
風蕭蕭:甘藍菜治胃病防癌抗老 Cabbage is a magic medicine

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風蕭蕭:甘藍菜治胃病防癌抗老 Cabbage is a magic medicine

       風蕭蕭  2018年2月5日 於加拿大

  2012年4月7日, 我曾經寫過文章 《風蕭蕭 水是藥 能夠改善視力和胃病》,說,已經忘記了到底是哪年哪月的事了。隻記得有一篇文章,作者滿懷善意地、尊尊地告誡,說,飯前、後都不要飲水,因為水會衝淡胃酸,影響消化。我覺得很科學,照做。


  前年,持續性地胃漲、無食欲,慌了。趕緊到Kitchener(位於加拿大安省南部的小城市)的Grand River Hospital看急診。






  高興之餘,寫了文章《風蕭蕭 水是藥 能夠改善視力和胃病》。



  中醫說:抗癌, 消胃潰瘍, 改善血糖和血脂, 維持骨骼密度。


  15 Health Benefits of Cabbage

  13 Amazing Benefits of Cabbage






甘藍抗癌養胃降血脂 這種常見菜營養堪比高麗參

2015年08月24日13:41    來源:家庭醫生在線   










甘藍的功效與作用 甘藍的配伍應用
來源:中藥360 時間:2017-05-05 14:01 編輯:zhongyao

【名稱】甘藍 始載於《本草拾遺》。為十字花科植物甘藍的莖葉。本品味甘、葉作藍綠色,故名。
【化學成分】甘藍含葡萄糖芸薹素(Glucobrassicin)和吲哚-3-乙醛。前者的含量在嫩葉為0. 5-0.9%,老葉為0.05-O.2%。含酚類成分黃酮醇、花白甙(Leucoanthocyanins)和綠原酸,異硫氰酸烯丙酯,含硫的抗甲狀腺物質。但這種抗甲狀腺物質在烹調加熱後即消失。此外,含維生素U樣物質甚多。



【方劑製劑】甘藍飴糖汁《《經驗方》) 鮮甘藍、飴糖。絞汁飯前服。治虛寒或氣滯胃痛,有和胃止痛之功。


13 Amazing Benefits Of Cabbage

Article last updated on  by OrganicFacts


The health benefits of cabbage include its frequent use as a treatment for constipation, stomach ulcers, headaches, obesity, skin disorders, eczemajaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritisgout, eye disorders, heart diseases, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Table of Contents

What Is Cabbage?

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica family and is round or oval in shape. It consists of soft, light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely used throughout the world and can be prepared in a number of ways, but most commonly, it is included as either a cooked or raw part of many salads.

Cabbage is beneficial in curing various health ailments and a short list of those is listed below:

Deficiency of Vitamin C

Scurvy is a disease commonly characterized by spongy and bleeding gums, cracked lip corners, weakened immune system, frequent infections and cold, premature aging, and depression.

Remedy: Cabbage is an abundant source of vitamin C. You might be surprised to know that it is actually richer in vitamin C than oranges, which are considered the “best” source of that vital nutrient. Vitamin C, as one of the best antioxidants, reduces free radicals in your body that are the fundamental causes of premature aging. It also helps in repairing the wear and tear of the body through the course of life. Therefore, cabbage is very helpful in treating ulcers, certain cancers, depression, and boosting the immune system, and defending against cold and cough. It can also speed up the healing process for wounds and damaged tissues, regulate the proper functioning of the nervous system, and reduce the effects and presence of Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative neural diseases.

Deficiency of Roughage

This is a very serious deficiency but one that is commonly overlooked in the maintenance of personal health. A lack of roughage in food can result in constipation, which is the root cause of many other ailments and health hazards such as stomach ulcers, headaches, gastrointestinal cancers, indigestion, and a subsequent loss of appetite. The dangers of roughage deficiency even extend to skin diseases, eczema, premature aging, and hundreds of mild to serious conditions.

