
兒子也開始讀並製定了他的 Mini Habbits

(2017-08-07 19:44:12) 下一個

兒子也開始讀並製定了他的Mini Habbits, 看看他能堅持多久.


Earth-dwelling man space time dating system: 7th of august; year: 2017

Today i induldged in a game. Mindlessly. When i broke free at night, i felt remorse. I read a book that told me the powers of mini habits. I did 3 situps. I ate some pig skin soup. It tasted super bad. i had to plug my nose and slurp it down real fast. I drank some apple cidar vinegar afterwards. I could still taste the stinky after taste in my mouth, so i decided to raid the fridge downstairs for a tomato. I ate it over the kitchen sink. I threw the core down the trash. I still felt unsastified. So i ate some raw brocolli. I had a headache. Am i dying? I wish i had a cat. my goal is to be hansome. and to be smart.


[every day i will do 1 situp 1 pushup and sketch my legs 1 minute.i will wash my face.

everyday i will read 1 page of minihabits book.

everyday this will be updated.  i will record this everyday.]


Earth-dwelling man space time dating system: 8th of august; year: 2017

     Today i did not play any computer games. I am rather proud of myself :). Instead i did the course selection for university with my mom! It was hard to do because there are many interesting options. Today during my work at a warehouse, i saw a baby pigeon. It could not fly and my boss told me to leave it alone. I didnt see a rabbit today. Today i only did one push up and 1 situp. However, i amazed myself by doing 20 minutes of stretching and reading a page of mini habits although it is really late when i did so. Life is taking a direction?.... today i didnt have time/energy to put honey on my face. but i used a charcoal face mask earlier in the day. One sad thing: my time hortons coupons exipired :(((((


[every day i will do 1 situp 1 pushup and sketch my legs 1 minute.i will wash my face.

everyday i will read 1 page of minihabits book.

everyday this will be updated.  i will record this everyday.]


Earth-dwelling man space time dating system: 9th of august; year: 2017

Today i played some computer games. i got home late from work because there was a car crash :(. Today the viva security came to check, good thing i paid for the bus. I did the bare minimum today: one situp, one puship, and read one page of minihabits. For some reason, i feel like these mini habits are really burdensome. My skin still is very bad, maybe i should touch it less. Today the bird that was at work is gone, only some poop is left. Life is a seasaw, until you find a method to relieve one aspect; one cannot escape the premise of the structure.


[every day i will do 1 situp 1 pushup and sketch my legs 1 minute.i will wash my face.

everyday i will read 1 page of minihabits book.

everyday this will be updated.  i will record this everyday.]






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