

17 Wealth Files

(2010-04-19 06:37:59) 下一個

Secrets of Millionaire Mind


17 Wealth Files


Wealth File #1


Rich   people believe “I    create     my life.”

Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”


What you focus on expands.

Law of Attraction: “like attracts like.”


We’ve confused attention with love. It is virtually impossible to be truly happy and successful when you’ve constantly yearning for attention. Because if it’s attention you want, you’re at the mercy of others. You usually end up as a “people pleaser” begging for approval.


Love yourself and others for what they are, not what they do for you.


Wealth File #2


Rich   people play the money game to win.

Poor people play the money game to not lose.


If your goal is to be comfortable, chances are you’ll never get rich.

But if your goal is to be rich,     chances are you’ll end up mighty comfortable.


If you shoot for the stars,   you’ll at least hit the moon.

If you shoot for Billionaire, you’ll at least hit Millionaire.


Wealth File #3


Rich   people are committed to being rich.

Poor people want           to be rich.


Law of Attraction: the universe will do its best to say yes and support you. But if you have mixed messages in your file, the universe can’t understand what you want.


The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.


You always get what you want------what you subconsciously want, not what you say you want.


I want:   I’ll take it if it falls in my lap.

I choose: I decide to become…

      Decision---decidere (Latin): to kill off any other alternatives.

I commit: I devote myself unreservedly :

            hold absolutely nothing back;

            give 100 percent of everything I’ve got to achieve goal;     be willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.

This is the warrior’s way. No excuses, no ifs, no buts, no maybes---and failure is not an option.

                           “I’ll be successful or I will die trying.”


Getting rich takes focus, courage, knowledge, expertise, 100 percent of your effort, a never-give-up attitude, and of course a rich mind-set.

You also have to believe in your heart of hearts that you can create wealth and that you absolutely deserve it.


Once you do commit, the universe will bend over backward to support you. The universe will assist you, guide you, support you, and even create miracles for you. But first, you have to commit!


Wealth File #4


Rich   people think big.

Poor people think small.


The Law of Income: You will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the marketplace.


Most people choose to play small. First, because of fear. They’re scared to death of failure and they’re even more frightened of success. Second, they feel small. They feel unworthy. They don’t feel they’re good enough or important enough to make a real difference in people’s lives.


Your life is not just about you. It’s also about contributing to others. It’s about living true to your mission and reason for being here on this earth at this time. It’s about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. Most people are so stuck in their egos that everything revolves around me, me, and more me. But if you want to be rich in the truest sense of the word, it can’t only be about you. It has to include adding value to other people’s lives.


The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow.

Happiest people are those who use their natural talents to the utmost. Part of your mission in life then must be to share your gifts and value with as many as people as possible. That means being willing to play big.


An entrepreneur is a person who solves problems for people at a profit.


The more people you help, the “richer” you becomes, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and definitely financially.


Wealth File #5


Rich   people focus on opportunities.

Poor people focus on obstacles.


Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities and creativity. They research, do their due diligence, get education as short a time as possible, and make decisions to go for it or not based on solid information and facts.


Wealth File #6


Rich  people admire other rich and successful people.

Poor people resent       rich and successful people.


Traits and characteristics for a person to get and stay rich:

Trustworthy, positive, reliable, focused, determined, persistent, hardworking, energetic, good with people, a competent communicator, semi-intelligent, and an expert in at least one area.


Bless what you want.


Wealth File #7


Rich   people associate with positive,   successful   people.

Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.


Modeling is one of the primary ways that people learn.

“If they can do it, I can do it.”---motivate.


If you take the exact same actions and have the exact same mind-set, chances are good you will get the exact same result.


Manifest what you want while staying calm, centered, and peaceful. “Everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to assist me.”


Remain true to your values.


Birds of a feather flock together.


It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.


If you want to fly with the eagles, don’t swim with the ducks!


Wealth File #8


Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.

Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.


Rich people are usually great leaders, and all great leaders are great promoters. To be a leader, you must inherently have followers and supports, which means that you have to be adept at selling, inspiring, and motivating people to buy into your vision.


