
Peaceful Lives in China, Nightmare Lives in America

(2022-12-01 03:48:24) 下一個
YouTube: Living in China vs Living in America - This is truly shocking... ???????? 中國vs美國。。。我震驚了
Hongde Li  7個月前
The US now is great Morons govern Great Moron country.

jettasian  9個月前(修改過)
I live in Toronto, though stealing and looting is not bad, "human rights" and "freedom" beat logic and everything else. Once there's a thief who stole food from a Chinese grocery store. It happened many times. The owner reported to the police but they didn't care. So one time the grocery owner caught the thief and tied him up, and called the police. Wanna guess who got charged? The grocery owner! He was charged for kidnapping and imprisonment of another person.  Of course the Chinese community was outraged. At the end the grocery owner was discharged and he got a medal for being a good citizen. It just showed how ridiculous the law is.

Jo  9個月前
I'm from South East Asia Indonesia, and we are used to beat our thieves until dead, sometimes we burn them, but it's not good since the thieves will be more sadistic in order to not get caught by the peoples
I feel like in a 3rd world country whenever I tell my Chinese friend and compare the laws here and there, eventhough I don't agree to everything, but in alot of cases I find that theirs are better enforced

junfeng zhang  9個月前
I totally agree with you that sometimes some lawmakers are not protecting innocent people but encouraging crime. Although I do not approve of excessively cruel punishment, it doesn't mean that there is no punishment for the criminals.

I fight for peace  9個月前
When the law is not used to safeguard the rights of the people, the country will eventually have no credibility and will perish.

Peter Lim  9個月前(修改過)
 @Jo  I am from SG and have been in Indonesia for the last 25 years. I know what you mean as I've seen thieves being beaten up quite badly where I stayed. Funny thing 2 months later this same thief came back to steal again and was caught and again beaten. We all know that the polices were paid off as they're corrupted. Corruptions has become a culture in Indonesia but nevertheless I see a bright future for Indonesia. My hope is that Indonesia can have another President like Jokowi as is building up infrastructures which is the basic requirements for the development of any country. Infrastructures help build China.

Yananne Teoh  9個月前
It's the same in UK whatever the ethnicity. If an intruder entered your house and you hit him youre guilty and would fined unless youre defending yourself.

Stephen Lock  9個月前
 @junfeng zhang  Have you given enough thought why the types of crimes and crime rate in the US is where it is?

Texx Mexx  9個月前
correction, this guy stole plants and flowers which was displayed on the side of Lucky Moose  store front...(NOT food) , he stole to resell , this guy hit this store several times . Olivia Chow , who was the MP for this area helped the store owner get out of these charges and it sparked changes to the law . In the next election the store owner voted for the next candidate John Tory for mayor, but did not vote for Olivia Chow , is that gratitude or what ??

Hamster Cheng 9個月前
I live in HK but have travelled around the world. Studied in the U.K. worked in America. I can honestly say that my short stint time in the US was the scariest by far. I remember a man pulling a gun in a hotel corridor in Seattle. In the U.K. there are no guns but knife crime and drugs is rampant. The police there are woefully under resourced to even care.

jettasian  9個月前
I once went to Buffalo downtown with some friends. We were terrified, not because it was dangerous. We were shocked because the downtown was deserted. All stores were shut and abandoned. We didn't see a soul in mid of Saturday afternoon. At night, we only dared to eat at a restaurant near the hotel. It was worse than 3rd world, and Buffalo downtown wasn't even the worst.

曾憲祥  9個月前(修改過)
I am from Malaysia and a multi citizen of the world. I had live in many country including UK & US and China during my active day as film & animation producer. In my lifetime I had travel this entire planet except the south pole. I see some try to defense the US by saying the western media show exactly the same about China and I agreed 101 percent and I belief everybody here knows that except those ignorant idiot living in a so call first world. These is the exact reason why Jason is making this video as an independent vlogger. Jason did not get wrong because it was on the news all over the world about the bill pass by US unless US news are all fake like Trump used to shout about . I can guarantee you all Jason video and vlog are genuine and certify as truth news category not like BBC or Fox or CNN. I am qualify to certify his video because I am a genuine certify license Film, Documentary, Animation producing company that work with most of the broadcaster worldwide.  We know which one are funded by CIA .

kickyouinhalf  9個月前
I love your videos. They're hilarious and so informative. I like how you use current news footage of what is actually happening in the US today and making a comparison to what you're experiencing in China. Ironically, the Americans in general still think China is a third world country where their government is oppressing their people when Americans could only dream of such freedoms and infrastructure.

