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“ 你們已經死了,你們的生命與基督一同藏在神裏麵,基督是我們的生命。 ” (歌羅西三: 3 , 4 )
聖保羅在致歌羅西人的信中說到: “ 你們已經死了,與基督一同藏在神裏麵。 ” 隻有神的靈能使我們瞭解,相信並實行與基督同受苦和死的真理,藉著聖靈從基督領受的是不會死亡的新生命,聖靈向我們保證:當我與基督同死時,祂死的能力也在我身上運行。
同時基督的生命: “ 你們的生命與基督一同藏在神裏麵。 ” 這就是基督在被賣的那一夜說的: “ 你們會知道我在父裏麵,父在我裏麵 ”— 與基督一同在父神裏麵,我的生命與基督一同安全的藏在父神裏麵,藉著聖靈的工作,每天我從那裏因信接受更新。
“ 你們的生命與基督一同藏在神裏麵,基督是我們的生命。 ”
“Ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God ... Christ is our life.” --COL. iii. 3, 4.
Let us now sum up what has been said about the new life we are to live in Christ. Let us see if we have grasped the lesson this booklet would teach us, and whether we really intend to live this life.
St Paul writes to the Colossians: “Ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Only God’s Spirit can enable the believer to grasp and appropriate the truth that he was actually crucified and died with Christ. The new life he receives in Christ through the Spirit is life out of death. In Christ as the Lamb in the Midst of the Throne the power of that life is shown as a crucified life in each one who has received it. The Holy Spirit gives me the assurance that I died with Christ, and the power of His death works in me.
And of Christ’s life: “Your life is hid with Christ in God.” This is what Christ said in the last night: “Ye shall know that I am in the Father and ye in Me” – with Him in the Father. My life is safely hid with Christ in God, and from there I each day by faith receive it anew through the working of the Holy Spirit.
Is this not the reason why so many of God’s children make so little progress? They do not know that the life of Christ who died on the Cross and now lives in heaven is truly THEIR life hid in God, and must daily be received afresh from God in the quiet hour. What joy to know my spiritual life is not in my keeping, but is hid in God. Christ and the Holy Spirit will grant to each humble believing child of God to receive this new life.
What joy to know that the new life of God’s children around me is also hid with Christ in God! What a bond of union this will be. How sincerely we should love each other and pray for each other.
“Your life is hid with Christ in God... Christ is our life.”
O Spirit of God, let me rely upon Thee to make this true in my life!