Remedy: Cabbage is very rich in fiber, which is the main health benefit of roughage. This helps the body retain water and it maintains the bulkiness of the food as it moves through the bowels. Thus, it is a good remedy for constipation and other problems related to digestion.


Deficiency of Sulfur

Sulfur is a very useful nutrient as it fights infections. A deficiency of sulfur can result in microbial infections and a greatly reduced rate in the healing of wounds.

Remedy: Again, cabbage is rich in sulfur. So, it helps fight infections in wounds and reduces the frequency and severity of ulcers.

Health Benefits Of Cabbage

Did you know that the inexpensive and widely used cabbage can practically work miracles? Take the look at the best ones;

Prevents Cancer

One of the most celebrated health benefits of cabbage is its powerful antioxidant quality. This means that cabbage and other similar vegetables scavenge free radicals from the body, which can be detrimental to overall health and are major contributors to cancer and heart diseases.

Cabbage also has a number of anti-cancer compounds, like lupeol, sinigrin, and sulforaphane, which are known to stimulate enzyme activity and inhibit the growth of tumors that lead to cancer. One study, performed primarily on Chinese women, showed a significant reduction in breast cancer when cruciferous vegetables like cabbage were regularly added to their diet.

Anti-inflammatory Agent

Cabbage is known to accumulate a build-up of cadmium-binding complexes in its leaves and one of the main components of that is glutamine. Glutamine is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, so consuming cabbage can reduce the effects of many types of inflammation, irritation, allergies, joint pain, fever, and various skin disorders.

Improves Vision

Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene, so many people, particularly as they get older, turn to cabbage for its ability to prevent macular degeneration and promote good eye health and delay cataract formation. Beta-carotene has also been positively linked to reduced chances of prostate cancer, which is an extra bonus on top of other anti-carcinogenic effects of cabbage!

Weight Loss

Cabbage is frequently recommended for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Since cabbage is packed with many beneficial vitaminsminerals, and other nutrients, it is a healthy dietary option for people to eat and is quite filling since it has high levels of fiber, which add bulk to the bowels. It is also low in calories, amounting to only 33 calories in a cup of cooked cabbage. Therefore, people can go on the popular “cabbage soup” diet, and eat plenty of food to stay healthy, without gaining excess weight!

Improves Brain Health

Let’s not forget that cabbage is a very powerful brain food! The presence of vitamin K and anthocyanins within cabbage can give a strong boost to mental function and concentration. Vitamin K is essential for the production of sphingolipids, the myelin sheath around nerves. This wrapping is what protects nerves from damage and decay. Therefore, consuming vitamin K can improve your defense against neural degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

Furthermore, the anthocyanins in cabbage are a current area of research, but early indications point to it being a more powerful source of antioxidants than vitamin C, and red cabbage has even more types of anthocyanins than normal cabbage. It also appears that the nutrient uptake is not limited by anything and that people can eat as much cabbage as they want, and continue to accumulate antioxidants, which help fight off diseases, reduce chances of cancer, improve the nervous system, and increase brain function.

Improves Bones

Cabbage, as well as all cruciferous vegetables, are great sources of minerals, like calciummagnesium, and potassium. These three essential minerals are integral in the protection of bones from degradation and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis and general bone weakening.

CabbageRegulates Blood Pressure

The presence of potassium in cabbage also makes it a wonderful way to protect yourself from elevated blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator, which means that it opens up the blood vessels and eases the flow of blood, so it isn’t being forced in a stress-inducing way through constricted arteries and veins. Overall, cabbage is a great shield against many types of dangerous conditions!

Skin Care

As mentioned already, cabbage is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, anthocyanins, and sulfur, since it is a cruciferous vegetable. Antioxidants play a major role in skin health and the general toning and improvement of the body in response to the aging process. Free radicals can be an underlying cause of wrinkles, skin discoloration, spots, and many other conditions. Therefore, the antioxidants you get by eating cabbage can cause a turn-around in your aging processes, leaving you feeling and looking healthy and young.