Georw Oogle  9個月前
You are really a talented comedian, Jason! I am laughing all the way while watching your productions.

Dandy Perry  9個月前(修改過)
It's a real shame United States has turn  out to be  this sorry states. I have alway wanted  to visit when I was a kid. Safety is  main concern and I am  sure to skip this venue. Funny though I hated China when I was  younger as China gave me perception of being dirty, unsafe country. Now my view has changed totally. I  will love to visit China  when  the darn pandemic craze is over. Good for you though to have your  life in  China now. Best Wishes ;)

yorkgrass  9個月前
I still remember when I first came to the UK 20 years ago, and saw Trafford centre in Manchester, we were told it was one of the biggest mall in the world. Now the mall next to my parents' apartment is bigger than it, and they live in the suburb of a third tier city in China.

Kin  9個月前
My god! Is it really 20 years already!! I still remember the day when Trafford centre open, I haven’t been to it for at least god knows how many years now!!

Edwina Lee  9個月前
I've been to Trafford Centre twice. Love the theme park ideas: the ocean liner cafe, the China town, the Roman gold decorations, . . .

yorkgrass  9個月前
 @Edwina Lee  Well I still like it, I live close to it,  went there every weekend before the Covid. My parents went there once when they visited me. But now it's just a shopping mall, good size, good decoration, a bit crowded.

Harvey's Vlog 在中國  9個月前
After 3 months here it’s not that surprising to me anymore . Amazed me the first time I visited a shopping mall in China, premium luxury brands laid out with no need for security

