njrookie's random thoughts

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Why Leveraged ETFs and Inverse ETFs Suffer Time Decay?

(2015-03-17 06:31:32) 下一個

There are lots of misinformation on the internet about leveraged and inverse ETFs. Most of them negative after investors observed the fact that the leveraged and inverse funds typically underperform x times the underlying index (x is the leverage ratio that can be -3, -2, -1, 2, or 3) after a period of time. 

A few examples here:
The truth is:
1. these funds do a good job tracking the DAILY movement of the underlying times the leverage factor;
2. over time, it can underperform or outperform depending how the underlying time series were behaving.
In order to maintain the constant leverage ratio, the leveraged and inverse funds need to trade in the SAME direction of the intraday movements at closing, ie buy after a run-up and sell after a leg down, around market close at 4 PM EST. So if the market tends to move in the same direction in the following days, ie market is trending/demonstrating momentum, then the rebalancing trades buy at high, but sell higher, or sell at low and cover at even lower price, which leads to a compounding effects and improves performance. However if the market tends to retrace part of the previous movement, ie mean-reverting, then the rebalancing trade is buying at high and selling at low and will hurt the performance of the fund. 
Date SPY Ret_SPY Balance Pre-rebal $SPY target$SPY $Cash Share_SPY Trade_SPY      
0  $  100.00    $  1,000,000  $                       -    $    3,000,000  $  (2,000,000)         30,000     rf 0%
1  $  110.00 10.00%  $  1,300,000  $       3,300,000  $    3,900,000  $  (2,600,000)         35,455           5,455      
2  $  100.00 -9.09%  $      945,455  $       3,545,455  $    2,836,364  $  (1,890,909)         28,364         (7,091)      
3  $    90.00 -10.00%  $      661,818  $       2,552,727  $    1,985,455  $  (1,323,636)         22,061         (6,303)   W_f -200%
4  $  100.00 11.11%  $      882,424  $       2,206,061  $    2,647,273  $  (1,764,848)         26,473           4,412   W_s 300%
Date SPY Ret_SPY Balance Pre-rebal $SPY target$SPY $Cash Share_SPY Trade_SPY      
0  $  100.00    $  1,000,000  $                       -    $    3,000,000  $  (2,000,000)         30,000     rf 0%
1  $  110.00 10.00%  $  1,300,000  $       3,300,000  $    3,900,000  $  (2,600,000)         35,455           5,455      
2  $  120.00 9.09%  $  1,654,545  $       4,254,545  $    4,963,636  $  (3,309,091)         41,364           5,909      
3  $  130.00 8.33%  $  2,068,182  $       5,377,273  $    6,204,545  $  (4,136,364)         47,727           6,364   W_f -200%
4  $  140.00 7.69%  $  2,545,455  $       6,681,818  $    7,636,364  $  (5,090,909)         54,545           6,818   W_s 300%
Date SPY Ret_SPY Balance Pre-rebal $SPY target$SPY $Cash Share_SPY Trade_SPY      
0  $  100.00    $  1,000,000  $                       -    $    3,000,000  $  (2,000,000)         30,000     rf 0%
1  $    90.00 -10.00%  $      700,000  $       2,700,000  $    2,100,000  $  (1,400,000)         23,333         (6,667)      
2  $    80.00 -11.11%  $      466,667  $       1,866,667  $    1,400,000  $      (933,333)         17,500         (5,833)      
3  $    70.00 -12.50%  $      291,667  $       1,225,000  $       875,000  $      (583,333)         12,500         (5,000)   W_f -200%
4  $    60.00 -14.29%  $      166,667  $           750,000  $       500,000  $      (333,333)           8,333         (4,167)   W_s 300%
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