
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

六月的一個周日 (w English)

(2020-06-18 17:08:49) 下一個



The vulture was scudding in the air, skimming over the brown grass in search of food. The grass has turned yellow, but life may still teem in the bush.


An inactive young rabbit by the roadside did not hop away as most rabbits do when we approached it.  Days later when we looked at the rabbit in the picture, we were disconcerted to see a gray spot in the neck.  This rabbit may have been attacked by a tick. 

The only trail leading up is narrow and steep, hard for us to keep a distance with hikers who didn't wear masks. I had to put mine on when they were coming down from the opposite direction, passing by a stone throw from us.  Ascending the hill, breathing through a mask, I heard every rhythmic breathing of my own, in and out laboriously. After only 20 minutes’ hike, we decided to turn back. Never would I think that the freedom of hiking in the hill would one day be stripped away. It is not the snake that made me feel ill at ease this time. 

On the way back, we saw a large-sized billboard under the freeway bridge flashing that the farmer’s market was open again.  We drove in.  After we parked our car, it was still 20-30 minutes away before the farmer’s market opened at 10 am. But the food kiosks canopied under tents were mostly set up, scattering circularly around the big parking lot. We roamed in the area, and then walked towards a garden on the other end. The garden, guarded by wired fences on four sides, is a mini plantation, where fruit trees and vegetables are grown inside.  It was also close till 10. We decided to wait outside, taking pictures of flowers that climbed out of the fences. We saw through fences the dwarfed peach and apple trees, their solid branches spreading and trimmed along the fences, each hung heavily with fruits. Red and luscious are the ripe peaches, small and green are the apples. Five minutes before 10, the gate was open to let us in. Greeted by an arched entrance over which laden with green passion fruit and flowers, we entered the arbor, loitering away half an hour inside before we exited. It is a wonderful experimental garden that has almost everything, from a chicken coop to an exotic fruit that we don’t even know the name of.















We were stopped by the administers, as we were sauntering towards the kiosk in the parking lot, telling us that the farmer’s market under Cov19 is only available to the drive-through cars.  Looking at the long queue of the cars, crawling along the kiosks at a snail pace, people conversing with sellers without even rolling down the windows, we decided to go straight home. But a stroll in the park, in the lively garden, satiated us profusely.  

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閱讀 ()評論 (31)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 是的,魏薇,這邊的山隻有春天二三月綠一下,其他時間都是荒的,因為沒有雨水,所以春天對我們來說太寶貴了。加州是農業大州,陽光好,隻要有水澆灌就會長的很茁壯。我也很喜歡這兩張照片,你說的好,生命的藝術感! 再次謝謝魏薇!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 沒想到加州夏天的山是這樣的!以我的無知,若不看文字,我會誤以為是入冬前的山。你那邊桃子蘋果都熟了,到了采摘季,這裏樹上的蘋果我幾天前我見時還隻有鵪鶉蛋大小。不過這邊很多灌木的漿果都成熟了,淺橙,通紅,都透亮如瑪瑙。很喜歡這兩張藤莖的圖片,讓人感到一種充滿生命力的藝術感。記下了很幾個單詞!:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '邊走邊看66' 的評論 : 邊邊好,是的,我也有此同感,大自然沒有變,一樣繁華花似錦,生活是美好的。但願世界太平安康。謝謝邊邊!
邊走邊看66 回複 悄悄話 看了這麽多相片覺得生活還是挺美好的,那片葉子,那隻兔,和那樹上的碩果累累
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒好! 現在足不出戶,隻有把身邊能看能拍的盡量多看多拍,越來越覺得活在當下很重要。謝謝菲兒點評,,又是新的一周開始了,祝安好!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 加州真是好山,好水,好地方,暖冬的片片拍得很棒,有幾張的光影,構圖和瞬間都抓拍得很好。祝你家領導父親節快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'GraceX' 的評論 : Grace好! 是的,沒了自由才知道自由的可貴,更何況大自然確實是取之不竭的源頭。謝謝你的喜歡,剛剛看到南山碧竹寫的打坐冥想,就想到你,我現在運動很少,這樣下去不好的。要向你們學習。謝謝你的留言,祝新一周快樂!
GraceX 回複 悄悄話 暖冬好,照片真漂亮,各種花草和小動物。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Hi, my friend. Thanks for your comment and compliment. We all dream of living off such a garden one day. I may not be able to afford here, but owning a piece of land in the countryside of China is still possible.:))
On June 18, the governor issued a statement asking CA residents to wear masks, and that may be the reason you saw people wear masks now. It looks like that northern CA is better than the southern in terms of containing the pandemic. Btw, like your "feast or famine", another example of good English usage. Have a great new week!
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 Great pictures and descriptions as always. The garden attracted my attention this time. I'd love to live off my own land some day.