Robert Wong 9個月前
You never see a country going downhill so fast in the world like the United States of America, except war-torn countries, a lot of them caused by the Americans.
10 條
Chinese ppl take great pride in their country, They take pride in how clean it is, Chinese ppl are proud of their countries advancements, American's take pride in how filthy their country is and take pride in their ability to cause mayhem / destruction and say it's their right to do so and they have freedom, If anyone had a choice between the 2 countries, China is a paradise / Fantasy world that has everything for everyone to enjoy and is Heaven on Earth, America is a run down country that is getting worse and worse everyday and all they can do is blame their shitness on China instead of fixing their own country, So u would pick China all day every day, China to America is like Night and Day, China wins everytime.
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i live in san francisco for the last 42 years. What you said about the new law is real. it's a lawless city,  I witness myself several times in the Walgreen stores. They just came in with trash bag and load up with things they wanted and walked out. The cashiers just looked them and couldn't  do anything about it. it's so fxxxxx up. there are 57 Walgreen stores has closed down in the bay area so far and who know how many more are going to shut down. very sad for u.s.
14 條
Thanks, Jason. Great vid as usual. 
I live in a medium size city in east USA. Malls are dying here. In the last few years, the two major malls here have lost most of the big retailers, Sears, J C Penny, Macy's, Bon-tons, to name just a few. 
However, gun sales have been soaring since 2020, when the pandemic began. 
People just don't feel safe anymore. Gun violence is rampant. And people are buying guns in record numbers.
Almost Twenty Million (2,000,000) guns were soled to private owners in 2021 in USA. 
In the Sate of Pennsylvania,  over 3211,000 concealed carry weapon permits were issued in 2020, an increase of 25 percent.
6 條
Jason you have to stop it, mate!  I pissed myself laughing, cracking up rolling on the floor...PS: Lincoln is too cute.
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Antonio Almeida
Antonio Almeida
This is what happens in a country where the rich dictates the rules of the "game".  The US hardly care what happens to the poor.  That's why there are still so many people living below the poverty line. This should not happen in the richest country on the planet.
6 條
Raise your hands to support the vloggers who introduce China to the world like Cyrus Janssen, Jason Lightfoot, Lee and Oli Barrett, Rachele Longhi, Katherine positive ion, Popmatta, Jerry Goode and many more ??
9 條
Life Made in China
Life Made in China
Shopping Malls in China are next level... I remember the first time I went to a mall in China, they had a driving track for kids. Years later, and I'm still impressed by the sheer size and the quality of the malls here.
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Nilesh Bhattacharya
Nilesh Bhattacharya
Raise your hand if you believe China can successfully organize the Beijing Winter Olympics ?
11 條
Really love your channel bro. You are one of my favourite China vlogging channels. I always laugh at those china vs usa comparison videos, showing the true side of the so called 'greatest country' in the world
Adrian A
Adrian A
I miss GuiYang. I am Indonesian born Chinese and My wife is Chinese from GuiYang. We been married for 18 years. Jason please check there is a mall called  萬科大都會 in GuiYang Huaxi district where our apartment located. You would not notice anything weird if you come during business time, but if you go there at midnight then you will noticed that most of the store inside this mall don't have any gate, so the shops open all the time and no staff or security present, as an Indonesian I am so amazed. If this was in Indonesia the shops will be emptied in just one night.
10 條
Wow, I can't remember the last time I actually went to an indoor mall. We have an outdoor one, but most of the year you're either walking around freezing or walking around sweating. The last indoor mall we had fell into disrepair and there were only (maybe) 5 stores that were still open it the whole building. It closed down soon after. I want to go to that last mall you were in, that looks amazing!
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F J Culver
F J Culver
I was the same way when I first went to that mall.  The entry is like a palace.  Chengdu is a really great place.
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Len Attard
Len Attard
I was in China in 2018. It is the only country I ever visited where I felt sad returning home to Australia; and I was there for three months. I did go to Chengdu too. Great city. But beware of the motorbikes. At least when I was there they had right of way everywhere!!! An old lady saved my life on crossing lines.   hahaha
7 條
Venomous snakebite
Venomous snakebite
NATO is an alliance of 29 member states. In addition to the USA and Canada on the American continent, these are numerous European states. All member states together cover an area of 24.57 m km² and about 944.52 m people. This is 16.25% of the world's habitable area and 12.17% of the world's population……
