1.2.. A 32 years old man recovered as normal after lost left brain
Dec. 14, 2015, YouTube published an episode of video The secret of a man with a half brain with title in Mandarin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqSmSBPmsik
The video introduced a British man Mr. Charie, in 2012, 32-year-old Charie travels in Thailand, fell down from 7 meters high with head to the ground, his all signs of life disappeared, 1/4 skull crushed, the left brain removed.
After two days of surgery, he miraculously recovered, after a period of language barriers and obstacles to action, he recovered as normal.
The doctor implanted a Titanium plate as skull into his brain and fixed with screws on the remained skull. His appearance and body flexibility were recovered back to normal.
Above were the photos of Mr. Charie from video screenshots
In 2015, 35 years old Mr. Charie has a job, lives in a normal life with his family in the UK.
1.4.. A man lives with half of brain
October 13, 2017, article Woman Shares What Energy Drinks Did To Her Husband While She Was 9 Months Pregnant reports a man's brain was damaged by Energy Drinks, after surgery and two weeks of living in a hospital, he survived back home.
Follow was photo of the happy family.
1.1.. The lost functions with cut of left brain developed on remained right brain
Aug. 14, 2917, YouTube published an episode of video Discovery Brain Nerves with title in Mandarin.
The video introduced a computer enhanced brain image of a 35 year old man Mr. Boo, when was as a boy, he underwent the surgery of cut off left brain.
Now, Mr. Boo lives a normal life.
Follow was the video screenshots of a PET scan of the right brain of Mr. Boo.
The colors reveals that his speech ability normally handled by the brains left side has migrated to the right side where Boo’s speech ability handled by other neural networks.
Sorry, Adults, No New Neurons For Your Aging Brains
Study questions whether adults can really make new neurons
Birth of New Neurons in the Human Hippocampus Ends in Childhood
Human Brains Stop Creating New Neurons in Adulthood
2016-03-18 9:09 AM
最新一期《神經元》(Neuron) 雜誌登載的一項研究報告描述,科學家首次在活的小鼠大腦中觀察到新生腦細胞發射信號的情形。
哥倫比亞大學等研究機構的科學家首次使用雙光子顯微鏡,在活的小鼠大腦齒狀回(dentate gyrus)中找到新生神經元在活動時發出信號的情況。科學家認為齒狀回區域和學習記憶有關。
德克薩斯州立大學的神經學家麥克?德魯(Michael Drew)對此研究評述到,該實驗非常好,給人留下深刻的印象,因為能觀察到活的神經細胞的功能是很不容易的。
早在2012年11月,紐約石溪大學(Stony Brook University)發現成年動物的大腦有新生神經細胞,即使已經衰老的大腦也會產生新的腦細胞。
Dr. Shaoyu Ge and Yan Gu of Stony Brook University display the image of newborn neurons illustrated by the new optogenetic labeling and controlling technique.Credit: Image courtesy of Stony Brook University
Newly generated, or newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus are critical for memory retrieval, according to a study led by Stony Brook University researchers to be published in the November 11 advanced online edition of Nature Neuroscience. The functional role of newborn neurons in the brain is controversial, but in "Optical controlling reveals time-dependent roles for adult-born dentate granule cells," the researchers detail that by 'silencing' newborn neurons, memory retrieval was impaired. The findings support the idea that the generation of new neurons in the brain may be crucial to normal learning and memory processes.
Previous research by the study's lead investigator Shaoyu Ge, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurobiology & Behavior at Stony Brook University, and others have demonstrated that newborn neurons form connections with existing neurons in the adult brain. To help determine the role of newborn neurons, Dr. Ge and colleagues devised a new optogenetic technique to control newborn neurons and test their function in the hippocampus, one of the regions of the brain that generates new neurons, even in the adult aging brain.
"Significant controversy has surrounded the functional role of newborn neurons in the adult brain," said Dr. Ge. "We believe that our study results provide strong support to the idea that new neurons are important for contextual fear memory and spatial navigation memory, two essential aspects of memory and learning that are modified by experience.
"Our findings could also shed light on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions common to the adult aging brain, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease," he said.
Dr. Ge explained that their findings may help specifically to advance research on cell-replacement therapies being investigated for neurological diseases of the brain affecting memory.
In the study, Dr. Ge and colleagues used a retroviral tool to deliver optogenes: genes that are engineered to express proteins that form channels responsive to light stimulation. Using their created opto-retrovirus, the research team labeled a cohort of newborn neurons that they could control with light illumination. By doing this, the team conducted an in-depth exploration of the circuit and behavioral functions of newborn neurons in the adult mouse brain.
The researchers first determined when the neurons were "ready" in the hippocampus, which is an important addition to their findings published earlier this year in Nature. Then they 'silenced' the activity of neurons of different ages. They found that by silencing four-week-old neurons, an age known to be more responsive to change than existing neurons, but not older or younger neurons, memory retrieval was impaired in tasks known to depend on the functions of the hippocampus.
