


(2010-04-15 12:46:06) 下一個
-celine Deon 的power of love Collections

1. 暗戀的狂想曲:The color of my love

I'll paint my mood in shades of blue
Paint my soul to be with you
I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones
Draw your mouth to my own

I'll draw your arms around my waist
Then all doubt I shall erase
I'll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hair

I'll trace a hand to wipe your tears
A look to calm your fears
A silhouette of dark and light
While we hold each other oh so tight
 I'll paint a sun to warm your heart
Swearing that we'll never part
That's the colour of my love
I'll paint the truth Show how I feel
 Try to make you completely real
I'll use a brush so light and fine To draw you close and make you mine
I'll draw the years all passing by
So much to learn so much to try And
with this ring our lives will start
Swearing that we'll never part I offer what you cannot buy Devoted love until we die

明擺的暗戀之歌。一個女孩子愛上了一個男人,可是他也許看都沒看過她一眼,於是,她嚐試用自己的鉛筆畫出他,在想象中與這個男人交流,擁抱,並共度一生。這個男人一定相當的帥。這首歌的英文歌詞非常美。 藍色是我悠悠的思緒,而鉛筆畫出的你雖然清晰,俊美,但卻毫無感覺。正在猶豫是否要把你的影像從我生活裏擦掉,然而,細雨和微風的輕柔讓你有了一點兒生動,於是想起用陽光般的溫暖來塗抹你的心情。愛情在想象裏尤其美麗,這首歌把一個暗戀女孩對戀愛那種唯美,真摯的遐想無與倫比地描畫了出來, 可謂是歌中有畫。

一支畫筆,一段描述,很快就完成了一段美麗的戀愛和婚姻。 現實中的戀愛,肯定沒有比這更完美的更迅速的。所以,完成了你的畫,你的歌,也就可以結束我的思念。

2.激情的華爾茲:power of love

The whispers in the morning
Of lovers sleeping tight
Are rolling like thunder now
As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender
A love that I could not forsake'

Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love

The sound of your heart beating
Made it clear Suddenly
the feeling that I can't go onIs light years away


“偶是你的女人,你是偶的男人,無論你在何時需要偶,偶隨叫隨到。” 聽聽是多麽大膽無恥的激情流淌。然而“你的心跳那樣清晰強烈,遏製不住的感覺把時光燃燒而盡。”



3 :大奶的詠歎調:Think twice

Don't think I can't feel that there's something wrong
You've been the sweetest part of my life so long
I look in your eyes, there's a distant light 
you and I know there'll be a storm tonight
This is getting serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us

 Don't say what you're about to say
 Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice Baby think twice for the sake of our love,
for the memory For the fire and the faith that was you and me
Baby I know it ain't easy when your soul cries out for a higher ground
 'Coz when you're halfway up, you're always halfway down

But baby this is serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us

大奶唱道:哼,別以為我不知道有什麽不對勁兒,不過你一直是我生活裏最甜蜜的部分。我早就看見你眼裏的距離,我倆都知道今天晚上會有一場風暴。這件事愈演愈烈,你隻考慮你自己還是我們?不要故作輕鬆地說出你要說的,在離開我之前還是回顧一下過去的生活。你難道非要關上這扇門?確定要下這個賭注?寶貝,你再好好想想。寶貝,再好好想想,為了我們的生活,為了我們有過的激情和信念。 我知道你的靈魂渴望著更高的起點,然而即使你身處雲端,還是要考慮回到地麵。寶貝這很嚴重,嗚嗚。。。。

老公有了二奶,大奶含情帶淚地勸說. 真感動ing. 不過男人身在此時,旁人如何勸說,也是這耳朵進,那耳朵出,白費了許多的口舌。 這裏麵有一句真正雷人的話:when you halfway up , you ‘re always halfway down。俺還譯不好這一句, 請各位幫忙。

這個大奶多有水平咱就不說了。 可是這男人還是要離她而去。可見男人要二奶,小三,與大奶好不好全沒關係。男人們要出彩,出軌都可以,就是別在外麵編排自己的老婆。

以上三首歌全是Celine Deon 的power of love Collections,裏麵還有when I remember LA, refuse dance, sleepless in Seattle 的插曲, 歌詞歌曲和旋律都非常有優美動聽。從暗戀,正常戀愛,不倫之戀,離經叛道之戀,集情愛,性愛之大全。 閉上眼睛想想,就是天黑。
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