托尼是一位校園辦公室的清潔工(a janitor),與他萍水相逢交往有六七個月時間。可以說托尼是我在北美“插隊”,求學,工作和生活過程中一位名副其實的 “匆匆過客”。然而,他卻令人難以忘懷。
記得那是一個炎熱的下午,幹完活覺得很是無聊, 正準備離開辦公室打道回府。 忽然聽到有人敲門, 一回頭隨即看見一個頭伸進來問:有垃圾要倒嗎? 我回答到:“沒有,謝謝”。他打開門進來,憨憨地笑著說,“我叫托尼,剛來的清潔工“。 我這才注意到,這位四十歲左右中年人,身高約1.76 米,高鼻子凹眼睛,深棕色的頭發和眼睛。後得知托尼是意大利後裔。托尼很愛說話,於是彼此很快熟悉起來,且經常開玩笑打趣。托尼有一條腿受過傷,故走起路來一晃一晃。 樓裏很安靜的時候,每當聽到走廊上那時重時輕的腳步聲時,就知道他來了。每次來,他都要小聊片刻才走。記得偶爾一次交談中,托尼問我,你知道, ”Don’t look the gift horse in the mouth”是啥意思嗎?我說或許與馬的年齡有關吧(下農村時得知,馬的年齡與其牙口有關),但其它不是十分清楚,於是聽他將其含義娓娓道來。 他講得眉飛色舞,妙趣橫生(圖一)。此後,他每個星期總是有意考我幾條成語。對於我不懂的成語或短句,他講得津津樂道,我聽的也是津津有味,並認真逐條地記下來。如果我不在辦公室,他就先寫在黑板上,待下次碰到時再解釋意思和用法。
說來也奇怪,我本不喜歡學英語背單詞,記語法和句型也是枯燥無味讓人頭大。記得考托福和GRE時剛過了最低分數線,便立馬高呼萬歲。但唯獨跟托尼學習成語和短語時不同,樂此不疲覺得很有意思。如此數月下來,小本子上記了密密麻麻好幾十條,收獲不小。然而,好景不長,不知道因何原故托尼突然不來了,清潔工也換了人。自己心裏時常尋思著,托尼是生病辭去工作了呢,還是換了工作?答案不得而知。從那以後,也就沒見過托尼了。上學讀書期間有時很寂寞,托尼的出現使留學生活增加不少樂趣。 自托尼走後,生活又回到原來的老樣子。
圖一(from internet)
托尼教我的成語和短句在生活中使用頻率很高,且很容易掌握。記得那會兒當學生沒錢,喜歡看各種Sales 廣告(如garage sale, moving sale, yard sale 等)買便宜舊貨。如看到“The yard sale will start at 7:00 am. Early birds are welcome”, 托尼解釋”Early birds“是指捷足先登的早到者,來自:”An early bird catches worms“。看買車的廣告時,托尼說要小心陷阱,“Read the fine print in the ads”,不要上當。找工作需要取舍時,他說相對於不確定承諾,要珍惜已經拿到的offer (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush), 如得到兩份好工作offer時,自然是魚翅熊掌不可兼得要果斷(You can’t have the cake and eat it too)。還有許多日常成語,如摟草打兔子一箭雙雕(Kill two birds with one stone),好事成雙錦上添花(Icing on the cake),做事時本末倒置主次不分(Put the cart before the horse),或者辦事不分輕重,不識好壞(Throw out the baby with the bathwater)等等。幾乎不用費力便可輕易記住這些成語短句,並加以應用於生活之中。
托尼對中國成語和短語也十分感興趣,我也經常介紹些給他聽。隻是我有時不能用地道的英語把中國的成語解釋清楚,於是難免有諸如”People Mountain People Sea”(人山人海), “Heart Flower Angry Open”(心花怒放),”Morning 3 Evening 4” (朝三暮四)那等令人貽笑大方的翻譯,結果把托尼搞得也是一頭霧水。
看圖猜意(圖二至五, from internet):
Kill two birds with one stone
Beat a dead horse
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
One bird in hand is worth two in the bush
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
You can't have your cake and eat it too
I could eat a horse / an ox/ a lion
A charley horse
That's Greek to me
Let the cat out of the bag
Rain cats and dogs
Icing the top of a cake
The early bird catches the worm
Put the cart before the horse
Read the fine prints
The birds and the bees
A rolling stone gathers no moss
An eager beaver
Hold your horses!
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Wild horses couldn't drag me
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
Work like a dog (a beaver)
Put oneself in else's shoes
A barking dog never bites
Fight like cat and dog
Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
Talk someone's leg/ear/arm off
Throw out the baby with the bathwater