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雅美之途's Note: 這篇文章放在這裏正是時候,因為它告訴你如何選擇一所滿意的大學去度過你未來的四年。現在離截止日期的5月1日還剩五天,在此之前今年畢業班的同學必須定下自己的學校。這將是他們到目前為止一生中最重要的決定,有些同學要在四月低的最後幾天才能想清楚去那所學校。四月也是家長比較財政援助的一個月。如果水平相當的院校提供的財政援助相差很大,你應該很明白你可以用A學校的財政援助方案向提供較少的財政補助的B學校討價還價。
High School Seniors in Sammamish: Five Questions to Help You Make Your College Decision
The envelopes are here and you were accepted to all the colleges to which you applied. Here are tips on how to narrow it down to one.
By Deborah Cossey, Patch.com.
In just two weeks, college-bound seniors have an important deadline. National College Response Day is May 1. Colleges expect all seniors to respond to their final choice college by then and the next two weeks are a flurry of college open houses, welcome events, accepted student days, emails and letters to help encourage/sway students to choose that particular college.
So how do you choose among the colleges that want you? The choice is not about impressive events on campus; instead, it is a personal decision, one built on the research, criteria, interests, goals and financial situation of each student. If you are one of those students struggling with your decision, here are five questions that may help you arrive at your decision:
The financial questions: Have you and your family carefully evaluated the financial aid package or the total costs of the colleges on your list? Do you know the “average indebtedness at graduation” for each college (if not, check College Board)? Will you be able to afford this college for the four or five years until you graduate? Will the cost be a burden to you or your family?
The academic question: Have you researched, talked to the departments and made sure that the colleges on your list have the academic departments that are of interest to you? We know that students often change their majors in college, but it helps if the colleges have a variety of departments within your range of interest.
The social/activities question: What will it be like to be on this campus on the weekends? What do kids do for fun? If you like hiking or mountain biking, is it available? Do you want to have a city nearby? Is there easy access to the shops, restaurants and concerts that would be of interest to you? In general, can you see yourself being comfortable, involved and happy at this college?
The distance question: Many of you started out seeking colleges as far away from home as possible. Now that reality has set in, is that still what you want? How will you get to your college and how long will it take you? Will you be taking a car and, if so, what are the parking costs (can be pricey!). How do students fair without a car? Now, in April of your senior year, how far away from home do you want to be?
The personal question: Take away the hype and ask yourself what your “gut” says about this choice. Where will you be most comfortable, challenged, happy, involved, successful, and feel like you are “at home?” In other words, really take time to evaluate what you want, not your parents, teachers, counselor, media or colleges. This is your biggest decision so far. Make the best one for you.
Remember, you can only deposit at one school (National Association for College Admission Counseling). So, best wishes as you make your decision and have a safe, fun end to your senior year!
I appreciate your humurous of Pomona!
The sister colleges of Pomona near LA should be pretty decent and they share the same resources as well.
請教您如何評論西海岸的liberal arts colleges , such as Reeds, which is where Steve Jobs dropped off, and another one is Pronoma college ,在全美文理學院排名很髙。先謝了。
You are right as many of the students at UCB can't take the courses they love because there were limited slots.
伯克利在US News上排名比所有藤校都低,東部名校更具曆史感與人文,更與美國政治經濟連接。