Wealth File #9


Rich   people are bigger than their problems.

Poor people are smaller than their problems.


Don’t focus on the problem; focus on the goal.


Solution-oriented: spend time and energy strategizing and planning the answers to challenges that come up, and creating systems to make certain that problem doesn’t occur again.


Wealth File #10


Rich   people are excellent receivers.

Poor people are poor     receivers.




Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.


“Universe, if anyone has something great coming to them and they’re not willing to take it, send it to me! I am open and willing to receive all of your blessings. Thank you.”


Money will only make you more of what you already are.


Once you become truly open to receiving, the rest of your life will open up. Not only will you receive more money, but you’ll also receive more love, more peace, more happiness, and more fulfillment. Because “how you do anything is how you do everything.”


Wealth File #11


Rich   people choose to get paid based on results.

Poor people choose to get paid based on time.


Living based in security is living based in fear.

Poor people trade their time for money.


Wealth File # 12


Rich   people think both”.

Poor people think either/or”.


Money is important!

Money is lubricant.

Money brings freedom---to buy what you want, to do what you want with your time.

Having money allows you not have to spend your energy worrying about not having money.


Wealth File #13


Rich people focus on their net worth.

Poor people focus on their working income.


Four net worth factors: income, savings, investments and simplification.


What you focus on expands.

Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.


Wealth File #14


Rich   people manage    their money well.

Poor people mismanage their money well.


10% FFA (Financial Freedom Account)

10% LTSS (Long-Term Savings for Spending account)

50% Necessities Account

10% Play Account

10% Give Account


Either you control money, or it will control you.


Money is a big part of your life, and when you earn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life will soar.


Wealth File # 15


Rich   people have their money work hard for them.

Poor people                   work hard for their money.


You have to work hard until your money works hard enough to take your place.

The more your money works, the less you will have to work.


Money is energy. Most people put work energy in and get money energy out.


Financial freedom is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money.


Two primary sources of passive income:


1.    money working for you: investment earnings from financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, T-bill, money markets, mutual funds or other assets that appreciate in value and can be liquidated for cash


2.     business working for you: rental real estate, royalties from books, music, or software; becoming a franchisor; owning storage units; owning vending or other types of coin-operated machines; and network marketing.


Buying things for immediate gratification is nothing more than a futile attempt to make up for our dissatisfaction in life.


Spending money you don’t have comes from “expending” emotions you do have.


This syndrome is commonly known as retail therapy.


Wealth File # 16


Rich   people act in spite of fear.

Poor people let fear stop them.


If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard.

But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.


Being comfortable is highly overrated.

Being comfortable may make you feel warm, fuzzy, and secure, but it doesn’t allow you to grow.

To grow as a person you have to expand your comfort zone. The only time you can actually grow is when you are outside your comfort zone.


Happiness comes as a result of being in our natural state of growth and living up to our fullest potential.


Talk is cheap! Let’s see whether you mean it.


Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill you could ever own, in terms of both happiness and success.


No thoughts lives in your head rent-free. You will pay for negative thoughts in money, in energy, in time, in health and in your level of happiness.


Positive thinking: to pretend that everything is rosy, when they really believe that it’s not.


Power thinking: to understand that everything is neutral, that nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it, and that we are going to make up a story and give something its meaning.


Wealth File # 17


Rich   people constantly learn and grow.

Poor people think they already know.


“I take myself with me wherever I go. If I grow myself to become a successful person, in strength of character and mind, I will naturally be successful in anything and everything I do. I will gain the power of absolute choice. I will gain the inner power and ability to choice any job, business or investment arena and know I will be a success.”


If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.


The order to success is: Be---Do---Have:

If I become a successful person, I will be able to do what I need to do to have what I want, including a lot of money.


The goal of creating wealth is not primarily to have a lot of money, is to help you grow yourself into the best person you can possible be.


Success is not a “what”, it’s a “who”. “Who” you are is totally trainable and learnable.


Success is learnable skill.


The fastest way to get rich and stay rich is to work on developing you!


Your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world.

You are the root; your results are the fruits.


Rich people are experts in their fields.

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