western leaders who spoke with Mr. Trudeau heard about the harrowing prison conditions endured by the two Michaels. Many of the details came from Ms. Nadjibulla.

One by one, the world’s wealthiest countries gravitated toward the U.S. position and cut ties with Huawei.

In July 2020, the U.K. announced it would ban the company from its networks by 2027. Two weeks later, France said it would stop renewing licenses for Huawei 5G equipment, effectively barring the company. By October, the U.K. Parliament’s defense committee said it would accelerate the Huawei ban.


Huawei’s head of public affairs in North America, Vincent Peng, bounced between the U.S., Canada and China, scouting for lobbyists to reach lawmakers and diplomats to help free Ms. Meng.

Mr. Trump lost the 2020 presidential election in November, and as the clock ticked down to a new administration, Mr. Peng called Mr. Barton a few days before Christmas. He said Huawei was going to try its luck with Joe Biden.


President Joe Biden and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking after a bilateral meeting held via video on Feb. 23, 2021.PETE MAROVICH/CNP/ZUMA PRESS

Mr. Biden’s first bilateral meeting as president was with Canada on Feb. 23, 2021. The first item on Mr. Trudeau’s meeting agenda was the release of Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor. “These two guys are in prison,” the prime minister said. “They are there because we are living up to our commitments to you….We need to get them out.”

“I will not interfere with the judicial process,” Mr. Biden replied. “Everything else, I am here for you.”

Ms. Meng’s detention was one area where Mr. Xi hoped he could reset U.S.-China relations under the new president. Yet from all appearances, the relationship remained volatile.

At a March 2021 meeting in Alaska, China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, publicly accused the U.S. of persuading other countries to attack China. In private, Secretary of State Antony Blinken brought up the two Michaels, saying serious countries don’t kidnap people to use as bargaining chips.


That month, Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor were tried for espionage in closed-door hearings. Verdicts and sentences wouldn’t be announced until later.


As Mr. Biden took office, the Chinese leader came to see the case as an obstacle to restoring U.S.-China ties under the new administration. Mr. Xi felt his country had demonstrated sufficient resolve against Western provocation.

He tapped Xie Feng, a vice foreign minister, to bring the prisoner standoff to an end. Mr. Xi by then had sent more than 100 handwritten notes to underlings about Ms. Meng’s case.

In July 2021, the Justice Department dropped charges against the five Chinese researchers, a decision that lowered tensions between the two countries. Days later, Mr. Xie joined a gathering of senior U.S. and Chinese officials in Tianjin, the first such meeting in more than three months.

Between testy exchanges about Covid-19 and human rights, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said her department wouldn’t block Ms. Meng’s return home if she settled with U.S. prosecutors.

That was the assurance Mr. Xie was seeking.


Two weeks after the Tianjin meeting, Mr. Barton learned that Mr. Spavor would be sentenced in Dandong. The ambassador’s team invited diplomats from allied countries to gather at the courthouse. If Canada couldn’t stop the sentencing, it wanted the world as a witness.

Mr. Barton was joined by diplomats from the U.S., Japan, Germany, Australia and New Zealand. In the courtroom, Mr. Barton opened a video call to the Canadian embassy in Beijing and narrated the proceedings.


Dominic Barton speaking via videocall from Dandong, China, to a gathering of diplomats in Beijing about the sentencing of Michael Spavor on Aug. 11, 2021.ROMAN PILIPEY/EPA/SHUTTERSTOCK

The judge sentenced Mr. Spavor to an 11-year term for espionage, based on the number of incriminating photos authorities claimed they found on his phone. Mr. Barton called Mr. Spavor’s family and then spoke to reporters.

“Our collective presence and voice sends a strong signal to China and the Chinese government that all the eyes of the world are watching,” the ambassador said.

A month later, Mr. Barton was summoned to the U.S. Embassy safe room to read transcripts of a call between Messrs. Biden and Xi. The two leaders had again pressed each other to release the prisoners.

It was, according to Beijing, “the consensus of the two presidents.”


Mr. Barton got an unexpected call while he was wrapping up a visit to an organization serving children with special needs in Qinghai, one of China’s poorest provinces. An aide handed him a phone and said, “Xie Feng wants to speak to you now!” Mr. Barton stepped into a blue van.

Mr. Xie spoke through a translator and quizzed Mr. Barton over details for completing the deferred prosecution agreement with Ms. Meng. The snag was how the U.S. would characterize her wrongdoing. Mr. Barton relayed some potential wording, and Mr. Xie cut him off, breaking into English.

That’s good, he said.

