你好, 本人在Cornell工作, 看到你在詢問教育基金方麵的問題,推薦你參加這個周末舉辦的“教育基金規劃及助學金申請”zoom webinar. 你會詳細了解到:
1. 大學學雜費的現狀和未來!
2. 填表(FAFSA 和 CSS)注意事項!
3. 選擇私立大學還是公立大學?
4. 收入高,資產多的家庭還可以申請到助學金嗎?
5. 收入低就一定能拿到嗎?
6. 應該選擇 529/Get 計劃嗎?
7. 不同教育基金的分析和比較
報名鏈接: https://forms.gle/g1cmE6o9eWfr8qRh9
對不起,不經常逛家園。這是那個攝像頭: http://www.wyze.com 。 他們還要其它好多東西。。。都會棒。 amazon 也賣他們的東西(可能更好,要不滿意,退方便)。
經理 何敏真先生
........*....... $
....^*^........$$$$$.......Merriest Christmas
..............$$$$$$$ .....& Happiest New Year!
....^*^.........$$$ *
.........................^*^..........$$$ * ▓ ^*^ ☆ $$ .☆
.....^_^...^_^.................. * ...$$$ *
My name is maureen, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address (maureenand100@yahoo.co.uk) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above maureen Remeber the distance or age or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) PLS WRITE ME DIRECTLY WITH THIS EMAIL ADDRESS (maureenand100@yahoo.co.uk)SO THAT I WILL TELL YOU MORE ABOUT ME OK
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