

(2016-03-29 14:38:38) 下一個


0. 普適問題

電話簿:手機接USB選傳輸文件,瀏覽器點擊Google contacts,即可選Import/Export,再選全部或單個電話,存為google或outlook格式都是excel文檔。

SIM激活:先打電話給現有公司要賬號口令,再打新公司如UltraMobile是611或888-899-0820選客服告知ACT code,然後ZIP code,A/C,PASS。最後等最多24小時。

ATT網站新plan:先打舊公司如UltraMobile 611得到賬號和pin,他家的pin是號碼後四位;在手機settings|general中找到IMEI,填入網頁。

24/11/29換i7電池70刀加稅;i8複位很麻煩,要去westfield的apple store。不用的手機要進setup執行sign out

i7: 552077866604/8627/071524 

IMEI: 35 301309 487105 6
Acct #: 551 531 490 797

1. Redmi 8A

LG G4的常見毛病少啟動死機在logo,按油管用電吹風結果徹底死了,不啟動。有人說Android手機耗電大壽命短。因為兩天後要接機趕緊買了這款Amazon一天到貨的結果是三天,尺寸相似,稍重,Android手機的話這款夠好了。

Spec: https://www.gsmarena.com/xiaomi_redmi_8a-9897.php 評測:https://www.688wz.net/shouji/485.html 雙SIM卡雙時區顯示,2G/32G存儲器,microSD可擴512G;電池是5AH,待機耗電3%,10W充電器USB-C接口。6.2"屏幕1520x720,攝像12/8M,屏幕和成相比G4差,但是要支持國貨嗬。升級順暢並說有指紋但沒找到,臉孔識別似乎沒見運行。下載:https://www.mi.com/service/download

T-mobile LTE是B2(1900M),B4/66(1700/2100 AWS),B5 850,B12 700,B71 600M. Redmi 8是LTE Band 1(2.1G), 2(1.9G), 3(1.8G), 4(1.7/2.1G), 5(850M), 7(2.6G), 8(900), 20(800), 28(700), 38(2.6G), 40(2.3G)。中國聯通用B1(1.9/2.1G),3(1.7/1.8G),8(900),餘見https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38759340/article/details/80890142


備份:1)Setup|Additional Setup|Backupcopy&Recovery, 結束後連上PC選 Redmi 8AInternal shared storageMIUIbackupAllBackup,拖到PC的目錄後發現不開始拷貝,再次拖動在彈出窗選中“Do this for all..."才開始拷貝。

2)https://support.google.com/contacts/answer/9423168?hl=en 電話薄自動與賬號https://contacts.google.com/同步

3) Use Google a/c: 在上述settings先設Backup account為gmail賬號,再點擊Google Account及Backup Now(充電不足兩小時該鍵為灰)


換電池:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K2gw7Q9thQ 先取出SIM,再通過充電口扁起子把麵板頂起少許,沿邊緣撬開把後蓋取下。

redmi airdots耳機:https://www.znj.com/news/44948.html

指南針手電筒:http://app.mi.com/details?id=com.ihandysoft.ledflashlight.mini 通訊錄備份 http://app.mi.com/details?id=com.dada.contact


In regards to your query, you can bring your existing phone number to Ultra Mobile by porting it from your current carrier. This is done as part of the activation process. You will need the account number, PIN, and ZIP code which can be found on your billing statement or acquired by contacting your current provider's customer service department. Please note that your account from your current carrier must be active in order for the port to be complete.

Once you purchase your Ultra Mobile SIM card with the plan, please do these steps in order to activate your SIM card transferring an existing number.

Please visit:


-Put the activation number requested by the system.
-Choose the option "Transfer an existing number"
-Put your ZIP code:
-The number to be transferred, account number, PIN, and personal information.

In case you cannot complete the process of your port-in request within 72 hours, please contact the Ultra Mobile customer service department. In case that you process the activation with a port in through our main webpage, we do not charge you any activation fees, however, if you do it at the store, it will be up to the dealer the total amount that is going to be charged.

Have a nice rest of the day!

If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to write us back or call customer care dialing 888-777-0446.

Also, remember to take a look at our main website https://www.ultramobile.com/ for more information about our news and the offers coming soon.