Ms. Meng wouldn’t explicitly admit to lying—only that the statements she had made to HSBC were “untrue.”

Mr. Barton plugged in a phone charger and called off his next visit. He kept Mr. Xie on the phone to go over logistics of a deal that could easily collapse. It all hinged on one overriding question: Would Xi Jinping approve?

The decision arrived in a handwritten note from the General Office of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Mr. Xi gave his consent.


On the evening of Sept. 19, one of Ms. Meng’s new lawyers emailed a statement of facts to the Justice Department. The Huawei executive would concede that what she told the HSBC banker in 2013 was untrue.

Five days later, Ms. Meng joined a Brooklyn, N.Y., court hearing in a videoconference call from Vancouver. She pleaded not guilty to the indictment and accepted the deferred prosecution agreement.

The same day, Mr. Barton arrived for a prison visit with Mr. Kovrig. He learned he would speak to the two Michaels in video calls. Mr. Spavor had already arrived in Beijing by train.

“You will have the honor of telling them they’re going home,” a security official told Mr. Barton.

Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor appeared on the calls, one after the other. Mr. Barton tried to keep his voice from breaking in his call to Mr. Spavor.

“You’re going home,” he said.

Mr. Spavor looked bewildered.


“Are you serious?”

Nervous that any snag could derail the prisoner exchange, only a few select diplomats in Canada’s Beijing embassy knew what was afoot. Embassy staff worked out travel arrangements. A diplomat’s wife volunteered to bake peanut-butter cookies for the trip home.

In Vancouver, Ms. Meng and her lawyers had a 4 p.m. deadline on Sept. 24 to complete paperwork for the agreement with the Justice Department.

After the U.S. case was done, Canada invoked Section 23(3), the article allowing the government to terminate Ms. Meng’s custody.

In China, Messrs. Spavor and Kovrig, handcuffed and blindfolded, arrived at the Tianjin airport. Mr. Barton waited in the VIP lounge.

As the Canadians cleared the immigration checkpoint in China, officers at the Vancouver airport handed Ms. Meng her own freshly stamped passport. She hugged a lawyer and bid farewell to Chinese consular officers.


Ms. Meng learned during her flight that Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor had also been freed.


Meng Wanzhou waving to a crowd after her arrival in Shenzhen, China, on Sept. 25, 2021.JIN LIQANG/XINHUA/ZUMA PRESS

After a nighttime landing, Ms. Meng descended the airplane stairs at Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport. She wore a Chinese flag pinned to her red Carolina Herrera dress and waved to a waiting crowd. Projectors flashed her name across skyscrapers in Shenzhen.

From a red carpet placed on the tarmac for her arrival, Ms. Meng raised her hands in victory and thanked one person, Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor touched down in Anchorage, Alaska. On the rain-washed runway, Mr. Kovrig bent to kiss the ground. Mr. Spavor joked they should hold their kisses until they reached Canada.

Mr. Trudeau and a small entourage greeted their return in Calgary, Mr. Spavor’s hometown. They were welcomed with to-go cups of Tim Hortons coffee.

Mr. Kovrig flew on to Toronto. Ms. Nadjibulla met him there, and they embraced beside a Royal Canadian Air Force jet.


The next day, China allowed the Liu siblings to return to the U.S.


Michael Kovrig embracing his wife, Vina Nadjibulla, after arriving in Toronto on Sept. 25, 2021.FRANK GUNN/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Once home, Mr. Spavor found it hard to sleep in his own bed, having grown accustomed to contorting himself in a cell beside dozens of inmates. He remains in Canada and regularly speaks by phone with Mr. Barton.

Mr. Kovrig and Ms. Nadjibulla spent weeks together writing a book on the ordeal during her stays in Spain, Canada and the Netherlands. They hope the book offers a road map for other prisoners and their families. Despite their divorce plans, they are in some ways closer now than ever, friends said.

Mr. Barton resigned his post as ambassador three months after the two Michaels returned home. He became chairman of Rio Tinto PLC, the Anglo-Australian mining conglomerate. China, long locked in a trade dispute with Australia, agreed last month to develop a $2 billion iron-ore project with his new company.

Ms. Meng was recently promoted to a six-month rotation as Huawei’s chairwoman. She no longer sets foot in Western countries.


The U.S. and Canada persuaded 66 other countries to sign a declaration against arbitrary detention to forestall similar international disputes.

The resurgence of what the U.S. has called hostage diplomacy—by China but also Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Turkey—has reached such proportions that Mr. Biden this summer declared it a national emergency. He signed an executive order authorizing the U.S. to impose sanctions on anyone involved in wrongfully detaining Americans abroad.

