

Habit 4 To Think Win- Win

(2010-02-20 10:41:26) 下一個

Habit 4  To Think Win-Win

       The Habit of Mutual Benefit

Habit 4 is part of our public victory as we move from independence to interdependence.

To Think Win-Win means that we respect others. When we live Habit 4, we are able to find better solutions to problems, develop strong relationships, and include other team members.

. A Mediocre Manger holds the Paradigm: I want it all and you can’t have any. I manage my Associates and give feedback when necessary.

. A Effective Manager holds the Paradigm: we can share because there is enough for all of us. I don’t manage my Associates---we set expectations together and they manager themselves.

A good leader inspires a team to have confidence in the leader.

A great leader inspires a team to have confidence in themselves.


Ineffective Mindsets

. Lose-Lose: “if I am going down, you’re going down with me !”  In this mindset, we are very negative. Often times in this mindset, we find ourselves being jealous of others so we want them to fail. As we think about their failure, we also put at risk our own success.

. Win-Lose: “I win, so you lose.” In this mindset, we are very competitive. Often times in this mindset, we compare ourselves to others and figure out how we can beat them. This is the most common mindset.

. Lose-Win:” Go ahead, you win!” In this mindset, we allow people to walk all over us. Often times in this mindset, we want others to like us so we decide not to stand up for ourselves. We do not have courage.

Effective Mindset: Think Win-Win

Think Win-Win mindset is “Let’s find a solution the works for both of us!”

When we Think Win-Win, every person walks away satisfied.

1. Give an example of a time you did not use a win-win mindset. What mindset were you in? What was the result?

2. Give an example of a time you used a win-win mindset. What was the result.

You don’t have to blow out the other person’s light to let your own shine.

Courage & Consideration

Thinking Win-Win requires a balance between Courage and Consideration.

. Courage: Willingness to say your thoughts and feelings (I.e., honesty).

. Consideration: Willingness to listen and respect other points of view.

Activity: Courage and Consideration”

For each mindset, list how your Associates may react if you managed in that particular way.

1. High courage, low consideration

2. Low courage, high consideration

3. Low courage, low consideration

4. High courage, high consideration

Which mindset gives the best results?

Win-Win Agreements

Win-Win Ground Rules

1. Desired Results

(What is the end in mind? What are the outcomes WE want?)

2. Guidelines

(What are the rules we need to follow?)

3. Resources

(What resources do we have to work with? People, money, tools, materials?)

4. Accountability

(How will we decide how well things are going?)

5. Consequences

(What will happen if we achieve the desired result? If not?)

When leading a restaurant, Win-Win agreements are very effective when:

. Hiring an Associate

. Delegating an important task

. Resolving a conflict

. Accepting a new task from supervisor


“Creating a Win-Win Agreement”

Think of a situation in your work place where a Win-Win agreement would be helpful. Create a Win-Win agreement from your own perspective, anticipating as best as you can the perspective of the other person.

The key to motivation superb performance from your team is to Think Win-Win. This simply means that everyone wins all of the time---the manger and the worker, the team and the team members, the supplier and the customer.

Living Habit 4

To Think Win-Win means that we respect others. If we respect each others, we will have effective relationships. When we live Habit 4, we are able to find better solutions to problems, develop strong relationships, and include other team members.

The best way to live Habit 4 to practice today’s learning. Commit to one of these activities in order to make Habit 4 come to life:

1. Sit down with an Associate and create a Win-Win agreement in order to improve performance or to move to the next position in the store.

2. Create a Win-Win agreement with your supervisor.

3. Create a SMART Action Plan with one of your Associates. Use Win-Win thinking when filling this out with an Associate!

Be best of yourself first. Then you could create growing opportunities for your team.












































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