杏仁小餅 -- 意大利風味甜點 (女兒霏昨晚的美食作品)
杏仁小餅詳細做法的圖片鏈接(Step by Step Pictures link):
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_500e53690102e8b9.html全家人都相當喜歡杏仁小餅 (Almond Cookies), 酥脆的甜點,不太甜,也不膩,又容易做。
用料:1 cup almonds
一杯杏仁11/2 cups flour
一又二分之一杯麵粉1/2 cup sugar
二分之一杯糖1/8 teaspoon salt
八分之一茶匙鹽1/2 teaspoon baking soda
二分之一茶匙蘇打粉2 eggs
兩個蛋1 egg white, lightly beaten
做法:Preheat oven to 375F. Spread the almonds in a baking tray and bake until lightly browned, about 14-15 minutes. When cool, grind 1/4 cup of the almonds until pulverized. Coarsely chop the remaining almonds in 2 or 3 pieces each. Set aside.
烤爐提前加溫至375華氏度,將杏仁鋪撒到烤盤上,烤大約14-15分鍾,直到顏色略顯棕色後從烤爐拿出。冷卻後,將四分之一杯的杏仁搗成碎粉。再將剩下的每個杏仁切成兩到三塊,擱一邊。Combine the flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and ground almonds in a bowl and mix to blend. Add 2 eggs and form a rough dough. Knead in the chopped almonds.
將麵粉、糖、鹽、蘇打粉和杏仁粉在碗裏拌勻。加兩個蛋,混合成一個粗糙的麵團。然後揉入杏仁碎塊。Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. With the hands, roll into logs about 1 inch in diameter. Place them on the greased baking tray. Brush with the egg white. Bake for 20 minutes in 375F
將麵團平均分為三份。用手將麵團滾成直徑約1英寸的圓筒狀。再放入噴了油的烤盤。然後塗上蛋清。在375華氏度烤爐裏烤20分鍾。Remove from the oven and lower the heat to 275F. With a very sharp knife, cut at an angle into 1/2-inch slices. Return the slices to the oven and bake for 25 minutes more.
**** 輕舟餐廚 之 西式甜點 ****
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香噴噴的肉桂圓麵包 花生醬小甜餅
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