12.17% have dominated the world in a violent way.
-NATO's good days are numbered.
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Bruce Huang
Bruce Huang
Ha ha ha, Jason, if you wants us to see every corner of the crazy huge "shopping city", you may need to make another 10 episodes.
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Dawson Winter
Dawson Winter
The mall in China beats all malls that I visited in US. I have been to most of the big malls around NY and Philadelphia areas.
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Rocket Man
Rocket Man
Happy Chinese New Year to Jason, Jiao and cutie Lincoln ?? thank you for another enlightening video. That’s why in America, some shops list their item prices $951 onwards. and customers will get $951 discount at check out just to get round the ridiculous law.
Thank you for your honesty, I live in NYC, things are getting worse.  How many people got shot and killed for the beginning of the year? Two nypd officers killed, multiple officers shot already! These people don’t obey laws here. They get caught and get out a few hours even after being charged!  Correction officers can’t beat them, but prisoners can beat the officers! Subway riders got pushed to their death, or stabbed!
4 條
Vintage Current
Vintage Current
Having just returned from a time in suburban  America,  I would never chose to live there. It's unbelievable depressing.  The ghost malls are 100% accurate. It is a crumbling, sad, aggressive place.
If you enjoyed this video, raise your hand to show Jason your undying support ?
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Peter Henderson
Peter Henderson
The issue with america is that poverty is so widespread and people are so helpless that they are forced into lives of crime. There are dozens of neglected communities with no support from the government. It's very frustrating and it's cool to see how much China cares for it's citizens. Even beyond the flashy malls, whats more important to me is the uplifting of their population out of poverty, extensive government resources, high quality transit options, etc.
16 條
American here. I left the US 25 years ago and never looked back. Have not been back even once and have no desire to go back. But China, would love to visit it. Would love to ride my bike through out the country. I have a feeling that it is one of the safest places to be
joseph harland
joseph harland
Jason, my family live very near to the Global Centre, you are right it's unbelievable BIG,  truly amazing from the outside and inside well it's another world,  awe-inspiring jaw-dropping experience like most things Chengdu-China. You need a full day to see much of the place. ......Meanwhile in America  enough said
Edward Foo
Edward Foo
When the 1st time I went to Chengdu and saw the Global Center at the highway. I got a goosebumps. It is literally a human made mountain. Super duper big!
Gaurav Chhantyal
Gaurav Chhantyal
Hello I m from Nepal…..I haven’t seen shopping mall like China in any other country….I’m so happy that our neighbouring country is doing very well….in terms of infrastructure….technology….education….health….hats off to chiness government
When it comes to a comparison of  vs living in USA, nothing surprises me anymore.  Nothing.
If you believe China is a peaceful and progressive country, raise your hand ?
78 條
George Orwell was able to foresee today's U$ quite accurately in his book 1984:
'War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength'
junfeng zhang
junfeng zhang
when we back to China for holiday, we always go shopping and dinning outside, the whole China (no matter which city we have been for travel) seems never sleeps, safe and crowded all the time. we have been tirelessly shopping and entertaining. sometimes went to the beautiful countryside with stunning natural views for few days, calming environment and eat some yummy local organic foods (taste so different from city area, ingredients grow from the actual soil). life is so wonderful there. certainly will be back to China when this pandemic finished.Thanks for your video, reminds us the beauty of the motherland.
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Mr. SD
Mr. SD
FYI Jason, IRS has told Americans that you need to pay taxes for what you steal, then you will be OK.
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alex carter
alex carter
I'm old enough to remember shopping malls  in their heyday in the US and  they were popular with the middle  class and comfortable working class but we are losing our middle class and our working class are becoming homeless.
Andrew FlashChannel Gibbs
Andrew FlashChannel Gibbs
The most unusual thing I have seen in Shenzhen shopping malls - horse riding track and stables. One in Shangmeilin and one in Sungang.
1 條
Thanks Bro 有意思 for uploading this video. Been ages since I went to China, this 2022 winter Olympics reminds me of my time in Ha er Bin. Maybe some day, you can show us your skiing skills?Yeah God blessed, you seemed so happy in China, its not a matter you got money or not. Love from Singapore.
Amazing! China has changed so much since I was there few years ago!
