關於把尿(elimination communication,EC/,potty training)的一些更多補充
(2009-04-06 12:29:00)
關於布尿布環保不環保,美國媒體上這方麵的爭論5-10 年前就不少,結論並非你所說的一邊倒的布尿布好。你自己願意信什麽是你的自由,誤導別人,讓人覺得guilty就不好了。”
首先,我的美國兒醫是一名比較有經驗的醫生,這也是我的產科醫生向我推薦的,她本人也還帶著實習生。雖然有時候我們會有不同的意見,比如她很不高興我在4 個月的時候就開始給寶寶喂蛋黃,認為這會增加寶寶的過敏危險,但是當她詳細的問了寶寶的一切後,也就不再反對了。總之,我對這位兒醫還是很滿意的
嬰兒不能自己控製尿尿並不能推出把尿是毫無意義這個結論,因為到現在為止,還沒有任何的科學依據來證明。這也是我的醫生讓我忽略這個所謂的結論,同時還暗示這很有可能是尿布公司推出的信息。有意思的是,事後我們在網上搜索的時候,竟然看到了類似的評論,也說這樣類似不提倡提早把尿的一些研究是diaper company sponsored。我在之前的文章裏麵並沒有提到這個,因為我覺得這個並不在我要討論的範圍內,沒有必要為了讓大家認同把尿而去懷疑/否定紙尿布(公司)。所以我隻說了我的醫生對把尿的態度,畢竟,我不是兒醫,也不願意隨便去做斷言。
這兩天我專門去查了一些關於嬰兒potty training及其健康影響(主要是dysfunctional bladder, bladder control)的學術文獻(沒有查到太多,二十多篇,最近二十年的,大多數是九十年代的,最近的是08年的),遺憾的是,我也沒有找到任何關於早期把尿會對嬰兒泌尿係統有害的研究證明。
倒是不少文章都提到,盡早給嬰兒potty training,可以減少dysfunctional bladder的發生,如果可能的話,18個月之前就要開始potty training了,因為這樣可以幫助嬰兒”develop bladder control”。 “Parents should begin potty-training their young child before the age of 18 months if possible. This will help the child develop bladder control at an early age and prevent the development of a dysfunctional bladder。(Influence of potty training habits on dysfunctional bladder in children,2008)。此外,還有一些研究是分析家庭環境,個人習慣以及訓練方式對bladder control的影響的。結論也挺有意思,如果延遲訓練,再加上訓練方式不對的話,這也會“increase the risk of later problems with bladder control.” ( Results of a questionnaire evaluating the effects of different methods of toilet training on achieving bladder control, 2002)。此外,還有一些文獻提到了西方國家在近60多年的時間裏,嬰兒的potty training時間明顯推後,美國推後有一年。當然這是有很多因素影響的(比如紙尿褲的廣泛應用,人們對potty training的觀念變化等等)。研究也發現,這種變化也可能是“the cause of an increase in lower urinary tract dysfunction(下泌尿道功能障礙)” “To start bladder training when the child stays dry during the afternoon nap and using bladder drill might help to avoid permanent bladder dysfunction. The lack of formal bladder training may be responsible for an increase in lower urinary tract dysfunction.”(Changes in the toilet training of children during the last 60 years: the cause of an increase in lower urinary tract dysfunction?, 2000)
我讀到的絕大多數學術文獻,都是關於potty training的,也就是說,這些嬰兒大多數都是toddler(12個月到3歲的年齡),並不是我之前提到的Elimination Communication,EC,早期嬰兒把尿。我隻找到了兩篇學術文章,一篇是1985年的,一篇是2004年的,但是他們的結論,卻很相似,就是 EC可以幫助嬰兒提早完成排尿/屎訓練,並且沒有發現副作用,肯定了EC的可行性。
“We evaluated a method for training infants to cue their mothers on the need to eliminate. The program consisted of three phases: Phase I was directed at establishing a dose temporal relationship between body signals (straining) and subsequent defecations on the potty; Phase II was designed to establish a relationship between prompted and unprompted potty reaching/grabbing responses and eliminations (defecations and urinations) on the potty; and Phase III served to establish unprompted potty reaching/grabbing responses as reliable precursors of eliminations. Four babies, between 3.1 and 6.6 months old, all completed the training before age 1 year, with no negative side effects.”(Shaping self-initiated toileting in infants, 1985)。
“In the Western world, independent toilet training usually starts at age 18 months or later. In Asia and Africa, assisted toilet training traditionally starts between one and three months and is completed within approximately one year. This article reports a male infant who started caregiver-assisted toilet training at age 33 days in a Western family setting. During the first days, the caregiver made observations of the infant’s bowel movement schedule and the cues he provided, from which she learned when to assist him to eliminate in the bathroom. During the elimination process, the infant was held in an ‘‘in-arms’’ position, with close contact between the infant’s back and the caregiver’s chest. Meanwhile, the caregiver gave vocal signals to prompt the infant to eliminate. Successful bowel training was completed at five months. This case report shows that early infant toilet training is possible in a Western family setting if the caregiver properly learns the infant’s natural elimination timing and signals.”(Assisted infant toilet training in a Western Family Setting, 2004)
嬰兒的早期把尿方法,在我之前的帖子裏已經寫過了,這和我讀到的文獻裏麵提到的,沒有太大的差別,最主要的就是,讀懂嬰兒的信號,同時在這個把尿過程中,嬰兒也會學會給出信號。這種方式,更注重的是一種交流,一種規律的建立,並沒有任何強迫因素在裏麵,這也就是為什麽這種方法被稱作 Elimination Communication了。
對,正確的引導,讓孩子熟悉廁所,能和大人交流就已經是非常好了。不少媽媽因為各種原因不能給寶寶把尿,等寶寶大了,可以開始potty training的時候,因為方法不對,我看到一些文獻上講到越晚開始訓練,媽媽們的方法越是和早期的不同,通常沒有太多的耐心,有時候會責罵孩子,這個是不可取的。這樣的方法,隻會讓孩子更害怕恐懼上廁所。所以說媽媽們不管用什麽方法,一定要耐心,千萬不要過於強迫或者因為這個而責罵孩子。
7個月把尿有點兒晚了,我覺得倒是可以開始potty train了。你可以先讓孩子熟悉尿盆,然後試著利用寶寶午睡的時間開始訓練。好多媽媽說訓練把屎比較容易,因為很容易找到和養成規律,你也可以試試看,隻是我沒有這方麵的經驗了。開襠褲確實是很方便,我家寶寶在自己還沒有學會穿脫褲子的時候,我在家就是給她穿的開襠褲,她自己就可以隨時上廁所了