Reduces Muscle Aches

When certain bacteria ferment the sugars in cabbage during the preparation of sauerkraut, lactic acid is released. It isn’t the easiest compound to find in a diet, but it has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and aches, so in some small way, cabbage can help general pain relief and muscle soreness, depending on how it is prepared.

Detoxifies the Body

Cabbage acts as a good detoxifier too, meaning that it purifies the blood and removes toxins, primarily free radicals and uric acid which are the main causes of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, and eczema. This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to the high content of vitamin C and sulfur in it.

Other Benefits Of Cabbage

Cabbage, being rich in iodine, helps in proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system, along with keeping the glands of the endocrine system in proper condition. It is good for the brain and is useful in the treatment of neural disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The other nutrients present in cabbage, such as vitamin E, keep the skin, eyes, and hair healthy. The calcium, magnesium, and potassium found in cabbage are very useful for a wide range of health benefits. Cabbage can also be used for the treatment of varicose veins, leg ulcers, and peptic and duodenal ulcers.

Basically, this common component of your Chinese dishes could be a miraculous addition to your diet. Don’t be afraid to add cabbage to your daily diet, whether it is in your soup or salad, and that small change will help you live a healthier and longer life.

Cooked cabbage is how most people get it into their diet or system, but cooking actually causes a loss of many of the nutrients, particularly the high levels of vitamin C. Besides, the other nutrients become harder for the body to absorb. The best option is to eat the cabbage raw!

Medicinal Uses of Cabbage

Since ancient times cabbage has been used as a form of medicine and treatment.

  • The Ancient Greeks used cabbage as a medicinal herb in the form of an antidote for mushroom poisoning.
  • In ancient times cabbage broth along with steamed cabbage was administered to cure hangovers resulting from different types of alcohol.
  • In ancient times, mashed cabbage and cabbage juice was administered in poultices to treat warts, boils, appendicitis, ulcers, pneumonia and splinter wounds resulting from war.
  • During World War 1 soldiers used cabbage leaves to compress and get relief from blisters on the feet. Soldiers would stuff cabbage leaves in their boots to create a soft cold cushion for blisters.
  • In Medieval Europe, cabbage was used as a folk medicine for colic, sore throat, rheumatism and depression.
  • In many cultures cabbage is eaten to prevent sunstroke.
  • The cooling properties of cabbage are used to bring down fever among individuals.

Green cabbage is one of the most widely used vegetables in the world. Aside from being inexpensive, this multi-layered leafy veggie has a wide range of health benefits. Cabbage is used as a home remedy for treatment of jaundice, scurvy, arthritis, stomach ulcers, constipation, obesity, migraines, gout, heart diseases, eye disorders and slowing down the aging process. The health benefits of cabbage are discussed in detail in the lines below.

15 Health Benefits of Cabbage and Cabbage Juice


1. Improves Eye Health

Cabbage benefits in improving eyesight. Research reveals the risk of glaucoma, cataract, and macular degenerative diseases is reduced greatly with a diet rich in antioxidants. The presence of complex antioxidant activity found in cabbage is known to promote good eye health. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C that is vital for good eye health. 

2. Excellent for Bone Health

Cabbage is a rich source of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous among others. The onset of osteoporosis is greatly minimized with intake of essential minerals for strong bones. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin K in cabbage ensures that osteocalcin, a calcium-binding protein forms calcium bonds to regulate osteoclasts where old bone cells make way for new bone cells through tear down.

3. A Natural Way to Detoxify

A natural way to detoxify is by including cabbage in your diet. Cabbage acts as a natural purifier of blood. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps fight harmful free radicals and uric acid levels that are responsible for a string of other conditions such as gout, arthritis, eczema, renal calculi and rheumatism.