Huawei has pleaded not guilty to the bank-fraud and other charges in the U.S. case. On Monday, prosecutors unsealed charges against two Chinese intelligence officers accused of trying to bribe a U.S. law-enforcement employee for confidential information about what people familiar with the case said was the Huawei investigation.

Canada in May declared Huawei a national security risk and banned it from building 5G networks in the country. It was a political decision, a Huawei spokesman said, resulting from U.S. pressure.

“We used to embrace the ideal of globalization and aspire to serve all mankind,” Mr. Ren wrote in an August company memo. “What is our ideal now? Survive and earn some money wherever we can.”

The company has since been expelled from most European and North American 5G networks.

Jonathan Cheng, Jacquie McNish and Bob Mackin Jr. contributed to this article.



A pair of prison vans approached…the description of the airport exchange in China and Canada came from the recollections of people involved in the exchange, others monitoring events, as well as unpublished photos and airport records.

Fifteen time zones away…Wall Street Journal reporter and photographer present.

Days later, the two Canadians were seized…Prior reporting, friends and former colleagues who worked with Messrs. Kovrig and Spavor.

The Chinese leader penned…Chinese officials.

First to fall

Meng Wanzhou planned to spend only a few hours…court testimony and flight information disclosed in extradition proceedings, closed-circuit TV images and contemporaneous notes from Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Around the time Ms. Meng walked…senior U.S. administration and National Security Council officials and senior Canadian officials at the G-20 summit.

Mr. Bolton, then-national security adviser…U.S. and Canadian officials.

While Ms. Meng was on her flight…an email to Canadian police that was filed with the Supreme Court of British Columbia; testimony from RCMP officers.

In a briefing room at the Vancouver airport…RCMP officers’ notes made public during the extradition proceedings.

“Seize any electronic devices”... copies of officers’ notes submitted during extradition hearings.

Two border guards escorted Ms. Meng…notes and transcripts from Ms. Meng’s guards, photos of the devices shown in extradition hearings.


Ms. Meng began to gasp for air…court documents, former Huawei official and a member of Ms. Meng’s staff.

Mr. Xi learned shortly after…Chinese officials.

Mr. Trump questioned Mr. Bolton…people familiar with the conversation.

Chinese foreign ministry officials briefed Mr. Xi…senior Chinese officials and Chinese state news reports.

Two days later, a call came…Canadian officials and people familiar with the situation.

A month later, Mr. Trudeau cemented his government’s position…Canadian officials present.

To free Ms. Meng…people familiar with Ms. Meng’s legal team.


One of Huawei’s recruits…people familiar with the meeting.

In 2009, U.S. cyberspies had infiltrated…prior Journal reporting and former U.S. officials.

An analysis that circulated among intelligence officials…National Security Council staff.

By the time of the Trump administration…former U.S. officials.

U.S. diplomats took printouts of the law to allies…State Department officials.

In Dallas, Mr. Ren visited the 60,000-acre headquarters…blog post by Mr. Ren.

As the company grew…prior Journal reporting.


Paperwork for search warrants…people familiar with the investigation.

A bank provided investigators…court documents from Ms. Meng’s case.

The file became useful when HSBC…court documents and people familiar with the investigation.

Ms. Meng’s jail in Vancouver was a $4.2 million house…property records, Canadian officials and a 2018 affidavit Ms. Meng filed in court.

Ms. Meng, who had at least seven passports…court documents and the Hong Kong Companies Registry.

Mr. Ren dispatched a team of Huawei employees…advisers to Ms. Meng and other people close to her.

The former head sales executive in Europe…advisers to Ms. Meng.


When Ms. Meng stepped out…court records.

Each time Ms. Meng went to court…interview with the nurse.

Mr. Spavor, a Calgary native, had traveled to South Korea…Mr. Spavor’s friends and former colleagues.

The two Michaels had met once at a dinner…mutual friends of the men.

Mr. Kovrig had gone to Budapest…Mr. Kovrig’s friends and family.

Fluorescent lights glowed 24 hours a day…Mr. Kovrig’s friends and family, as well as prison letters home.

“Help me feel less isolated”... letters sourced from Mr. Kovrig’s family.

Lucky break

In meetings with Western leaders…Western officials.

Mr. Trudeau had failed to get an audience…senior Canadian officials.

Mr. Trudeau asked Mr. Trump…U.S. and Canadian officials present.

At their meeting, Mr. Trump handed Mr. Xi…people present and others familiar with the exchange.

The Canadian prime minister passed a note…Canadian officials present.

Dominic Barton, the former chief executive of…Canadian officials familiar with the meeting.

