2005 (523)
2006 (529)
2007 (113)
最近在看一本小說,是Carl Hiaasen寫的《Skinny Dip》(中文名《裸浴》)。裏麵的主人公 Chaz Perrone博士,就差點成了方鴻漸先生和吳征博士的學弟,就連畢業論文的題目和故事的結局,也都十分的神似(《試論糖為什麽是甜的?》/複旦大學的博士)。
It dawned on Chaz that he wasdoomed to minimum-wage hell unless he obtained a master's degree, so he purchased one from a popular dimloma mill in Colorado. The eight-week mail-order course guaranteed graduation (with honors) for a fee of $999, which Chaz remorselessly conned from his mother. Any topic vaguely related to biology was acceptable for a thesis paper, double-spacing being the only academic requirement. Chaz's opus, researched one afternoon in the produce section of the local supermarket, was titled "A Comparative Analysis of Late-Season Oranges, Ruby Grapefruits, and Tangelos".
Ten days after mailing off the sinished manuscript - a cashier's check clipped to the cover page, as required - he received a certified letter stating that the school had been shut down, stripped of its accreditation and evicted from the strip mail where its "campus" had been headquartered.
Grudgingly, Chaz accepted the fact that he might have to physically attend classes in order to secure an advanced degree.