4. Improves Skin and Slows down Aging

Cabbage is an excellent source of minerals and vitamins, as such has benefits for skin too. Consumption of cabbage improves skin tone and skin texture. The presence of antioxidants in this vegetable ensure the slowdown of aging process, this is done by prevention and spread of harmful free radicals that do damage to skin tissue thereby causing sagging skin and wrinkles. Cabbage is a good source of sulfur and potassium.

Sulfur plays a pivotal role in drying up oily and acne prone skin thereby preventing acne and acne breakouts. Potassium present in cabbage plays an important role in eliminating toxins and impurities and by doing so improves skin elasticity (texture) and complexion. Signs of premature aging such as dimpled skin, uneven skin tone, and fine lines can be eliminated by regular consumption of cabbage. If you have skin problems, start drinking cabage juice to gain benefits. 

5. Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

Cabbage benefits hair growth as it is a healthy source of vitamins and minerals. Cabbage paste mixed with yogurt and a squeeze of lemon can be applied on the scalp. Leave the paste on for 15 minutes before washing clean with an herbal shampoo. You can repeat this procedure two times a week for shiny smooth hair. Furthermore, sulfur present in cabbage is also an important for keratin that protects epithelial cells from damage thereby keeping hair roots healthy. Raw cabbage juice and cucumber juice are a rich source of sulfur and silicon, minerals that play an important role in hair growth and prevention of hair loss.

[Don't Miss: Keratin Treatment for Hair: Side Effects and Benefits]

6. Excellent for Brain Health

If you want to boost your brain health it makes perfect sense to include cabbage in your diet. The presence of Vitamin K plays an important for the metabolism of lipids (sphingolipids) that are in high concentrations in brain cells. Vitamin K plays a vital role in production of myelin sheath surrounding the nerves. This sheath protects nerves from decay and damage. Individuals consuming cabbage regularly are less likely to develop Dementia or Alzheimer’s at a late stage in life. 

7. Minimizes the Risk of Cancer

Cruciferous vegetables including cabbage contain glucosinolates, a compound that plays an important role in fighting spread of cancer cells. Cabbage is a source of powerful antioxidants that scavenge on harmful free radicals. The presence of compounds such as sulforaphane, sinigrin and lupeol are known to stimulate enzyme activity and prevent the growth of tumors that can lead to cancer. Consumption of cabbage lowers the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

8. Use Cabbage for Good Cardiovascular Health

A cabbage soup diet is apt for a healthy heart. Cabbage is an excellent source of potassium which plays an important role in lowering systolic blood pressure. Furthermore, Indole-3 carbinol in cabbage plays a role in liver detoxification and thereby gets rid of harmful toxins and impurities in the body. Intake of potassium helps widen the blood vessels and eases the flow of blood in required body tissues. Eating cabbage is a natural way to good cardiovascular health.

9. Recommended In Weight Loss Diets

Cabbage is a vegetable recommended by dieticians and nutritionists in weight loss diets. Cabbage is packed with mineral and vitamins that are beneficial for good health. Cabbage offers a good amount of dietary fiber that corrects bowel movement. Furthermore, cabbage is low on calories, which is why a number of individuals opt for a variety of cabbage soup diets for weight loss. Also, cabbage juice benefits in your weight loss efforts. Start drinking cabbage juice to reduce your belly fat. 

[Also Read: How to Reduce Belly Fat and Get Flat Stomach?]

10. Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The presence of polyphenols in cabbage has anti inflammatory benefits. When oxidative stress combines with chronic inflammation the results can be catastrophic. Cabbage flavonoids have anti inflammatory compounds such as quercitol, pelargonodin, naringenin, kaempferol, purpurogalin, malvidin, betanidin, tetrahydrochalcone, luteolin, artemetin, equol, hydroxyflavone, and butein. Eating cabbage regularly reduces different types of inflammation, allergies, skin irritation and itch.

