材料:魚片兩片(這裏用的pink ling魚片,約350克,其他白色的魚片也可以),蔥花1茶匙,蒜沫0.5 茶匙,薑沫1茶匙。
350 gm Pink Ling fillet, 1 tea spoon finely chopped spring onion, 0.5 tea spoon finely chopped garlic, 1 tea spoon finely chopped ginger
(a)醃製魚的調料:料酒2茶匙,鹽1/2 茶匙。 2 tea spoons cooking wine,0.5 tea spoon salt.
(b)蒸魚調料汁: 料酒2大匙,糖1/4 茶匙,白醋2茶匙,蠔油1茶匙,香油1茶匙。Get a mixing bowl, add 2 tea spoons of cooking wine, ¼ tea spoon sugar, 2 tea spoon vinegar, 1 tea spoon oyster oil, 1 tea spoon sesame oil, mix well.
(c)備:生粉(幹澱粉)3茶匙,橄欖油1大匙。3 tea spoons corn flour, 1 table spoon olive oil.
1)將魚片洗淨,用廚用紙巾擦幹,切成兩厘米寬的片,放入醃製魚的調料(a),加入蒜沫和薑沫, 揉搓至魚片吸入,放置20分鍾;
Wash the fish fillet thoroughly, dry it using kitchen paper towel, then cut the fillet into 2 cm wide pieces, place the fish pieces into a mixing bowl, add seasoning (a), add ginger and garlic, mix well;
2) 將每片魚片都沾上澱粉,放在一個蒸盤中,平鋪一層,滾水入鍋,蒸12分鍾;
Add corn flour and make sure each piece of fish covered by corn flour evenly, place the fish pieces into a plate (place only a single layer), add water to a steamer, when water boils, place the plate into the steamer (with protection gloves :-), cover the lid and steam for 12 minutes.
3)將蒸好的魚片小心盛入另一個幹淨盤中,另用一個炒鍋,熱後放入橄欖油,放入蔥稍煸出香味後,倒入調料汁 (b),見其冒泡,關火,澆在魚片上即可。
After 35 minutes, place the steamed fish onto another plate carefully. Add olive oil onto a frying pan, add spring onion, once it is heated, add the mixed seasoning sauce (b) , then switch off the heat. Drip this sauce on top of the fish, it is now ready to serve.
Note: the seasoning sauce (b) can be made according to your preferred flavour, for example, you can add lemon juice, or chilli oil etc.
Happy Cooking !
後記: 這篇博文貼出來以後收到朋友們針對蒸魚的時間的反饋。我又做了幾次,把蒸魚時間改動了,還有相應的注意事項也加在上麵的博文裏了。感謝大家的反饋和熱情!
謝謝家宴! 也祝你和全家元宵節快樂!
對我家人的口感喜好來說,350 克魚片,蒸3 到 5 分鍾,時間少了點,不過可以試試稍多加幾分鍾後如何。