2.LG G4
2.1 相機:
雙擊VOL-可快速拍攝;雙擊屏幕或短按電源可開關屏幕,滑動解鎖,點回Home,鍵顯Menu;再點Camera,此時上端5鍵為:16:9與HDR auto、Mode:雙鏡頭、前後鏡頭切換、閃光燈模式、自動或手動。Tools|FileManager|Camera也可瀏覽相片。
2.2. WIFI、藍牙、USB
或BlueTooth。WIFI Direct是WIFI直接無需Access point。
連USB線,按屏左上方USB圖標下拉,選擇MTP,Windows屏幕會彈出類似你插入U盤時的畫麵,同樣操作。MAC則看狗狗LG ANDROID SHARE & CONNECT BASICS。
2.3. 電話 通信錄,通話時撥打第二電話/通話setup/設置group
2.4. APP LG下包括QuickMemo+,QuickRemote,

2.5 VS986開發
2.5.1 13B Root
1. get the lg drivers and install them http://downloads.codefi.re/autoprime...Ver_3.14.1.exe
2. download all files in this list
b. get rootedsystem img and system img http://forum.xda-developers.com/veri...ooted-t3258794
c.. make sure your phone is charged
e. get lgroot http://downloads.codefi.re/thecubed/...ef/LG_Root.zip
5. keep Phone plugged in and unzip the LGroot.zip and place it in the desktop also visit this post that I’m using please press the thanks button
6. take the rootsystem.img and system.img(unrooted). put them both in the root of your phones INTERNAL storage
7. put the phone in download mode
8. open the lg root folder and click on the ports.bat file
once the CMD window opens look for something like this:
DeviceLGVZANDNETDIAG1 REG_SZ COM3 (you may get another # not 3)
9. In the lgroot folder, hold shift. in a open area right click and click on command prompt (administer)
10. CMD will be loaded up type in this command without the *: *Send_Command.exe .COM#*
replace the # with your COM port number that was at the end of COM in step 8.
11.you are now in send command and should see a #
12. copy and paste this code without the * (THIS IS FOR VS986 ONLY):
*dd if=/data/media/0/rootedsystem.img bs=8192 seek=65536 count=548352 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0*
you can get your device specific code here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...23&postcount=2
13. it take a bit for the # to show when it does type in LEAVE, and yes its has to be in caps. there you go you should be rooted
2.5.2 downgrade 6024c to 13b
2.2.1 Download:
a. Firmware Files - VS98613B_00_ARB02.kdz Or Here LGKDZ.com for your exact match KDZ for your model
b. LG Drivers - LG Drivers Here - 10.9 Mb, Verizon Drivers (Verizon Only)LG_VZW - 7.8 Mb
c. LG UP DOWNOAD: http://www.droidopinions.com/download-lgup-tool/ 
2.2.2 Downgrade steps:
a. install the drivers then the .msi file for LGUP. Usually install its .DLL file then install LGUP.
b. make sure that your phone is showing up on LGUP, if not make sure you have USB debugging enabled and the you are connected PC with MTP.
c. Find your .kdz file, and don't press start VERY IMPORTANT!!, Exit out of the application and then REOPEN LGUP and your 13b.KDZ should still be in the box at the bottom.
d. just press start and wait for it to do it's magic.
2.2.3 another copy of instructions
TO GO BACK TO LP FROM MM - Open LGUP on your computer, click on FILE PATH and point it towards your LP KDZ. Close LGUP and re-open LGUP. Make sure you select REFURBISH this will do a full wipe, tick BIN file. Press Start.

