

P & L 分析 5 Controllables

(2010-02-21 01:22:37) 下一個

                                Controllables ---Cost of products or services, which to some degree can be controlled by the manager. The two main factors are R & M (Repair & Maintenance) and Utilities.

1.  Repair & Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance (PM) for equipment is extremely important to maintain the well-being of its life. It is more cost effective to perform PM service routinely than to call for service during an emergency. It is critical to have quarterly PM services for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning ),  Refrigeration Equipment and Ice Machine.

a.   Air Conditioning Service Checklist (AC units on top of the roof)

o  Replace filters with 2” pleated filters

o  Replace belts annually

o  Check and evaluate makeup air filters for cleaning or replacing

o  Check belt tensions

o  Check condensate drain lines

o  Check tighten all electrical connections

o  Check burner and blow out combustion burner’s w/CO2

o  Check blower wheel. Bearing and shaft for proper rotation

o  Check all valves

o  Check coil splits

o  Check voltages

o  Check refrigerant levels

o  Check heat exchanger for cracks/leaks.

o  Listen for smooth operation of units

o  Oil or grease motor and bearing as needed

o  Inspect and clean condenser coil with water/CO2

o  Remove all debris from roof

b.  Exhaust System Service Check List

o  Inspect motor drive belts

o  Replace belts annually

o  Check electrical control starter relay

o  Check blower fan, berating and shaft

o  Check makeup air drive belts. Replace annually

o  Check and evaluate filters on hood and makeup air for cleaning or replacing

o  Oil or grease motor and bearings as needed

o  Change makeup air filters annually


o  Vent hood service every 3 months, NOT overdue

o  Check the fans of the roof and the mushroom after service

o  If the blades in the mushroom are not clean on both sides, it won’t be balanced.

o  Check belts. Sometimes the hood is clean but the belt is loose, then the hood can’t function well and suck in all the air. You can buy the belt from auto zone.

o  If the exhaust system went off, check the breaker first and hit the reset button. If it’s not working, call electrician.

c.   Refrigeration/Freezer Service Check List (kitchen equipment and roof top condensers)

o  Check and clean condenser coils

o  Check gasket condition

o  Check/Clean evap coils

o  Check evap fans

o  Check/Clean condensate lines

o  Check hinge condition

o  Check temp 33-45 F on refrigerators, 0-15 degrees on freezers

d.  Ice Machine Service Check List

o  Check ice machine drain lines for proper drainage

o  Check/Clean condenser coil

o  Check control panel wires

o  Clean and sanitize bin and machine twice yearly

o  Wait through cycle to insure machine is working

Other R& M Issues:

o  Grease trap: usually pick up every 3 months (<$350)

o  Ansul system (semi-annually, $ 220) and fire extinguisher ( annually): The Ansu system should be connected to fire department. If you only need the metal caps for Ansul ($10/piece), they usually will charge you by trip. Ask other neighbor stores if they are going to receive service and ask them to bring extra caps when visit.

o  Hot water tank usually sets up 135-140F, no more than 160F. If you can’t read the temperature on the tank, simply go to the nearest hand sink and check if the water temperature goes up to 110 F within 1 minute.

o  The landlord should take care of roof and landscaping if the land does not belong to you. Find your control valve (double handle) for sprinkler system.

o  Freezer: don’t block the condenser to influence AC circulation.

o  Walk-in cooler curtain fix: just need to cut the top part, punch a whole and put the magnet back .

o  Rice cooker: if it is not functioning well such as uncooked or burned, just use green pad to clean the sensor.

o  Deep fryer: you will see a fresh air pipe when you open the machine door. Clean it by using the toothpicks and hot water.

o  GFI (Ground Fault Indicator): located by the prep sink. Usually experience when you use the food processor and the power is not on. It’s because water splash the GFI, power is off and the red light is on. Simply hit the reset button and it will work.

o  Change water filter and soda filter procedure: turn off the water on the pipe---change filters by using black ring---after done, turn off the pipe and turn on the flush line to release the water for 2 minutes to flush the line---day dot it. Change the soda filters every 6 moths.

2.  Utilities

a.   Water

Every 1 dollar of clean water you use costs you 3 dollars sewers.

Control the Chinese Cooking Range.

b.  Gas

Control Fryers and Vegetable Boiler.

Maintain burners. Watch out tips. Make the best of fire.

c.   Electricity

Use energy-save light bulbs. Control light –on timing.

Set up Thermostat:

Cooling: 72F day time/80F night time

Heating: 62F day time/55F night time

Once set it up, do not change it all the time. 

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