

簡評名曲“Promises Don\'t Come Easy”

(2007-09-28 20:48:22) 下一個
像聽到河流悄悄漫過一片青草地,海水靜靜抹過一方沙灘。歌曲在Caron Nightingale醇厚的音質裏緩緩展開,給人一種如沐春風,又仿佛走在溶溶月光裏的一種靜謐柔和之美。 “Then I woke up one day and found you on your way”這一句唱得如同回風舞雪,行雲飛揚,流水徘徊。歌聲由平緩漸變為婉轉悠揚,象風中盤旋的落葉,又如湖麵上下翻飛的紫燕,給人一種大河九曲回腸,鯤鵬扶搖直上的跌宕起伏之美。聲線在回旋反複之後,瞬間爆發,象瀑布從峰頂突然墜落,猛烈地拍打岩石,激起千堆雪,酣暢淋漓。又像鷹隼俯衝而下,一舉擊殺獵物,盡顯無窮的張力。自此之後,歌聲如千百條溪流匯聚成了一條大河,真情浩蕩,揮灑自如,汪洋恣肆。起初的傷感已被徹底淹沒。

今天第一次聽“Promises Don't Come Easy”這首名曲,非常喜歡。歌詞和節奏都不錯,但個人認為這首名曲最大的亮點在於Caron Nightingale幾近完美歌喉。她的音質醇厚,中音飽滿。不是那種甜的發膩的音色,也不是滄桑的嘶啞的音質。做個不恰當的比喻,她的音質不是玻璃那麽光滑,也不是岩石那麽粗糙,而是象海灘白淨的細沙一樣有質感。


Promises Don't Come Easy

Caron Nightingale

I should have known all along,
There was something wrong
I just never read between the lines
Then I woke up one day and found you on your way
Leaving nothing but my heart behind

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay
Well I'd promises anything to you

I've been walkin' around with my head hanging down
Wondrin' what I'm gonna do
'Cause when you walked out that door,
I knew I needed you more
Than to take a chance on losing you

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time
That's the promise that I give to you
You never thought I loved you
I guess you never thought I cared
I was just too proud to say it out loud
Now I know, to let my feelings go (so tell me)

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time
That's the promise I can give to you
What can I do to make it up to you

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