Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger... -James 1:19你們各人要快快地聽,慢慢地說,慢慢地動怒... -《聖經》雅各書1:19
Seasons change 季節多變幻 Weather varies 氣候常更替
Year in, year out 年複又一年
new joy every day. 喜樂每一日
Loving prayers, faithful support 祈願與支持
My rock in storm 風暴之堅石
Day in, day out 日複又一日
True love forevermore. 真愛永相存
- 就事論事。 Make sure to address one issue at a time when you're having a conflict.
- 用恰當的途徑解決衝突。 To successfully navigate conflict, you need to have the right tools.
- 找出衝突的根源。這樣,你可以發現哪些方麵對你的配偶很重要。Seek to discover the reason why the conflict began. As you do, you will often find out what is important to your spouse.
- 所有的溝通發生在兩個層麵:內容方麵(事實)和關係方麵(愛)。All communication takes place on two levels: the content level (truth) and the relational level (love).
- 我們常常太忙,沒法傾聽配偶而無法解決衝突。We are often too busy to listen to our spouses and resolve conflict.
- 我們需要重新訓練自己,能夠專注傾聽配偶。We need to retrain ourselves to be present in the moment with our spouses.
The anger of man does nto produce the righteousness of God. - James 1:20) 了解怒氣,如何應對憤怒也有解決衝突的根本:
- 生氣的源頭在我們自己,沒有別人會“讓我們生氣。”The source of our anger is within each of us. No one else can "make us angry."
- 我們的心願沒有得到滿足,衝突因此產生。-- 我們沒有得到想要的:Conflict occurs when our desires aren't fulfilled - when we don't get what we want.
- 我們的權利被侵犯。Our rights have been violated.
- 我們的期望沒有得到滿足。Our expectations haven't been met.
- 我們被傷害了。We have been hurt.
- 我們未成的心願導致爭吵。Our unfulfilled desires lead to fighting and quarreling.
- 未成的願望可能產生怒氣。Our unfulfilled desires may result in ANGER.
- 要解決衝突,夫妻雙方必須致力於合一。For conflict to be resolved, both husband and wife must be committed to oneness.
- 深呼吸以放鬆自己。Take a deep breath to stay relaxed.
- 輕輕地說,慢慢地說。“回答柔和,使怒消退”(箴言15:1)Speak softly and slowly ("A soft answer turns away wrath" Proverbs 15:1).
- 不斷提醒自己:“我們可以找到雙贏的解決方法。”也以此提醒對方。Keep reminding yourself:"We can find a win-win resolution to this," and remind the other person of this too.
- 注意你的語言。“舌頭在百體裏也是最小的,卻能說大話。看哪,最小的火能點著最大的樹林。”(雅各書3:5) 有些詞會讓衝突升級,比如:從來沒有,總是,直到,不能,將不,不行,應該,不應該。同樣有些詞會讓衝突降級,比如:可能,也許,有時,假如這樣,看上去像,我感覺,我想,我想知道。Watch your language. “So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!"(James 3:5) Words that escalate a conflict are never, always, unless, can't, won't , don't, should and shouldn't. Words that de-escalate a conflict are maybe, perhaps, sometimes, what if, it seems like, I feel, I think, and I wonder.
- 確認並承認對方的感受。Affirm and acknowledge the other person's position.
- 問一些能夠鼓勵對方找到解決問題的辦法。問開放式的問題,而不是那些是或否的問題。Ask questions that encourage the other person to look for a solution. Ask open-ended questions rather than ones that will evoke a yes or no response.