
A lack of sleep can damage brain 睡眠不足傷大腦

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Just a few nights of bad sleep upsets your brain - BBC News - BBC.com

A Lack Of Sleep Can Have A Very Damaging Effect On Your Brain

Night work 'throws body into chaos' - BBC News - BBC.com

Fragmented Sleep and Memory | Art of Memory Forum

Just a few nights of bad sleep upsets your brain

By Dr Michael Mosley    BBC  1 November 2017

  Thanks to the clocks going back, many of us managed to grab a little bit of extra shut-eye over the weekend.
  And that's no bad thing because, as a country, we seem to be chronically sleep-deprived. According to the Sleep Council, the average Briton gets six-and-a-half hours sleep a night, which for most people is not enough.
  Lots of studies have shown that cutting back on sleep, deliberately or otherwise, can have a serious impact on our bodies.
  A few nights of bad sleep can really mess with our blood sugar control and encourage us to overeat. It even messes with our DNA.
  A few years ago, Trust Me I'm a Doctor did an experiment with Surrey University, asking volunteers to cut down on their sleep by an hour a night for a week.
  Dr Simon Archer, who helped run the experiment, found that getting an hour's less sleep a night affected the activity of a wide range of our volunteers' genes (around 500 in all) including some which are associated with inflammation and diabetes.
  Disturbed nights
  So the negative effects on our bodies of sleep deprivation are clear. But what effect does lack of sleep have on our mental health?
  To find out Trust Me teamed up with sleep scientists at the University of Oxford to run a small experiment.
  This time, we recruited four volunteers who normally sleep soundly. We fitted them with devices to accurately monitor their sleep and then, for the first three nights of our study, let them get a full, undisturbed eight hours.
  For the next three nights, however, we restricted their sleep to just four hours.
  A woman after a good night's sleepImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
  Each day our volunteers filled in a psychological questionnaire designed to reveal any changes in their mood or emotions. They also kept video diaries. So what happened?
  Sarah Reeve, a doctoral student who ran the experiment for us was surprised by how quickly their mood changed.
  "There were increases in anxiety, depression and stress, also increases in paranoia and feelings of mistrust about other people", she said.
  "Given that this happened after only three nights of sleep deprivation, that is pretty impressive."
  Three of our four volunteers found the experience unpleasant, but one of them - Josh - claimed to be largely unaffected.
  "This week probably hasn't taken as much of a toll as I thought it would on me," he said. "I feel perfectly fine - not happy, sad, stressed or anything."
  Yet the tests we did on him showed something very different.
  His positive emotions fell sharply after two nights of disturbed sleep, while negative emotions began to rise.
  So even though he felt OK there were signs that he was, mentally, beginning to suffer.
  'Stuck' in negative thoughts
  The outcome of our small test reflects the results of a much bigger study looking at the impact of sleep deprivation on the mental health of students.
  Researchers recruited more than 3,700 university students from across the UK who had reported problems sleeping and randomised them into two groups.
  One group received six sessions of online CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) aimed at improving their sleep; the other group got standard advice.
  Ten weeks into the study, the students who received CBT reported a halving in rates of insomnia, accompanied by significant improvements in scores for depression and anxiety, plus big reductions in paranoia and hallucinations.
  This is thought to be the largest ever randomised controlled trial of a psychological treatment for mental health, and it strongly suggests that insomnia can cause mental health problems rather than simply be a consequence of them.
  Daniel Freeman, professor of clinical psychology at Oxford University, who led that study thinks one of the reasons why sleep deprivation is so bad for our brains is because it encourages repetitive negative thinking.
  "We have more negative thoughts when we're sleep-deprived and we get stuck in them," he said.
  Reassuringly he doesn't think a few nights of bad sleep means you will become mentally ill. But he does think it increases the risk.
  "It's certainly not inevitable," he said. "In any one night, one in three people is having difficulty sleeping, perhaps 5% to 10% of the general population has insomnia, and many people get on with their lives and they cope with it. But it does raise the risk of a whole range of mental health difficulties."
  The positive side of this research is it implies that helping people get a good night's sleep will go a long way to helping improve our sense of well-being.
  Norbert Schwarz, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California, has even put a figure on it.
  He claims: "Making $60,000 (£48,400) more in annual income has less of an effect on your daily happiness than getting one extra hour of sleep a night."
So, sleep well.
  Trust Me I'm a Doctor - Mental Health Special is on BBC2 at 21:00 GMT on Wednesday 1 November .


   2017-11-02 16:18:00環球網 

   報道稱,10月份的最後一個星期日夏令時調回冬令時,很多人在這周末多睡了一小時。不過這並不是件壞事,因為英國人似乎長期處於睡眠嚴重不足的狀態。據英國睡眠委員會調查顯示,英國人平均每天隻睡 6.5 小時,這對大多數人來說根本不夠。
   報道稱,長期睡眠不佳會影響血糖控製,誘使人們過度進食,甚至引起DNA異常。幾年前,在英國紀錄片《相信我,我是醫生》中,英國薩裏大學進行了一項試驗,要求所有參與者每天縮短一小時睡眠時間,為期一周。負責這項試驗的西蒙•阿徹(Simon Archer)博士發現,每晚少睡一小時會對這些參與者的基因活動產生極大的影響,比如與炎症、糖尿病有關的基因。
   一名叫莎拉•裏夫斯(Sarah Reeve)的博士生參與了這次試驗,她對各研究對象快速的心理變化感到震驚。她說,“不僅這4位參與者的焦慮、沮喪、壓力情緒均有上升,而且多疑、不相信他人的情感也有所增加。” 她補充說,“想想看,他們隻是連續3天睡眠不足,就出現了這些變化。這個結果令人吃驚。”
   這項研究的負責人丹尼爾•弗裏曼(Daniel Freeman)教授認為,睡眠不足損害大腦的原因之一是睡眠不足導致個人不斷出現消極情緒。他說,“人們缺乏睡眠就會產生更多的消極情緒,然後沉溺於其中。”
   這項研究的積極意義在於幫助人們睡個好覺也是在幫助人們提升幸福感。南加利福尼亞大學的心理學教授諾貝特•施瓦茨(Norbert Schwarz)先生甚至用數據來支撐這一觀點。他說,“年收入在40萬元以上並不能給予人們日常的幸福感,而每天多睡一小時才會讓人們覺得幸福。”(實習編譯:陳妍  審稿:田瑞哲)

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