Yz_river2015-02-17 20:14:07回複悄悄話
回複 'YanbeiYin' 的評論 : Thank you for your comments. I agree. These robots are designed to transport military supplies/goods along those very narrow and rough paths on steep slopes in the mountain areas or some remote places where the vehicles cannot reach.
YanbeiYin2015-02-17 19:50:22回複悄悄話
Very interesting! There are industrial applications for these robots if they are intelligent enough.
Yz_river2015-02-17 09:17:06回複悄悄話
回複 'Madrigal' 的評論 : Thank you for visiting. Likewise! Technically, it is feasible to have it as "a pet", but economically it may be little bit too expensive for now.
Madrigal2015-02-17 09:09:17回複悄悄話
Thank you! I like the spot, it will be our family's pet if we can afford it!