Regarding the newborn neuron controlling method, Dr. Ge and colleagues said that the novel tool and approach used in the study can be applied to other circuit and behavioral studies to access the functional contributions of newborn neurons in the adult brain.
Co-authors of the study include: Yan Gu, Jia Wang, and Stephen Janoschka of the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Stony Brook University School of Medicine; and Maithe Arruda-Carvalho, Sheena Josselyn, and Paul Frankland of the University of Toronto in Canada.
Story Source:
Materials provided by Stony Brook University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Journal Reference:
Yan Gu, Maithe Arruda-Carvalho, Jia Wang, Stephen R Janoschka, Sheena A Josselyn, Paul W Frankland, Shaoyu Ge. Optical controlling reveals time-dependent roles for adult-born dentate granule cells. Nature Neuroscience, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nn.3260
Cite This Page:
Stony Brook University. "Newborn neurons -- even in the adult aging brain -- are critical for memory." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 November 2012.
昆士蘭腦研究所主任薩赫(Pankaj Sah)表示,該新發現對於進一步了解大腦的適應和再生能力有重要意義。
研究者之一加弗利(Dhanisha Jhaveri)博士說,杏仁核在恐懼學習中發揮了關鍵作用。
昆士蘭大學的科學家巴特利特(Perry Bartlett)教授曾在海馬中發現神經細胞再生的現象。海馬是大腦中與空間學習和記憶有關的重要腦區。
2018-03-09 08:20 奇點網
不過到了20世紀60年代,一項研究打破了這個定論。當時麻省理工的Joseph Altman發現,在成年哺乳動物的大腦內存在新生神經元。又過了一段時間,80年代,洛克菲勒大學Fernando Nottebohm實驗室也在禽鳥身上發現了類似的現象。1998年,科學家們得到了第一份證據,在成年死亡癌症患者腦中發現了由5-溴脫氧尿苷(BrdU)標記的新生神經元。2013年的一項研究更是令學界大振——通過分析55名死者腦組織的單個神經元,卡羅林斯卡研究所的研究者們得出了一個結論,人類大腦海馬齒狀回中,每天都能產生700個新的神經元。[2,3]
本項研究的通訊作者之一,就職於加州大學洛杉磯分校的Arturo Alvarez-Buylla也是致力於這個領域的研究者之一。當年他還是Fernando Nottebohm實驗室的一名普通學生,而今天已經成為了腦發育領域的頂尖專家。過去的三十年裏,他對大腦新生神經元科研做出了極大的貢獻。他也堅信,在成年人類大腦中也存在新生神經元。
Arturo Alvarez-Buylla教授
德國德累斯頓科技大學的神經科學家Gerd Kemperman表示,隻是科學家沒有觀察到新的神經元,這並不意味著新神經元不存在。研究中使用的腦組織畢竟隻是樣本,對新生神經元標記的可靠性很大程度上取決於組織的質量,很容易受外部環境的影響。
阿姆斯特丹大學的神經科學家Paul Lucassen也表示,用於保存和穩定組織樣本的化學物質也可能進一步防止標記和靶細胞的結合。
研究者承認這項研究的局限性——再怎麽仔細地檢測,也不能夠完全說明海馬中不存在新生神經元。但是第一作者之一的Shawn F. Sorrells也提出了一個觀點:“我們退一步想,如果新生神經元已經罕見到我們無法檢測,那麽它真的在海馬的記憶和學習功能中發揮重要作用嗎?”
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作者:宗華 來源:科學網 2018/3/9 18:50:04
加拿大多倫多病童醫院神經科學家Paul Frankland表示,在成年人和猴子大腦中“竭盡全力搜尋”新神經元的結果“將會令很多人失望”。美國哥倫比亞大學神經科學家René Hen則表示,“最新研究引發了這樣的擔憂,即神經再生水平過低,以至於無法在人類體內產生重要功能。”
1998年,關於成年人神經再生的首個證據來自死亡的癌症患者的大腦。他們在世時,曾接受過一種名為溴脫氧尿苷的化學物質的注射。該物質能標記新分化的細胞,並且出現在這些患者大腦內的一些海馬體(和記憶、學習相關的海馬狀結構)中。2013年,來自瑞典卡羅林斯卡研究所的Jonas Frisén團隊對55名已去世患者大腦組織中的單個神經元進行了碳年代測定。該團隊根據細胞年齡推測,人類每天在編碼記憶的一個海馬體區域——齒狀回區更新700個神經元。
不過,自上世紀80年代起便一直研究大腦產生新細胞能力的加州大學舊金山分校研究人員Arturo Alvarez-Buylla對此持懷疑態度。他帶領團隊花費5年時間,收集了來自不同年齡段(從出生前到77歲)的59人的大腦組織。這些人當時已經死亡,或者其大腦組織在癲癇手術期間被移除。研究人員利用熒光抗體標記了對處於不同成熟度的細胞具有特異性的蛋白。他們還利用電子顯微鏡,尋找了特有的細長且形狀簡單的年輕神經元。