(2009-09-10 06:23:19)
beef 1 pound, cilantro, garlic 2 gloves,soy sauce, sugar, cook wine, salt, hot pepper and sichuan pepper(花椒)(optional)
1, clean the cilantro, cut it into pieces, cut the ginger and garlic, put aside
2, cut the beef into thin stick
3, put two table spoon oil into the pan, put in hot pepper and sichuan pepper, if desired
4, put into ginger and green onion
5, put beef, stir, until the meat turns white
6,put in 1 table spoon wine, 1 table spoon soy sauce, 1 table spoon sugar
7, stir, until the liquid almost disappear
8, put in garlic , sprinkle some salt, stir
9, put in cilantro, stir. done!