2.5.3 破解VS986的4gLTE鎖
VS986在Verizon網外隻能用3G電話短信,4gLTE時不能接聽。I noticed that a service is started when the fallback happens but if I kill that service the network also dies. 解法如下。
1. Upgrade your phone to 13B firmware http://forum.xda-developers.com/veri...a-kdz-t3274036 
2. Root 13B http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-g4/help/lgg4-13b-root-vs986-t3268354   
3. Download Shortcut Master lite app from play store. http://apk-dl.com/shortcut-master-lite 
4. Add in following shortcuts to your favorites in the "Shortcut Master lite app". Search for "LTE":LTEBandSelection,LTETestMain,LTE System Selection,CDMAPreference
5. Click on "LTEBandSelection" (change top left option to system apps) and enable all the bands
6. Save and reboot
7. You now need to enable your data and turn off your wifi. Make sure settings |network|Mobile networks|System select is Global mode.
8. Rebooted the phone and open "Shortcut Master lite" app.
9. Tap on LTETestMain
10. Select Click on CDMA preference.
Now choose Band preference and select "any"
P_REV_Preference ---> "MOB_P_REV 3
This is important: EVDO Revision --> Rev A
11. "LTE Connect w/o IMS PDN" must be checked
12. Now go back to your main menu in shortcut master lit app
13. Changing the timeout is important: Tap on LTE System Selection except "Scan duration", add a couple zeros to all the other timers. For eg: T_mpsr timer (Min) is 200.
The fallback timer will reset itself after reboot. But don't worry the configuration is already updated with the new value.
14. Now finally click on "CDMA preference" in the main menu and make sure it has the value you set in Step 10.
At step 10 or 13 your network should go away and your phone should complain about "no network". That's fine. just ignore the message.
Now finally reboot your phone. You should now have 4G LTE and it won't fallback to 3G or H+.
Note: a.when I'm on a call my 4G LTE is dropped to 3G/H+, it goes back to 4G LTE 12 seconds after I hang up.
b. If it initially not work, turn data off then on.c. anytime reboot you may need to make a call before you can text message.
c. anytime reboot you may need to make a call before you can text message.
d. You can check your signal strength using LTE discover app.
In summary: check LTE w/o IMS PDN, change CDMA PREFERENCE to Rev 3 and EVDO to Rev A. Change Network Settings to GSM/HSPA/LTE. For T-mobile My APN settings are:
Name: T-Mobile US LTE
APN: fast.t-mobile.com
Proxy: Port: Username: Password: Server: Those are not set (leave blank)
MMSC : http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
Multimedia message Proxy: Multimedia message Port : Not set (leave blank)
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
Authentication type : None
APN type: default,mms,supl,hipri,admin,mobile
APN Protocol : ipv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol : IPv4
Bearer: Unspecified
Mobile virtual network operator type: None


3. 其它

聯通雙4G: http://tech.sina.com.cn/t/4g/2014-10-11/00489680894.shtml 
//手機 紅米港版更新: http://hk.miui.com/download.php#hm_note_4g 
新品小米預告: http://hk.miui.com/thread-1160-1-1.html
紅米Note必須是國際版(港台新加坡)才可在美國用。國內各營運商版的4G LTE在FDD-LTE的1,3波段;ATT,TMOBILE在FDD-LTE的2,4波段。


TD-LTE: 移動頻段38、39、40,聯通頻段40、41,電信頻段40、41; FDD-LTE: 聯通頻段3,電信頻段3


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LTE_networks  http://www.gelvo.com/letter-ltefreq.htm 

紅米Note 4G 增強版 4G LTE uses B1-4,B7(港版稱為2100/1900/1800/AWS/2600M,AWS也稱為1700/2100M), 3G WCDMA/2G GSM uses (850/900/1800/1900MHz/2100MHz)  http://www.mi.com/hk/note4g/#params 

T-Mobile 4G LTE: Band 2 (1900 MHz), Band 4 (1700/2100 MHz), Band 12 (700 MHz), 3G/4G uses B2/B4. https://support.t-mobile.com/docs/DOC-4988 

AT&T 4G LTE uses Band 17(700Mhz), Band 5(850Mhz), Band 2(1900Mhz), Band 4(1700/2100Mhz), 3G/4G uses 850Mhz(Band 5) and 1900Mhz(Band 2) bands, but it all depends on area if they own a license. https://forums.att.com/t5/Phone-Device-Upgrades/What-are-AT-amp-T-s-4G-LTE-bands/td-p/4067288 



1.https://www.pagepluscellular.com/phones.aspx  用Verison,10c/29c(roaming),data 10c/MB,每月最少$2.5. $10/25/50 PIN隻能用120天,$80 PIN 可用365天。1-800-550-2436. 1-5 8:00 AM to 11:45 PM EST. 網上可開戶要號碼自動充值,sim card在賣手機頁尾,nano(iPhone)或dual即micro/std SIM(LG G4)。Verizon的4G LTE手機是不加鎖的。注意:PagePlus的standard和paytogo計劃相同,有 $10-120天/$80-365天的,但都隻能在3g手機上用,4gLTE會被檢測隻讓用數據。VS986 f/w: http://www.lg.com/us/support/product-help/CT10000027-1435359200566-software-updates 


2. truphone:美國國內打出或數據9c/min,接電話免費,打中國$0.33短信9c;在中國打中國$1.05,打美國1.15。三月不打電話則號碼和餘額取消。For data, Truphone is now rounding sessions to 1KB (or about 0.09¢) and accumulating small sessions until they add up to a full penny.  它自動選取ATT和T-mobile的網路包括4gLTE。但買三合一SIM要29.99刀含15刀話費和暫用號碼,需用此號碼轉號,以後可自動續費。http://www.prepaidphonenews.com/2014/06/truphone-price-cut-9-per-minute-sms-or.html 

