這周是大學開學的第一周,也是兩個孩子開學第一周,每天忙乎得很,清晨鬧鍾吵醒我時,總覺得睡得不夠。一周下來,抵抗能力下降,昨兒開始咳嗽。昨晚早早地去睡覺。全家人都知道我有些不舒服(under the weather),先生讓我含了止咳糖(cough drops),兒子倒了蘆薈汁(Aloe Juice)讓我喝,還“很有經驗”地告訴我:“上次我感冒喉嚨痛,喝蘆薈汁喉嚨很舒服。”我睡覺時,兒子還將水裝瓶子裏,擺放到樓上我的臥室床邊;女兒則關心我道:“我們三人在樓下,但我每過一會兒就上樓來看看你。”雖有小恙,但被家人關心“寵愛”的感覺很好呢!
昨夜熟睡了一夜,早上睡到自然醒,已經是八點多了,身體已經好多了,而且居然不咳嗽了。“好睡眠”真是“好醫治”。早餐時間照例是靈修的時間,打開“靈命日糧”,當日的主題恰好是“安然睡覺”- 很讚同的好信息,的確,安然入睡是上帝的恩賜,為此輕舟獻上感恩。也將今日的信息貼在這兒給朋友們分享。願朋友們新的一年有充足的睡眠,健康從容的身心!
The Gift of Sleep
Sleep is essential for good health. Scientists don’t know exactly why we need it but they know what happens when we don’t get enough. We put ourselves at risk of premature aging, weight gain, and diseases ranging from colds and flu to cancer. What God accomplishes in our bodies while we drift off to dreamland is nothing short of miraculous. While we do nothing, God replenishes our energy, rebuilds and restores our cells, and reorganizes information in our brains.
The reasons for not getting enough sleep are many, and some we can’t solve, but the Bible indicates that overwork should not be one of them (Ps. 127:2). Sleep is a gift from God that we should receive with gratitude. If we’re not getting enough, we need to find out why. Are we rising early and staying up late to earn money to acquire things we don’t need? Are we involved in ministry efforts that we think no one else is capable of doing?
I’m sometimes tempted to believe that the work I do when I’m awake is more important than the work God does while I sleep. But refusing God’s gift of sleep is like telling Him that my work is more important than His.
God does not want anyone to be a slave to work. He wants us to enjoy His gift of sleep.