


(2015-01-02 14:44:29) 下一個


The Now


On the surface it seems that the present moment is only one
of many, many moments. Each day of your life appears to consist of thousands of
moments where different things happen. Yet if you look more deeply, is there
not only one moment, ever? Is life ever not “this moment”?  



This one moment – Now – is the only thing you can never
escape from. The one constant factor in your life. No matter what happens, no
matter how much your life changes, one thing is certain: it’s always Now.  



Since there is no escape from the Now, why not welcome it,
become friendly with it?  



When you make friends with the present moment, you feel at
home no matter where you are. When you don't feel at home in the now, no matter
where you go, you will carry unease with you.  



The present moment is as it is, always. Can you let it



The division of life into past, present and future is
mind-made, and ultimately illusory. Past and future are thought forms, mental
abstractions. The past can only be remembered Now. What you remember is an
event that took place in the Now and you remember it Now. The future, when it
comes, is the Now. So the only thing that is real, the only thing there ever
is, is the Now.  



To have your attention in the Now is not a denial of what
is needed in your life. It is recognizing what is primary. Then you can deal
with what is secondary with great ease. It is not saying, “I’m not dealing with
things anymore because there is only the Now.” No. Find what is primary first,
and make the Now into your friend, not your enemy. Acknowledge it, honor it.
When the Now is the foundation

and primary focus of your life, then your life unfolds with



Putting away the dishes, drawing up a business strategy,
planning a trip–what is more important: the doing or the result that you want
to achieve through the doing? This moment or some future moment? 



Do you treat this moment as if it were an obstacle to be
overcome? Do you feel you have a future moment to get to that is more



Almost everyone lives like this most of the time. Since the
future never arrives, except as the present, it is a dysfunctional way to live.
It generates a constant undercurrent of unease, tension, and discontent. It
does not honor life, which is Now and never not Now.  



Feel the aliveness within your body. That anchors you in
the Now.  



Ultimately you are not taking responsibility for life until
you take responsibility for this moment–Now. This is because Now is the only
place where life can be found.



Taking responsibility for this moment means not to oppose
internally the “suchness” of Now, not to argue with what is. It means to be in
alignment with life. 



The Now is as it is because it cannot be otherwise. What
Buddhists have always known, physicists now confirm: there are no isolated
things or events. Underneath the surface appearance, all things are
interconnected, are part of the totality of the cosmos that has brought about
the form that this moment takes. 



When you say “yes” to what is, you become aligned with the
power and intelligence of Life itself. Only then can you become an agent for
positive change in the world.  



A simple but radical spiritual practice is to accept
whatever arises in the Now – within and without.  



When your attention moves into the Now, there is an
alertness. It is as if you were waking up from a dream, the dream of thought,
the dream of past and future. Such clarity, such simplicity. No room for
problem making. Just this moment as it is.  



The moment you enter the Now with your attention, you
realize that life is sacred. There is a sacredness to everything you perceive
when you are present. The more you live in the Now, the more you sense the
simple yet profound joy of Being and the sacredness of all life.  



Most people confuse the Now with what happens in the Now,
but that’s not what it is. The Now is deeper than what happens in it. It is the
space in which it happens. 



So do not confuse the content of this moment with the Now.
The Now is deeper than any content that arises in it.  



When you step into the Now, you step out of the content of
your mind. The incessant stream of thinking slows down. Thoughts don’t absorb
all your attention anymore, don’t draw you in totally. Gaps arise in between
thoughts–spaciousness, stillness. You begin to realize how much vaster and
deeper you are than your thoughts.  



Thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and whatever you
experience make up the content of your life. “My life” is what you derive your
sense of self from, and “my life” is content, or so you believe. 



You continuously overlook the most obvious fact: your
innermost sense of I Am has nothing to do with what happens in your life,
nothing to do with content. That sense of I Am is one with the Now. It always
remains the same. In childhood and old age, in health or sickness, in success
or failure, the I Am – the space of Now – remains unchanged at its deepest
level. It usually gets confused with content, and so you experience I Am or the
Now only faintly and indirectly, through the content of your life. In other
words: your sense of Being becomes obscured by circumstances, your stream of
thinking, and the many things of this world. The Now becomes obscured by time.

你一直忽略一件顯而易見的事實:你內心深處的“我本是”,與你生命中所“發生”的事情,與你所謂的生命內容,絲毫無關。“我本是”與當下是合一的,它始終不變,幼年如此,老年亦然,無論健康或生病、成功或失敗,“我本是”--當下的覺性空間,在最深層的意義上,它從來沒改變過。人們常以為生命的內容就是“我本是” ,而透過生命的內容,你也隻能隱約、間接地體驗到“我本是”或“當下”。換句話說:你的本體感因為受到如思維之流或俗事等各種情況的遮蔽,而變得朦朧不清。“當下”也因為有了過去與未來的時間概念,而變得隱晦不明。

And so you forget your rootedness in Being, your divine
reality, and lose yourself in the world. Confusion, anger, depression,
violence, and conflict arise when humans forget who they are. 



Yet how easy it is to remember the truth and thus return



I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and
experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in
which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.  


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