
喚醒, 療愈與創造

Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed...

得到相對快樂的途徑 2(Way of Achieving Relative Happiness 2)

(2016-02-25 08:47:40) 下一個

In connection with this idea of free development, Chuang Tzu makes a contrast between what is of nature and what is of man. "What is of nature," he says, "is internal. What is of man is external(天在內,人在外)...That oxen and horses should have four feet is what is of nature(牛馬四足,是謂天). That a halter should be put on a horse's head, or a string through an ox's nose, is what is of man.(絡馬首,穿牛鼻,是謂人)" (Ch. 17) Following what is of nature, he maintains, is the source of all happiness and goodness(順乎天然,乃是一切快樂和善良之所由來), while following what is of man is the source of all pain and evil(而服從於人為則是痛苦和邪惡的由來). 

(莊子秋水篇,河神河伯與海神北海若有一段對話,北海若說:“天在內,人在外,... 牛馬四足,是謂天;絡馬首,穿牛鼻,是謂人。”)

Things are different in their nature and their natural ability is also not the same. What they share in common, however, is that they are all equally happy when they have a full and free exercise of their natural ability(萬物本性和天賦能力各有不同。共同點是:當它們充分並自由發揮天賦才能時,便同樣感到快樂). In "The Happy Excursion" a story is told of a very large and a small bird. The abilities of the two are entriely different. The one can fly thousands of miles, while the other can hardly reach from one tree to the next. Yet they are both happy when they each do what they are able and like to do. Thus there is not absolute uniformity in the natures of things, nor is there any need for such uniformity. Another chapter of the Chuang-Tzu tells us: "The duck's legs are short, but if we try to lengthen them, the duck will feel pain. The crane's legs are long, but if we try to shorten them, the crane will feel grief. Therefore we are not to amputate what is by nature long, nor to lengthen what is by nature short."(ch 8) (莊子駢拇篇:鳧脛(腳骨)雖短,續之則憂;鶴脛雖長,斷之則悲。故性長非所斷,性短非所續,無所去憂也。人要想戕賊萬物本性,強求一致,是徒勞無益的。)

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joyceyueren 回複 悄悄話 重讀後,感覺我們所經曆的現實世界是不太有可能讓大鵬和小鳥有同等快樂的,學生時代有攀比,有競爭,職業麵試其實也是一個篩選的過程,雖然不一定唯能力論。所以整個環境就是讓人不快樂的。對於大鵬和小鳥來講,它們必須找到適合自己的環境(或人群),然後做自己喜歡的事,這樣也許人生比較圓滿。 但若真正讓你來創造自己的環境呢,讓你做一個平台,讓人各盡所能,有大鵬有小鳥,但大鵬和小鳥各自歡喜呢?