3. lycamobile:電話收發4c/min。有人說數據是按200KB/5min收費,即便5min內隻用了一個byte也按200KB收,似乎已改變。三月不打作廢。數據似乎不再支持。月費$19+/mon: http://www.lycamobile.us/en/national-plans 

3.1 dial 611 to check balance; 612 customer service, call in to ask lycamobile to transfer ATT your # to new SIM card, this takes 24 hours, after you see it works, call ATT to cancel the plan.

Google Voice: 用GV在美的號碼往國外打,GV往中國是1-2c/min,GV用美國手機分鍾。

groove IP:前提是有WIFI(1.2MB/min),但不支持GV/短信。在中國要先登錄美國的服務器用gmai電話紐。:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.snrblabs.grooveip&hl=en
Iphone6: LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)。

截至15年8月,http://www.gsmarena.com 的手機裏支持LTE B1-4/12/17的不多,有Samsung S6(G920T)/edge(G925T)/edge+(G928A/I),Sony Xperia Z4 tablet(10.1")。iPhone6不支持B12,Lumia 和XL RM-1064/5/1096支持美國LTE,LG G4 H815支持B1-5/7-8/17/20/28,T-mobile是G4 H811僅B2/4/12但B1/3為roaming。

網評說Samsung Galaxy S6/iPhone6目前最好,LG G4照相最好(F1.8)。若隻考慮美國LTE,Samsung S5的T=mobile/ATT和Note 4的T-mobile版本也不錯。我的Samsung Galaxy S 4”和T231 7“分別支持ATT的3G/3G+,前者可是很舊了。

越看越覺得LG G4好,可換電池,mSM上方可插mSD直至2T,內置32G/3G,FM收音時需插耳機作為天線。2K屏幕很亮,照片可Raw,可微距,手動模式下你可以實時調節 白平衡/ISO/對焦點/快門速度等,在鎖屏模式下,LG G4還支持雙擊背部音量鍵下快速抓拍半逆光下暗體曝光可直出,iPhone6黑糊而S6居中。後置16M(4K錄像,S6同,iPhone6+為 1080P)前置8M(1080P錄像)但前置可調功能少效果次。頂部紅外可作遙控器,耳機/數據接口/MIC在底部,喇叭聲音很大但是單聲道。電源/音量在背麵,雙擊音量減可快速拍攝。LG G4的底部導航欄無法直接隱藏,但可以在特定app界麵中隱藏,隨後隻要從邊框向上滑動即可複原。例如在地圖中。取消app聲音:Settings app > Sound & notification tab > scroll to bottom > tap on "More" > tap on "Sound Effects" > uncheck "Touch sound" http://www.gottabemobile.com/2015/06/24/best-lg-g4-apps/

LG G4 相關頻段:http://www.phonearena.com/phones/LG-G4_id9104 

目前T-mobile的G4兩年合同僅$19.99/mon,含1G數據,免費手機。LG G4:H818N(港版雙卡,主卡移動聯通2-4G副卡2G FDD: B1/3 /7 TDD: B38 -41) ,H815 (EMEA=Europe.Middle East & Africa,B1-5/7-8/17/20/28. 美國用需設置https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei3Xq7JRRgE ), H815T (港澳台,聯通2-4G移動2G B1/3-5/7-8/17/20/28 TDD:40), H815TR (Turkey), H815P (LATAM, South Africa), H812 (Canada,B2/4/5/7/12/17,), H811 (T-Mobile,B2-4/7/12), H810 (AT&T,B1-5/7/17),  LS991 (Sprint), VS986 (Verizon,1.9 GHz CDMA PCS, 800 MHz CDMA, GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz, LTE 2/4/5/13, LTE 3/7 for Roaming* http://www.lg.com/us/cell-phones/lg-VS986-Metallic-Gray-g4 該機禁止 ATT-TM的4gLTE:http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-g4/general/guide-fix-vs986-dropping-to-3g-h-4g-lte-t3272434 ), US991 (US Cellular, AWS700/1700,850/1900). http://www.phonemore.com/phone/lg-g4-h815/2115 2016年的G5將有虹膜掃描。G4手冊:http://www.lg.com/tw/support-mobile/lg-H815-Leather-Brown 