11. Cabbage Helps Diabetics control Blood Sugar levels

Cabbage is a vegetable which is high in fiber and low on calories making it a perfect veggie for diabetics. Foods with high GI (Glycemic Index) raise blood glucose levels in blood quickly. Cabbage is a low on GI which means it raises blood glucose levels slowly. Research reveals regular consumption of cabbage reduces blood sugar levels and keeps levels balanced. 

12. Excellent For Constipation

Cabbage is a great source of roughage also referred to as dietary fiber. Regular consumption of foods rich in fiber plays a crucial role in correcting bowel movement. The fiber present in cabbage helps in intestine stimulation for enhanced bowel activity. Cabbage is has colon cleansing properties. It boosts levels of chlorine, iodine and sulfur in one’s internal chemistry. Together sulfur and chlorine work relieving clogged intestinal tract. The nutritional value of cabbage acts as a miracle worker for the digestive system. However, excess amounts of cabbage can lead to bloating.

13. Provides Relief and Heals Ulcers

Cabbage juice is used as a home remedy to treat peptic ulcers. Cabbage is a rich source of amino acid glutamine. Glutamine coming from a natural source is superior to antacids used for treating ulcer. Regular consumption of cabbage juice helps repair and nourish the gastrointestinal lining. The presence of compounds such as S-methylmethionine, L-glutamine, gefarnate and glucosinolates heal and ensure protection to delicate mucus membrane lining of stomach and digestive tract.

14. Strengthens the Immune System

Eating cabbage regularly improves immunity. Cabbage is a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins that are essential to fight infections. Individuals with a weakened immune system should include cabbage in their diet because the vegetable is a rich source of sulfur that helps fight and keep infections away. The complex mix of mineral and vitamins in cabbage help boost immunity and offers resistance against conditions such as cold and cough. Additionally, regular consumption of this vegetable helps the process of healing wounds and damaged tissues.

15. Helps Arthritis Conditions

In many cultures cabbage leaves are used as treatment for knee joint pain in osteoarthritis. The combination of vitamins, phytonutrients, anthocyanins and glutamine provide instant relief for knee inflammation among ostheoarthritis sufferers. Bruise large leaves of red cabbage with meat a meat hammer to release cabbage juices through a polutice. Place the cabbage polutice in a foil and warm in an oven. Make sure the polutice is warm and not hot. Remove the cabbage leaf polutice from the foil and place the polutice on the joints where there is pain and swelling. Wrap the polutice with gauze bandage and leave for an hour. You repeat this process everyday to reduce swelling and joint pain.

Cabbage Nutritional Value (Per 100 grams)


  • Zinc- 0.18 mg
  • Calcium- 40 mg
  • Magnesium- 12 mg
  • Sodium- 18 mg
  • Iron- 0.47 mg
  • Manganese- 0.16 mg
  • Potassium- 170 mg
  • Phosphorous- 26 mg


  • Vitamin K- 76 ug
  • Vitamin C- 36.6 mg
  • Niacin (B3)- 0.234 mg
  • Thiamine (B1)- 0.061 mg
  • Folate (B9)- 43 ug
  • Riboflavin (B2)- 0.040 mg
  • Vitamin B6- 0.124 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid (B5)

Carbohydrates- 5.8 g

Sugars- 3.2 g

Dietary Fiber- 2.5 g

Protein- 1.28 g

Fat- 0.1 g

Energy- 103 kj (25 kcal)

Other Constituents

 Fluoride- 1 ug

(Nutritional Value Source: USDA Nutrition Database)

Warning: If you experience any allergy or allergic reaction to cabbage, stop the home remedial treatment and consult a health practitioner immediately.

So you have read all the health benefits of cabbage. If you already have cabbage included in your time, you must cheer about its goodness. If you hate cabbage, it is time to change your perception about it. Include cabbage in your diet as it is very good for your health. Eat cabbage leaves, drink its soup or use cabbage juice to gain all the benefits provided by this miracle vegetable. 


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