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Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone
Jason you have done a lot of homework,this is true,it’s disgusting,but anyway,I wish you a very happy new year,sending you lots of love to you and your family.?
KC Leong
KC Leong
Soon American malls will need an Express lane or Green lane for those with less than $950 of goods to just walk through.
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Initial D Wu
Initial D Wu
Impressive, very impressive. I want to visit China once in my life time. I wish getting a VISA wasn't so hard.
Caleb Lu
Caleb Lu
America's malls are so much better, no need to pay, just grab and go. Best of all,you can also smash some windows for free before your purchase  to unleash your anger.
52 條
Eddie Hughes
Eddie Hughes
This video brings back some memories. I know these places. Evergreen Plaza in Chicago. Use to be a nice place back when I was a kid. Biggest mall in the Southside of Chicago back then. I've also been to the Global center in Chendu when it first opened. Use always stay at the intercontinental. Free access to the water park inside, it was really calming to just sit outside the hotel balcony, overlooking the closed Waterpark and it's artificial beach, having a beer and a smoke. It was like being in some island, but with air conditioning. I remeber when raffles city just opened and IFS was being built. 
Chengdu is a great city. First thing I noticed there was its mix of old and new. The old areas, the pedestrian streets like Jinli and kuanzai are fixed up and immaculate. They attracts lots of locals as well as tourist. There's so many historic walking areas, and the locals love to travel outside the city on the weekends. There are lots of parks and scenic sites outside of the city. There would always be traffic going out of the city on the weekends... Then back into the city Sunday evenings. One of the most livable cities I've been to.
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Haggai Simon
Haggai Simon
This video highlighted a few of the problems in America; youths crime, gun violence, drugs. I am deeply concerned with the fact that all these problems also come to Canada. Something has to be done. But politicians and big money don't care.
Lewis Thompson
Lewis Thompson
That little train in the Chinese Mall reminds me of Americas high speed rail got me
Daniel Lin
Daniel Lin
I miss my motherland, I haven’t went back to China since I was 8 years old and I’m 18 right now. I miss the food and fun places
Makes sense that there's a hotel, it would take days to enjoy everything in that centre. Did anyone notice how expensive the building materials are?! That floor is gorgeous
Ray X
Ray X
I live in Ohio and I went to our best mall in beachwood. still open and filled with a lot of stores. After 1 hour….3 people running from the police from the saks fifth store. Yeah so this video is accurate.
1 條
Yes, one can begin to think about how the truth content really is in what our media in the West reports
Gekko Midas
Gekko Midas
Inconspicuous as it is, I think your American accent is perfectly on point.
Cheers, my friend.
Hans Tjokrohardjo
Hans Tjokrohardjo
Thanks for showing the reality of both countries.
makes us wonder what the true meaning of freedom.
Love your video! Greetings from Singapore.
US is not really a land of the free, but more like a free-for-all country.
Jason you are so bad you are getting on  their nerves! Your videos are too funny to watch But I believe that you make all these videos not because you hate the land of the free, it’s just that you want to voice out for the justice for China when the western so-called media makes up shit to create chaos in the world. Thanks Jason ?
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88ecl Home
88ecl Home
Actually I won't mind living in the US, free 60inch TV, free trainer's, free luxury handbags for the wife,  everything is free.
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Jian Ping Kuang
Jian Ping Kuang
I can't stop laughing when you compares living in between China and America.
Reminds me of a quote from Charles Dickens book A Tale of two Cities;
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, 
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, 
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, 
it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, 
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
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James Hsu
James Hsu
I’m a Chinese living in California. I think there are still lots of great American stores or malls which you did not present to everybody, but definitely I can’t deny that it’s sooooo dangerous here now because of the stupid misdemeanor proposal
Mikaela Frias
Mikaela Frias
the mall in 8:06 is so f***ing cool. I bet it's bigger than Marina bays in Singapore. My god you just enter the mall then there are lower levels from where you entered. Not to mention beautiful, if that's an understatement. What's the name of that mall? Wow, it's big. It literally has E V E R Y T H I N G. IT EVEN HAS A FREAKIN AMUSEMENT PARK WTF
7 條
liyuan wang
liyuan wang