手機快充:Qualcomm 2.0是3A電壓可以是5/9/12/20V按設備通信要求。.小米4/小米note的qc 2.0峰值才9v 1.2a,實際功率沒比5v 2a好多少;就算是9v 1.67a的三星note 4快衝,3000毫安需要1.5小時。而菊花MATE 7(4050毫安)使用5V 2A保持高峰值輸入充滿也就兩小時。http://www.dianyuan.com/bbs/1492592.html   http://www.52solution.com/mobile-art/80019190  http://libattery.ofweek.com/2015-04/ART-36008-8110-28946060_5.html  

Keysight手機電池充電:(放電至3V基準)0.3C恒流2.72小時充至91%,4.2V恒壓1.25小時充滿。試驗表明,每次充滿在100次後容量下降<20%; 充到3.9V65%電量則循環可達1000次。



When I tried registering WeChat app with my freedompop number on my android 5.1 phone it said "Cell numbers from virtual operators cannot be used to register for WeChat". Is there one experienced this issue? If so ,how did fix it? - Finally I need to use another real phone number to receive the activation code and is able to to register successfully.  - I have VOIP landline phone (magicJack) and installed the magicJack app (which can get sms) in my freedompop phone. When registering the WeChat I entered my magicJack phone no. then I can receive sms to complete my registration. I didn't expect to do this way but at least it works for me.

The current version of WeChat wont allow you to create an account without mobile phone number. You cant signup with email. Wechat verifies your account with an sms message.




Eneloop電池:可取代所有AA/AAA鎳鎘/鎳氫/幹電池,超低自放電,充完電壓較高,有C/D尺寸套殼。充電是兩節一組,單節可以加一節幹電池,充電是每秒停12.5ms有限流,建議8小時不超過12小時。https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/19950296 該款BK-3MCCA8BA 容量1.9-2Ah周期2100,新品Eneloop Pro容量2.5Ah但周期僅500。

LG G4=microSIM, iPhone6=nanoSIM, 廉價計劃:https://www.moneysavingpro.com/cell-phone-plans/prepaid-plans/

iPhone8 plus battery change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeYDMKXQ9A8 


