
英歌手答CNN 台灣是中國的一部分,不懂就去讀書

(2022-08-08 05:44:47) 下一個


來源:環球網 -  



這段采訪來自美國有線電視新聞網(CNN),對話二人分別是英國知名搖滾樂隊平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)聯合創始人、歌手羅格·沃特斯,以及CNN主持人邁克爾•史默克,雙方談到沃特斯此前巡演中包含的政治元素,比如演出大屏幕曾出現指責美國總統拜登是“戰爭犯”的蒙太奇圖像,隨後還談到關於中國大陸與台灣地區的關係,沃特斯當麵反駁史默克稱:“台灣是中國的一部分”,他還告誡後者:“如果你不知道,那麽你讀書讀得還不夠。去讀讀書吧”。

CNN 7日發布了該采訪視頻片段。據音樂網站Stereogum報道,視頻開始,主持人史默克問到沃特斯巡演中那些“很明顯的政治元素”,比如布景屏幕曾出現的指責美國總統拜登是“戰爭犯”的蒙太奇圖像,對此沃特斯談及當前俄烏衝突,回答道:“嗯,他(拜登)是在火上澆油,這是巨大的犯罪,為什麽美國不去鼓勵澤連斯基去談判,以避免這場可怕戰爭的發生呢?”

Roger Waters tells CNN why Biden is a war criminal


“所有戰爭,都是從什麽時候開始的?你需要做的是看看曆史,然後你可以說,‘嗯,它是從這一天開始的’。你可以說這場戰爭始於2008年…… 這場戰爭基本是關於北約向俄羅斯邊境推進的行動和相應反應,而在戈爾巴喬夫時代,他們(北約)曾承諾不會這麽做,”沃特斯回應說。









還有網友頗為諷刺地對CNN這段采訪感到很“驚訝”:“我真的很驚訝CNN采訪了他…… 但我猜他們現在一定後悔了。”↓






英國搖滾樂團平克佛洛伊德(Pink Floyd)前主唱羅傑沃特斯(RogerWaters)日前接受美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)訪問時,稱”台灣是中國的一部分”,引來各界撻伐。

“新聞周刊”(Newsweek)今天報導,CNN主播史默柯尼希(MichaelSmerconish)最近訪問羅傑沃特斯,請他談談This Is Not aDrill巡回演出中的政治麵向。觀眾們會在這場演出中,看到多名”戰犯”的蒙太奇,其中包括美國總統拜登。







羅傑沃特斯的言論在推特引發強烈反彈。澳洲戰略政策研究所(Australian Strategic PolicyInstitute)國防、戰略和國家安全計畫(Defense, Strategy and National SecurityProgram)副主任布瑞斯托(Alex Bristow)指出,台灣從未被共產中國統治過。




華府智庫”歐洲政策分析中心”(Center for European Policy Analysis)高級研究員勞特曼(OlgaLautman)回說:”根據中國的垃圾宣傳,他是在吐槽台灣,他似乎可以選擇搬去哪裏,俄羅斯和中國,搞不好他兩邊都有拿錢。”



Roger Waters slams 'war criminal' Biden, defends China and Russia


'He's fuelling the fire in the Ukraine, for a start — that is a huge crime'

Roger Waters performs during This Is Not a Drill tour, at the Bell Centre on Friday, July 15, 2022.

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Roger Waters found himself trending Monday morning after the Pink Floyd frontman branded U.S. President Joe Biden a “war criminal” and defended the Chinese government telling CNN’s Michael Smerconish they “didn’t invade Iraq and kill a million people.”

Waters, who is currently criss-crossing North America with his This Is Not a Drill tour, sat down with the TV host to talk politics and was asked why he uses an image of Biden during his concert with the words, “War criminal — just getting started,” during the show.

“President Biden? He’s fuelling the fire in the Ukraine, for a start — that is a huge crime,” Waters responded. “That’s a huge crime. Why won’t the United States of America encourage (Volodymyr) Zelenskyy to negotiate, obviating the need for this horrific, horrendous war?”

When Smerconish said that Waters was seemingly placing blame on Ukraine after it was invaded, the 78-year-old musician fired back.

