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3D打印機常用的軟件有幾類:“建模軟件”,主要是用來製作3d打印的三維數據模型,而建模軟件又被細分為不同領域的專業軟件,比如常見的機械建模軟件ug,proe,catia,SolidWorks等;或遊戲動漫建模軟件如Maya,Zbursh;還有家具建模軟件3ds max等;3d掃描儀逆向建模軟件geomagic studio,imagerware等。



3d打印機接收的是CNC機加工的用一行行數字代碼稱為G code,因此必須借助“切片軟件”把三維數據stl格式轉為gcode代碼,還有設置層間距離打印速度等,常見有Cura,slic3r,kisslicer,Simplify3D 等。

輸出的G代碼存到SD卡中就可以塞入3d打印機進行打印了,有時還要設置一下熱頭和底板的溫度。個別機器沒有SD接口的,就要借助USB接口和聯機軟件了,如常見的Pritrun,Repetier Host,Matter Contro等。

1. TinkerCAD

目前2019.11最容易的軟件是TinkerCAD,建模後用slicer軟件分片(如Prusa3D自帶SlicrMK3,可下載),然後用Netfabb修複STL,因為不少分片軟件有bug。兩者都是聯網軟件,注冊一個用戶就成。簡明教程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsz2PNcAcPA 係列教程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyMUhf-Drko&list=PLvj8iYZWPooP3Qor_8z1UypPr7wSnujeo 客服:https://tinkercad.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new  

.Mouse Usage
Left Button: Used to select
Left Button + Alt and drag: duplicates object and moves it
Right Button: Used to turn model
Right Button + shift: move in a straight line
Scroll: Used to zoom
Scroll Button: Pans the work area
.Some TinkerCAD Process Steps
1. To add shapes, letters and numbers drag your desired selection from the palette to the right to the workplane.
2. You can raise the height of your form by dragging the Node (white square on top), which is right below the up arrow (black cone)
3. Dragging the corner point while holding shift will increase the X, Y and Z axis equally
4. To build on the side of an object, drag the workplane to that side
5. You can rotate how objects sit on the plane to give them new angles. This is done with the curved arrow
6. You can copy and paste your forms using the standard keyboard commands (Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V) When you paste, TInkerCAD will move your new form to the right:
7. When you want to remove the hole shape, drag your cursor over both objects to select them (or Shift + Left Click)
.Keyboard Shortcuts
..Control Key Plus
1. Cntrl - c: copy
2. Cntrl – v: paste
3. Cntrl – z: undo
4. Cntrl – Shift – z: redo
5. Cntrl – g: group
6. Cntrl – Shift – g: ungroup
7. Cntrl – d: duplicate inplace
8. Cntrl – L lock
9. Cntrl – a: select all
..Alt Key Plus
1. Alt – move: hold alt key while starting to move will duplicate object
..Shift Key Plus
1. Shift – Right mouse button: hold shift to pan view
2. Shfit – while moving: hold shift key while moving object to move in a straight line
3. Shift – Control – Left mouse button: hold shift-control to pan
4. Shift – Alt – left mouse button on a corner white dot: hold shift, alt while selecting a corner and move. This scales the object the same amount in all directions
5. Shift – while rotating: select object rotate symbol: will rotate object in 45 deg increments
CougarTech Team 2228
TinkerCAD Training
Revision V171205 Page 7 of 19
..Letter Keys
F – Fit object to view
R – Ruler
W – Work plane
..Other Keys
1. Arrow keys: nudge object one grid mark
2. Shift – arrow keys: move faster
3. Scroll – zoom in/out


https://service.netfabb.com/login.php 上載STL再下載修複後的STL。

3. Fusion 360

TinkerCAD的進一步說123D,比Sketchup好在參數建模修改容易,但不再更新。新一代的All-in-one是Fusion 360,對初創或學生免費3年。簡單實例:https://all3dp.com/2/fusion-360-3d-printing-tutorial-for-beginners/ 

Autodesk 30天教程:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrZ2zKOtC_-DR2ZkMaK3YthYLErPxCnT- 

中文版https://www.3dzyk.cn/thread-5156-1-1.html https://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/CHS/?guid=GUID-27D089C0-5FC5-4AD4-841F-6E983AC99DCF 文字教程:http://www.soxitoday.com/3d打印/fusion360/d8317dd495/

4 切片軟件

4.1 PrusaSlicer - 推薦,目前版本2.20

基於Slic3r用C++重寫,有功能增強,目前V2.2 https://www.prusa3d.com/drivers/安裝後自動運行Wizard,按數次Next後選用戶定義輸入打印機名,版麵尺寸和溫度,我的隻需改噴頭溫度/熱床溫度即可(按耗材,PLA可選200/60C)。用法:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKBkSabxD6s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7Om8Nr1k6Y 

Import stl文件,做Slice後Export G-code,存在SD卡上插入打印機。為求最佳效果由許多版麵和打印設置,如切片可預覽,可導入多個物體,可移動旋轉縮放複製裁切,分離添加支撐,層高等等。中文:https://realfun-3d.com/2019/11/06/patqfy-1jz/ 

4.2 Slic3r

下載V1.3:https://slic3r.org/ 手冊:中文:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfO3oiR 提取碼:lucf  安裝時要選固件名,然後選擇形狀為矩形、尺寸200x200和原點(0,0),噴嘴0.4,耗材1.75,噴頭溫度/熱床溫度(按耗材,PLA選210/50C),完成。

4.3 Cura

手冊:http://www.mastech3d.com/new-blog-1/2014/11/7/cura 簡單的使用隻要先配置一下尺度,加載文件同時切片,點擊零件即可使能編輯按鈕以改變尺寸或鏡像等,存貯在SD上送打印。

4.4 Repetier-host

https://www.repetier.com/download-now/ 可直接運行Gcode,也是調用切片軟件的GUI。用隨機或標準USB電纜聯機電腦和控製板,Win10會顯示有設備稍後會顯示正常。鍵入並選Device Manager,在Ports下可見串口號。安裝並運行Repetier host,點擊Connect按鈕或Config|Printer Settings|Connection:設串口號,速率115200,Apply,可見按鈕名改為Disconnect。餘見1.5節。

5 軟件問題

輸出的G-code要用編輯器檢查,特別是收索G1 Z檢查Z軸增量。相關問題有:

5.1 點擊Repetier的Slier|Configuration,然後在彈出的PrusaSlicer窗口中改層高並存為MySettings包括層高、Start/End G-code,回到Repetier來切片並獲得熔絲長度的顯示。原始20mmCubic層高為0.35/0.3,可試改為0.3/0.246。如果在彈出的窗口中加載自己的配置文件,Repetier的配置必須改為該文件,或繼續用PrusaSlicer切片並Export出G-code。

5.2 單用PrusaSlicer 2.20切片Spool Holder,發現過Z起始為-0.2且有軸跳動的錯誤。

5.3 舊Prusa配Repetier 2.1.3有熱出頭設為270C的問題。需要使用Repetier 2.1.6和PrusaSlicer 2.20

5.4 有些STL如Spool Holder加載後是倒反的,將X軸轉180度才能打印。但是此例總有越界錯誤不知何故。


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