IMEI: 35 301309 487105 6 353013094871056
ICCID 8901240197122050623

Reference Number: 7681000836413569863
DATE/TIME: 2023-12-30 14:29:44
Your chat transcript:
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE - All replies are automatically deleted.
AT&T: Hello! How may I help you today?
Valentina: Hi! My name is Valentina. Let's start with who I am chatting with.
Me: I want to transfer from other supplier to ATT
Valentina: Nice to meet you! Hope you are having a great day so far. Sound great that you are looking to get ne services. I can gladly help you with all the information and process to get new services.
Valentina: Thank you for giving ATT a chance to earn your business.
Valentina: How many lines would you like to set up?
Me: I bring my iphone 8 needs one line, unlimited data, monthly pay $40, no connection fee, the plan named BYOD.
Me: Oscar give me that an hour aga but I want the SIM card today so he suggest me to go local store,
Me: I went there yet cannot get service, another guest says he waited an hour already be told to service him in minutes, note there are total 3 customers there
Me: employees there not keen to do their work, may be they don't have bonus
Valentina: I appreciate the information and details. Checking here our cheapest Unlimited plan service, is the Value plus plan that will get you Unlimited text, talk and data,
AT&T may slow data speeds when the network is busy. The cost of the plan service is $50/m o + tax + fees, and we do have the BYOD promotion that allows you to get $250 under 25 monthly bill credits applied to the account, if you bbring your own device, transfer your number over and proess the order here Online
Valentina: Discount takes 2-3 billing cycles to be applied, and the SIM card will be shipped. The BYOD promotion is Online only
Me: ok, so equivalent rate is $40 per month, or total how much shall I pay (inc conn, eveything thing) in 25 months?
Valentina: Txa and feees will be around $6/mo, so the first 25 months it will be around $46/mo, then it will be $56/mo, It is included AutoPay and Paperless billing discount.
Me: after 25 months I can cancel?
Me: $56 is bit high
Valentina: Yes. You will be able to cancel service is at any time you want.
Me: say I have not cancel on 25months and plan continues, can I cancel on say 28 months w/o panelty?
Me: another question is how to keep existing number?
Valentina: Correct. There is not contract nor interest rate, Just the promotional credits will cease if you cancel teh service before month 25.
Valentina: To transfer your wireless number over, we will need account holder full name, account number, account billing address and transfer PIN code.
Valentina: You will keep your current service active until activate the new one with us, so you do not need to worry about it.
Me: third question is, if I changed my residential to Eastern site and area code change, any impact (for example my new friends call my CA number do they need to pay more)
Valentina: It will be the same price. But, if you want to change the number later, then it will be a $36 one time fe added to your next bill.
Valentina: Number change is free within 30 days after service activation.
Me: sorry, my kid is in sleep and I can't get the pin or a/c # on time, I could get it 3 hours later, sorry
Valentina: I got you. You can contact us back once you have the information needed. We will be happy to help you. But is there anyway you can get the information? I can hold on for a moment.
Me: Kid get to sleep so quick .
Me: what is the real steps I complete online order? do I need to fill a form, and how to pay it?
Valentina: I got it let me send you the link and gide you to get started.
Valentina: Please click here . and our chat window will remain open in this same tab.
Me: where I can also fill in existing #, pin and a/c #?
Valentina: Once ethere click on continue, click on I am brand new here, enter the device IMEI number.
Valentina: Then enter the device IMEI number, click on continue, select data plan, reach cart page and check out.
Valentina: Who is your current carrier?
Valentina: You will be able to fill out the number details during the order process under number selection step.
Me: Ultramobile who uses T-Mobile
Valentina: Your account number can generally be found on your billing statement, or acquired by contacting your provider's customer service department.
Valentina: To get your Transfer PIN, call an Optimum Mobile expert at 833.449.8586. You'll receive your PIN via email and text
Me: yeah but no pin# to keep exising number,
Me: oh, thanks a lot to tell me that. do ZI need to pay Optimum?
Valentina: Welcome!! You will be getting their final bill after you have activated the new Phone service with us.
Me: really appreciate, I will do online after my daughter wake up
Valentina: My real pleasure. Do you have any additional questions that I can gladly help you with? I want to make sure I have answered all your questions today.
Me: yeah I will purchase an Iphone15 before my daughter enters univ next year, say May. do you know better time to get discount? I prefer iphone 15 plus w/ xxxGB, current she uses iphone 5,
Me: iphone 8 sorry
Me: or usually offering season or so
Valentina: I appreciate the information and details. At the moment we od not have any information about future promotions for now the Phone is $25.84/mo during 36 months, if you are open I can enroll your email so you can get information and detaisl about promotions.
Me: yet locally there is $6.99/$10.99x36 months for iphone15/15+, can you check with me if I choose either one what is unlimited data plan monthly pay needed?
Me: $6.99/$10.99x36 - on Internet
Me: my email is yzadai@hotmail.com
Valentina: We have the iPhone 15 plus 128GB for $5.99/mo during 36 months but it requires an Unlimited startre plan at least which is $65/mo one line + tax + fees + the device installment plan with AutoPay and Parperless billing discount applied.
Valentina: 256GB is $10.99mo during 36 months with the starter plan service.
Me: $10.99 is phone price, how about data/comm monthly charge? still $40?
Valentina: No, it is required to get th stater plan service as mentioned is $65/mo for one line + tax + fees + installment plans
Valentina: Keep in mind that if you get a new Phone, the $10/mo off discount due the bring your own device promotion will end.
Me: not even $50, needs $65++?
Valentina: Correct, because the promotional price requires an eligible plan and just the Unlimited starter plan. Unlimited extra and Unlimited Premium are eligile.
Me: $(25+10.99)*36=1300 becomes phone price
Me: digit game. thanks to clarify
Valentina: Welcome! Just want to help you with all the most accurate information.
Me: I will consider them, might also consider Varizon, both siad to have good signal in Eastern US. You have a good day!
Me: at last,m any offer for univ student?
Me: She is admitted by Yale.
Valentina: My pleasure! You can think about this. You can contact us back at any time you want. We will be happy to help you.

At the moment student discounts only apply to the 4GB data plan, or towards the Unlimited Premium plan service which is $75/mo incldued disocunt + tax + fees.
Me: No More questions, if possible pls drop me an email. Happy new year!
Valentina: Absolutely!

Happy holidays to you and yours
Valentina: I hope you are VERY SATISFIED on how I was able to address all your concerns for today. Thank you so much for contacting AT&T! Feel free to close the chat window by clicking on the X once you are ready, this would be truly appreciated.
Valentina: Fantastic!
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