在家裏客廳一角的小咖啡桌上,靜靜躺著一本海明威巴黎回憶『A Moveable Feast』~ 流動的聖節。書角已卷,扉頁也已發黃,我還時不時翻開看看。想過換一本更精致的新版,卻舍不得那夾在書頁裏的歲月,字裏行間閃過青春的記憶,嘻笑,浪漫,和眼淚。。。
那是二十年前未婚夫帶到北京的書,我們相互讀著,夢想有一天一起辭了大公司的職,到塞納河畔釣魚。。。就是這些海闊天空不著邊際的夢捕獲了我的心。他喜歡聽我輕聲細語地念,稍稍的口音也在他耳中成了my fair lady裏的“the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain"。
婚後接連來了一兒一女兩個小家夥纏身,第一次到巴黎已是六七年後。而真正的熟讀海明威則是給孩子們念了無數兒童書的閑暇。那時的我,滿心的愛散文,覺得海明威的文雖清澈,卻似水,一口飲下不再回味。倒是通過他對菲茲傑羅的描寫(Francis Scott Fitzgerald 又譯:菲茨傑拉德),愛上了後者細膩的文字。
一連讀了菲茲傑羅的蓋茨比the great Gatsby,夜色溫柔(Tender is the night),人間天堂(This side of the paradise) ,the beautiful and the damned, 幾乎能找到的長短篇文字都買回了家。跟先生說,“海明威寫給男人,菲茲傑羅寫給女人。對不起我不能跟你一起泛(fan)海了(sorry I can't be a Hemingway fan with you anymore, my new love is Fitzgerald) .” 他說沒有關係,你盡可以有自己的喜好。寫到這裏我才知道其實海明威在我的心裏是揮之不去的。
如果說海明威的文字是烈酒,那麽菲茲傑羅的文字則如雞尾酒,一絲絲的甜,一絲絲的苦,在眼裏是糖果果( eye candy),心中蕩起漣漪,伴隨這杯美酒的是爵士樂,那是他命名了的爵士時代"Jazz Age",還有什麽比這更美妙的時光?千年前的醉翁大師李白曰“人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月,天生我材必有用,千金散盡還複來!”
我還是他們兩位忠實的Fan,割舍不去的是絲絲生命氣息相關連。是他們把我帶到了那個遙遠的二三十年代,那個美國曆史上的黃金時代,一次大戰後看不到還有二次大戰來臨的人們,一擲千金,一醉方休。錦瑟華年誰與度,擁有的是大把的時光,寫下了激情的文字,卻被稱為迷茫的一代(the lost generation),尋求著自我也尋求著愛。
想當年,他的第一本書是為和Zelda訂婚而作,要想獲得法官女兒的芳心,頗費一番苦心。他把在普林斯頓大學時寫的劇本改編一下,年僅二十幾歲就出版了this side of paradise(人間天堂),不同凡響。他的作品受好萊塢青睞,多次改編為電影,而他後期的創作也增加了商業的娛樂的元素。四十四歲卻因心髒病,英年早逝,令人唏噓,此時的Zelta還在瑞士一家精神病院,昔日的金童玉女被酒消磨了生命。醉過方知酒濃,愛過才知情重。斯人已去,帶走了他的爵士時代和美國夢。。。他未完成的『最後的大亨』(the last Tycoon)令我不忍卒讀。
去年滿心歡喜以為聖誕節要上演新版Gatsby,延遲了,一直等到了今年卻有些猶豫是不是去看,預告片看著有些鬧騰,也許正是要體現那新富的浮華? 而我心裏的二三十年代已經沉澱成一個經典。然而,如果可以穿越時空,就象午夜巴黎的電影,收到Party的邀請,我能不心向神怡,前去赴宴嗎?



菲茲傑羅一家,let's party!
從二十年代的默片開始,the Great Gatsby 已經被多次搬上銀幕,這部74年版的影片更象我心裏的形象。
美語論壇貼?經典小說the Great Gatsby在線閱讀?