I just been to our farmer's market, first time since covid. It was free as before except people were wearing masks and in longer lines.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬好! 謝謝你這麽仔細地讀和點評。有時是強迫自己寫一點,練練筆。這個tick是吸血的一種bug,照片中脖子後麵黃色毛邊上的一粒東西就是,尚不知兔子會不會存活下來。這也是大自然的生存法則,希望生態平衡,能有其他的東西抑製tick的繁殖。謝謝子喬臨博,周末快樂!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 讀暖冬這篇文章我查了好幾次字典;)
“The grass has turned yellow, but life may still teem in the bush.” ——好句子。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'PeonyInJuly' 的評論 : 七月好,七月教了我一個新單詞staycation,謝了,周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '淡然' 的評論 : 淡然好! 淡然過獎,我連三腳貓都算不上,就一個自娛自樂啦:) 淡然也喜歡這鷹啊。 謝謝淡然留言,周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '燕麥禾兒' 的評論 : 燕兒好! 謝謝你啊,這真不算什麽詩,就看圖寫字,不過,這個同心結真是你啟發,給我的靈感。我剛剛給某人看,說,我給那張照片配了一首詩,人家掃了一眼,說,這太俗套了:)) 謝謝燕兒喜歡,周末快樂!
PeonyInJuly 回複 悄悄話 好漂亮的照片!Looks like you are having a great staycation:))
淡然 回複 悄悄話 暖冬不但寫文中英皆信手拈來,拍照也是靜動都入畫麵,讚!
燕麥禾兒 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 :

好詩!很貼切,很有意境!非常喜歡! 周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '夕陽影裏一歸舟' 的評論 : Hi,歸舟妹妹,tomorrow is Saturday:) Though I will probably go nowhere, it's relaxing to stay home. Thank you for your "flora and fauna". I like such a usage a lot too, akin to "friend and foe", "fame and fortune", "fair and foul", "brains and brawn",etc. That is the beauty of the language, like in Chinese. Thank you for your visit. Have a great weekend!
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 Pretty flora and fauna! The vine is my favorite picture, nice job:-) A road trip as such is relaxing and comforting in a way. Now you can go further with a bike, I am going to venture out with mine in the coming long weekend. Tomorrow is Friday, looking forward to any trip story of yours!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小聲音' 的評論 : 小小好! 除了第一張,這張鷹翱翔在荒原上的我也很喜歡,隻是相機太老舊了,如果設備好一點就好了,不過就是玩玩的,自己喜歡,你們喜歡就好。小小很有藝術修養呢,謝謝你的新帖。周末快樂!
小聲音 回複 悄悄話 暖冬的pp拍的很棒,第一張很有意境,欣賞!還有那老鷹、兔子及蝴蝶的pp都抓拍的好。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '燕麥禾兒' 的評論 : 燕兒好! 聰明浪漫如你,才會想象這麽豐富呢,好一個動心! 我想起另一個詞,同心結"如何? 時光牽引著你我,手相連,心相係,直到葉枯藤黃,不分離:) 多謝燕兒來臨,讓我的照片有了新意境。周末快樂!
燕麥禾兒 回複 悄悄話 如果暖兒要寫詩,題目叫“心動”如何?因為我看這幅圖的第一眼,就是心動的感覺。
燕麥禾兒 回複 悄悄話 哇,某人好有創意!送給暖兒的情人節項鏈好別致呀!


暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : 都忘了說了,加州的疫情在攀升,可能跟檢測的人數增加有關,我現在都麻木了,都不看了,跟大多數人一樣,自欺欺人,疲倦了,好像疫情已經過去了似的。謝謝Oncemm關心,你出門多保重!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : 一早醒來,看見Oncemm來了,好高興的。知道你關門了,給你也上杯茶吧,有時想,曾經歡樂的時光或許哪一天也隨著歲月流逝了。這第一張照片是某人拍的,我看到時驚訝他的目光,想寫詩卻又不知從何寫起,就想到你,我要是你就好了。這個果園我們都喜歡,還幻想著退休後能有類似的果園種種呢:) 我也是在家覺得悶,要求他帶我出去走走,不過有時候男人更膽小惜命的。你出去好好玩,注意安全,人多的地方一定要戴口罩,疫情猛於蛇呢:) 祝mm玩得開心,盡興!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 忘了說,讀到snake那一句,我就笑了。記得你最怕的就是蛇,還記得那次你貼的蛇行山徑圖,看了我也不敢踏上去。:)
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 一早讀到暖mm的新文,好開心。第一照片有點穿越時空的夢幻感,我也喜歡!暖mm觀察好仔細,連兔兔脖子上的灰斑都注意到了。我還從來沒去過這種蔬果園,看到青果子,不由想起曾經青澀的歲月。加州好像每天確診數在增加,但business卻開始reopen,暖mm還是小心點好。我下周去度假,在家憋了三個多月,快不行了。:)又是周五,暖mm周末愉快!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 鬆鬆好! 給鬆鬆上茶。謝謝鬆鬆臨博,我也喜歡第一張,比較特別,藤與藤隔空相牽:)
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 沙發!好漂亮的片片,佳作不少呢。特別喜歡第一張:)