It is undeniable that China was indeed backward before, but China has been making progress. I hope you can learn more about China.   welcome to China!
Cbaz Tyan
Cbaz Tyan
Hey Jason. Help!!! Make a video HOW TO GET TO CHINA! I have a Chinese girlfriend and we both want to go to China and "escape" everything happening around us. Frankly, as an American Im heartbroken and disturbed by all I see and after visiting China many times, I KNOW there's a better way. With a quarantine, she can go back and she is planning for that but, whenever I check the Chinese embassy its hard to determine what options I have to visit China under current circumstances. They're only granting visas on a very limited basis. Please if you know more about how non Chinese citizens can gain entry do a video about it!
18 條
vuhon q02130508
vuhon q02130508
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Icarus Lam
Icarus Lam
Very nice videos to show the exact difference between two super countries.
Captain Australia
Captain Australia
Great video Bao Bao Wang !!! Look forward to all of them in the series mate ! Oh yes, you forgot to mention about gun violence and school shooting - that will be a great comparison video mate !!!  Your dedicated Aussie fan !!!
Every word you said.hit the nail on the head!
Eric Blade
Eric Blade
Have visited America few years ago..for holiday and to my surprise I was shocked to my core especially in New York..so dirty and so polluted and was choking in exhaust fumes from cars and trucks and rubbish everywhere on the streets..bags full of them even next to a hotel where me and my family was staying..plus not to mention homeless people as well..some begging for money especially at LOS ANGELES Hollywood boulevard..begging money in the streets from us tourists…
michael loong
michael loong
Jason,  your video is really fantastic showing the world China has come a long way to  attain a living standard for the Chinese people to enjoy life even in a shopping mall. But, but , but , the US politicians will claim the the Chinese architect who designs the super mall  has stolen the idea from America.  There is no way an authoritarian regime can design such a capitalistic structure for its downtrodden people who are the sick men of the East ( NYT reports). Yes praise the lord that stealing anything less than 959 dollars in the State is not a crime. It is because there are too many poor people who want to steal to buy foods. Hence the US is a free country by name and by deeds. If the poor dont steal, the government has to give them  money to buy foods to survive. and this is against American democracy.
M music
M music
China is very beautiful and developed country. ? from India.
Dee Mont
Dee Mont
That was quite humorous! I thoroughly enjoy your  " vs Living in America" videos! Nothing but the truth. Sucks to be the USA.
Jimmy W
Jimmy W
One more comment mate.. I have been to UK many times, France Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland and Germany as well as Spain and Portugal. I love Spain the best. When I was in UK before covid19, loved the sausages and bacon, absolutely great. U know in the evenings at London, I'd see six or seven Brits with huge plastic Tesco bottles of beers at about 5pm and they're drunk and talking loudly and it was abit of a concern but it was safe.. in Paris I saw a group of blacks walking in alleyways with baseball bats, now that was scary. A Indonesian friend of mine emigrated out of California back to South East Asia.. I asked her why? It's the land of opportunity, apparently, one American chap went bonkers and brought a gun to office and started shooting some of his colleagues for bullying him, then he ran next door to a school and took the kids and teachers ransom. It took five hours for the police to arrest him and disarm him. My friend was scared shirtless as she waited for her two kids in the cordoned off school. She and her husband a Taiwanese left USA after that...they were scared for their kids and Ben Shapiro keeps talking about the homeless, drug problems and shootings in California... It's a mess man. I won't go USA in the future but I loved the UK and Spain... What's your experiences like?
This really enjoyable freedom to shop around with families and relaxing shopping malls in China .
Paw Panda
Paw Panda
I am very happy to see that more and more Chinese people are participating in ice and snow events. The Beijing Winter Olympics will make ice and snow events more popular in China.
Salty Wet Reefer
Salty Wet Reefer
That train joke cracked me up lol
Rex Benemerito
Rex Benemerito
It is a good comparison between progress and failure in governance/decline. Great video.
Lik Wei
Lik Wei
Well, the United States that we once knew is gradually becoming the Zombie States.
Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone
Jason you have done your homework,it’s disgusting,there are so much lawlessness in the US,so much crimes,homeless,very old infrastructures,lots of drug addicts,and the politicians don’t give a ……Wishing you a happy new year and lots of love to your wife and Lincoln.
Hasen Zhang
Hasen Zhang
拍視頻真是挺辛苦的,還要在現場邊拍邊解說~~非常感謝您把中國城市的街區、商場的現實狀況拍攝下來!我已經三年多沒回國了,我居住在新西蘭,最近幾天,這裏的疫情在猛增,哪兒都不敢去 很想念國內一片祥和的氣氛和自由自在出行的景象! 再次感謝您熱愛中國,宣傳中國!  尤其娶了美麗的中國姑娘,還生了那麽可愛的寶寶,真是太幸福了!你好有福氣!!支持您~~加油
3 條