• Great work! -Lucidus- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 5/23/13 14:27:13
• Thanks Lucidus! -京燕花園- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 5/23/13 17:08:36
• Well written and presentedYou know how to present your emtions in well decorated forms with colorful text and pictures. The contents are just as well presented.
I usually write a book review if I feel a strong urge about what I read. For some strange reason I don't have much to say after I read Fitzgerald's books. I've read The Great Gatsby, Tender is the Night, This Side of the Paradise, as well as other lesser known ones like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and some of his short pieces and even plays. He was an icon of 1920s American literature and I read his books with attention and zeal. But I just don't have a strong feeling of any kind. The Great Gatsby was dramatic enough after the car accident that killed his girl friend and at the end of his suicide. But I thought that was too artificial. A store made up for dramatic effects. He was definitely a master of English and I agree with you, that to read his books one needs to sit down and find a really quite place to read it and be able to appreciate every word. He is just too subtle for me. No wonder women love his novels.
Heimingway is another famous author whose works don't really inspire me, with the exception of The Old Man and Sea. I admired that short novel greatly. I particuarly like his use of very simple words and short phrases to describe the emotions and thoughts of his subjects. Even the those simple words like "a", "the", "is", "are" are well and carefully placed so that readers are not aware of anything else but be absorbed completely in his stories, which in the case of The Old Man and Sea is a really simple one. One can just describe the whole story in less than a dozen words, and yet there have been so much said about this book, I didn't want to heap up my comments on it. I could add nothing new but praise and admiiration.
Heimingway's other books do not stir up my mind like The Old Man and Sea. It seems that his other novels are all of the same kind of construction and style. His novels describe bigger events and stories at very personal level in great details of the daily activities of the protagnists. The Snows at Mount Kalimanjaro, Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bells Toll and many other novels are all alike in this respect.
I think I am more interested in stories than the literary skills. I like stories that sound "real", even fictions. May be that's because I intermix my readings with biographies and fictions. If a book doesn't tell a moving story then I cannot keep my concentration. I keep look for dramatic changes. But most of Heimingway's and Fitzgerald's stories are fairly predictable. These are "pure" literature exercises that are like Chopin's recitals, hard and artsy, and more appreciated by those who love the style, like sipping a cup of well made coffee, one drip at a time. -bmdn- (2958 bytes) (14 reads) 5/24/13 10:23:05
• Very well said! Thank you so much bmdn for your inputs.
You are an avid reader and writer, and translator!
Women tend to be attracted to Romantic stories and light comedies. They shed tears easily with melancholy scenes. I look to the world through a layer of rose colored glasses.
Guys are not afraid of the thrilling tales and dramatic changes in details. With a sharp eye like yours, you see right through to the core.
Fitzgerald liked to write about romans, the youthful. People say some of his materials came from his wife's writing or at least inspired by her drafts. Meanwhile, she was kind of jealous that his writing time was taking his attentions away from her.
I enjoy biographies as well. Hope you've found your favorite cup of tea, coffee, wine, big wave full of ocean...to savor...or gulp!-京燕花園- ♀ (769 bytes) (12 reads) 5/24/13 14:27:44
• 海明威曾經是我的碩士論文。遇到一位也愛他的人,像遇到一個知音。頂 ! -香草山上- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 5/24/13 13:54:03
• 握手握手,知音香草! -京燕花園- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 5/24/13 14:29:48
長周末愉快(^.^)happy memorial day!
這樣有勁兒的酒要不要幹上一杯?暢敘心懷,可能酒給了他們靈感,海明威寫過"hunger was good discipline",饑渴的時候奮筆。
我們認識好久了,從大紅棗兒說起hehe。昨天我從target買了一本雜誌你可能也會喜歡,event bookazines牌the Great Gatsby Era. 上網就可以查到封麵的樣子。(^.^)
我喜歡他寫的tender is the night , 我好像很沒有定力,戴著rose colored glasses,還向party張望著。
早晨再來一杯咖啡,與尼斯姐姐慢慢聊^_^ 😄