“Well, any war, when did it start? What you need to do is look at the history, and you can say, ‘Well, it started on this day.’ You could say it started in 2008 … This war is basically about the action and reaction of NATO pushing right up to the Russian border, which they promised they wouldn’t do when (Mikhail) Gorbachev negotiated the withdrawal of the U.S.S.R. from the whole of Eastern Europe.”

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Smerconish and Waters also sparred over China’s fresh military drills around Taiwan in response to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the self-governed island.

“They’re not encircling Taiwan,” Waters denounced, “Taiwan is a part of China! And that has been accepted by the whole of the international community since 1948 — if you don’t know that, you’re not reading enough.”

Smerconish fired back, saying that China was “at the top of the list” for human rights abuses, which prompted Waters to reply: “The Chinese didn’t invade Iraq and kill a million people in 2003 … who have the Chinese invaded?”

“Their own,” Smerconish interjected, referring to the persecution of the Uyghurs.

“Bollocks,” Waters replied, “absolute nonsense … You should go away and read a bit more and try and figure out what the U.S. would do if the Chinese were putting nuclear-armed missiles into Mexico and Canada.”

Waters also praised Russia for defending the world against Hilter’s “Nazi menace” during the Second World War.

“You got into World War Two because of Pearl Harbor. You were completely isolationists,” Waters argued. “Thank God the Russians had already won the bloody war by then. Twenty-three million Russians died, protecting you and me from the Nazi menace.”

Waters’ rant divided social media, with some praising the legendary rocker for not shying away from controversial topics.

Actor Jesse Metcalfe said Waters was “dropping knowledge!,” while another fan observed, “Waters has been consistent his entire life. He opposes belligerent U.S. imperialism, by far the most destructive force on the planet. It’s absolutely normal to do that, it’s healthy. The only people who aren’t are those deeply affected by relentless corporate media propaganda.”

But Piers Morgan called the bassist, who in the past has been accused of anti-Israel rhetoric, “the dumbest rock star in history.”

Waters seems to know that his comments are dividing fans of his music, but he is unmoved. During the This Is Not a Drill tour, the show comes with a stern warning before the music starts. “If you’re one of those, ‘I love Pink Floyd, but I can’t stand Roger’s politics’ people, you might do well to f— off to the bar right now.”

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“That’s a really good way to start the show,” Waters quipped.

Last month, the musician courted controversy when he declared himself “more important” than Toronto music stars The Weeknd and Drake.

Learning that there wasn’t much media interest in his two Toronto shows because his concerts fell on the same night as The Weeknd’s scheduled gig at Rogers Centre, he told The Globe and Mail: “I have no idea what or who The Weeknd is because I don’t listen to much music.”

Waters then hit out at Drake, saying, “And, by the way, with all due respect to The Weeknd or Drake or any of them. I am far, far, far more important than any of them will ever be, however many billions of streams they’ve got. There is stuff going on here that is fundamentally important to all of our lives.”

On social media, Waters was billed as an out-of-touch “old man yelling at the clouds” with one Twitter user calling him a “selfish privileged white boomer.”


this war is basically about
the action and reaction of nato pushing
right up to the russian border which
they promised they wouldn't do when
negotiated the withdrawal of the ussr
from the whole of eastern europe i would
suggest you
michael that you go away and read a bit
more and then try and figure out what
the united states would do if the
chinese were putting um nuclear armed
missiles into mexico and canada the
chinese are too busy encircling taiwan
as we speak they're not encircling
taiwan taiwan is part of china and
that's been absolutely accepted by the
whole of the international community
since 1948
and if you don't know that you're not
reading enough go and read about it
you're believing your propaganda your
side's propaganda you're defining it
taiwan you cannot you can't have a
conversation about human rights and you
can't have a conversation about taiwan
without actually roger roger if you're
having a conversation about human rights
at the top of the list of offenders are
the chinese
why is it always the western
why is it the
iraq and chinese a million people in
2003. in fact as far as i can recall
hang on a minute who of the chinese
invaded and
murdered slaughtered their own
their own bollocks okay that's absolute
complete nonsense you should go away and
read but read them
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