naughty old boy
naughty old boy
even though i could take a short bus trip going home after work at 10 pm, i have to drive because there have been reports of increased assaults in the bus terminal at night . i don't want to become a statistics . love from canada.
China has huge shopping malls and the US has dollar stores.
Leo H
Leo H
I very much like to live in China for a while, it would be a nice experience.
John Xue
John Xue
The IRS(Internal Revenue Service) is calling out that any looters gain from their hunting must pay the tax accordingly B4 the justice finds them!  What an iNtErEsTiNg country, I will happily sit back looking where they go!  Way to go Jason.  Happy Tiger's year!
Daniel Li
Daniel Li
2:08 Jason, your humour is AMAZING! Keep up the good work!
See Chun Chong
See Chun Chong
Wow, if the shopping malls look like this, imagine the "detention camps", that is, if you can find one. They will be equally impressive with facilities, for recreation, game rooms, health centers, sauna, spas etc., of which such "genocidal methods" used will make one, always want to come back for more. BTW, if US had high speed trains, the looters won't be able to get on or off, it is just too fast....Wildman Cobra, your sense of humour is really "venomous", Hahaha. Love your videos. Hi Lincoln!!! Cheers
7 條
hugh mungus
hugh mungus
I remember when this thing was being built and western media were saying it'd be another ghost mall. Now look where the ghost malls are.
Annie Tan
Annie Tan
What a mess America is in.
mbt observer
mbt observer
I love your presentation .. hilarious lots of 'tongue-in-cheek' punchlines
Bryan Knapp
Bryan Knapp
I've been to Mall of America in Minnesota which is huge at 8 million square feet.  They even have roller coasters in it.  This mall you're showing at 18 million is insanity!  That giant ball pool is child's and adult's dream.
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Wei Ling Chua
Wei Ling Chua
Very humour and creative comparison between US and China, have a good laugh
David Chung
David Chung
My first Visit to USA was in mid 70's. While in New York, we were warned not to wonder to some places alone. And throughout the 24hr period we heard sirens from police or ambulance constantly. Travelling in the metro was unsafe  for for fear of being robbed! Been to USA for several times hence, not much improvement as far as security is concerned! That's USA!
Satpol PP Jawa Selatan
Satpol PP Jawa Selatan
Benar sekali China lebih maju dari USA, bangunan dan sistem transportasi umum lebih futuristik dan canggih.
Sekarang Eropa Timur tertinggal sama Asia Tenggara . 
Salam dari Indonesia ?
2 條
Americans said. Looting must follow the rules.wearing mask is necessary ..but not for our freedom lmfao
1 條
I remember ice skating in chengdu in summer. It was the same mall where you were. Just stunning!!
rst of all, thank you for your video. It's great. I'm curious why the United States in the video is so negative. I'm sorry I didn't criticize anyone. It's really a literal question. Are there any American residents here to talk about the current situation? If so, I'm really sorry. I hope you're safe.
I live neither in China nor in the United States. But I know this part of China is very real. The United States has frightened me. I will seriously consider canceling any plan to visit the United States in the future (seriously).
2 條
chan chan
chan chan
Scriptura Ministries
Scriptura Ministries
I really wanted to share this video with tons of people back in my country.  Please try to leave out the "omg" and "g" words so that this could be shared.  Thanks bro.
Wooi Bang hann
Wooi Bang hann
YC Chou
YC Chou
your videos are hilarious!!
loot a moving train ? sounds like mission impossible to me.
Waiting for this one Jason
That music just cracked me up, so funny! Thx so much for the video. ?
don oloo
don oloo
Mr.Jason,you are a funny man
Nathan Chong
Nathan Chong
Another masterpiece Jason !
NIO San Francisco
NIO San Francisco
The malls in China are amazing.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
Sad but this is the truth.
Keep the videos coming boss
Dragon Dawn
Dragon Dawn
Loves your video, broadcasting the truths. Nice looking child you have there. Have a blessed life.
S8 Plus
S8 Plus
感謝祖國!感恩祖 國!多謝你報道!
Sia HiongNgie
Sia HiongNgie
You are courageous!
Remona Remora
Remona Remora
Been to both country. Prever hugely in China to spent any time in life time than in america
Chasse au Sanglier
Chasse au Sanglier
Type in youtube "homeless in america", "US food bank" or "american poverty" ..... Is this American Dream all of us being fed with their media during our younger days?
Robert Schlesinger
Robert Schlesinger
Excellent video.   Amazing China leading the world through the 21st century.
King Godzilla
King Godzilla
I live in HK. I envy you so much to have the chance of  and a lovely son.
Wella Wong
Wella Wong
Good Job and Support :)   Bravo to China Rise Peacefully and be Strong :) :)
Wil li am
Wil li am
This one is your greatest unbiased comparison Ja Son
Lance Wood
Lance Wood
Do you feel safe walking alone in a street in NYC at 12 midnight? You'll be lucky if you survive it without being mugged or SHOT LOL.
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