Yet Mr. Trudeau believed he could break…Canadian officials.

The silver-haired executive smiled…Canadian officials and people familiar with the situation.

“You have arrested Madam Meng”…Canadian officials and people familiar with the situation.

His first test was a meeting with Mr. Xi…Canadian officials familiar with the exchange.

Shortly after, Mr. Barton made his first visit…people familiar with the meetings.

In his letters, Mr. Kovrig had called…letters published in Canadian media, and people familiar with the letters.

The White House had already resumed…people familiar with the talks.

He surprised China’s premier, Li Keqiang…people familiar with the meeting.

Days later, the deputy chief of mission…people familiar with the talks.

A few days before Christmas…people familiar with the meeting.

The sticking point…people familiar with the negotiations.

Mr. Barton and his closest aides in Beijing gathered…current and former officials familiar with the meetings.

Madam Meng would be home soon…current and former officials familiar with the meetings.

Each month she sent…Mr. Kovrig’s friends and family.

In the summer of 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic spread…criminal complaints and officials involved in the discussions.

A videoconference linked officials…officials at the meeting.

The proposed exchange…officials at the meeting.

The talks fizzled…senior U.S. officials.

The Chinese executive told her lawyers she would never…people familiar with the discussions.

Huawei’s chief public-relations officer in North America…U.S. and Canadian officials and other people familiar with his activities.

The first item on Mr. Trudeau’s meeting agenda…U.S. and Canadian officials, White House readout of the discussion.

In private, Secretary of State Antony Blinken brought up…U.S. and Canadian officials.

Two presidents

He tapped Xie Feng…Chinese government officials, Canadian officials and U.S. officials.

Mr. Xi by then had sent more than 100 handwritten notes…Chinese government officials.

In July 2021, the Justice Department dropped charges…U.S. officials familiar with the situation.

Between testy exchanges…officials familiar with the talks.

Two weeks after the Tianjin meeting…people present at the courthouse.

Two weeks later, Mr. Barton was summoned…people familiar with the meeting.

An aide handed him a phone…people familiar with the conversation.

The decision arrived in a handwritten note…people familiar with the situation.

The same day, Mr. Barton arrived for a prison visit…people familiar with the meeting.

Nervous that any snag could derail the prisoner exchange…people involved in the plans in Beijing and Ottawa.

In Vancouver, Ms. Meng and her lawyers had a deadline…people familiar with the court proceedings.

After the U.S. case was done, Canada invoked…senior Canadian officials.

She hugged a lawyer and bid farewell…a Journal reporter present.

Ms. Meng learned during her flight…people close to Ms. Meng.

After a nighttime landing, Ms. Meng descended…Chinese state television.

Write to Drew Hinshaw at drew.hinshaw@wsj.com, Joe Parkinson at joe.parkinson@wsj.com and Aruna Viswanatha at Aruna.Viswanatha@wsj.com


      While our president was busy dealing with China, our House and intel were busy dealing with him. What China?
      China has always wanted to conquer the world. It's a multi-generational, multimillennial goal. Unchanging. Best way to stand up is to become energy independent.
  • Where is the US government’s concern for freeing Zhang Zhan, the Chinese woman and citizen journalist who was incarcerated (for life) simply for reporting on Covid in Wuhan at the start of the epidemic? The US government’s inconsistent support for human rights - especially in China - is an embarrassment and a disgrace.
    • The hard facts are that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) hid knowledge of the virus from the rest of the world (to avoid embarrassment at best, or to have time to hoard supplies and put other countries in a bad place at worst), and arrested whistleblower doctors like Dr Li Wenliang. They are responsible for the global pandemic because they could've contained it early on instead of covering it up. And Tedros/the WHO was complicit by repeating China's lies about "there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission".
  • Well, please be open to criticism. This long story distorts many key details, the justice of the arrest, and the role of US/Canada. Just read it as a fairy tale.
    • Imagine having no facts to present as you make a baseless claim that the story presented is "a fairy tale". . . . Chairman Xi is that you?
    • Found the WUMAO.
  • Bolton never ran for President
  • The arrest of the Huawei Chinese lady was pretty low, as low as China's arrest of the Canadian guys.
    Greg B
    • I agree. I was shocked at the time. I expected this sort of politically driven arrest from China, but Canada ?
    • Low? If you've followed how the CCP have been lying, stealing, and cheating trillions of dollars of IP from us over the years and generally abusing us, you might have been thrilled to see us hit back for a change. She's hardly an innocent. The kidnapping and ransoming of the two Canadians by the CCP thugs was pretty low.
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