


(2011-09-05 16:44:50) 下一個



  • 保持謙卑的態度 (Maintain an attitude of humility.)
  • 認識並承認自己的過錯 (Acknowledge and confess your own sin.)
  • 設身處地從她的角度考慮 (Get in her shoes.)
  • 了解神賦予你的職責(Know your biblical role.)
  • 常為妻子禱告(Pray regularly for her.)
  • 下決心去原諒 (Decide to forgive.)
  • 讓榮耀神成為你最高的宗旨 (Make God's glory your highest goal.)


1)每天與你妻子祈禱。  Pray daily with your wife.
2)寫情書給你妻子。    Write a love letter that she'd like to receive.
3) 發現你妻子最需要的三項東西,在接下來的十二個月裏竭盡全力地得到它們。
   Discover her top three needs and over the next twelve months go all out to meet them.
4) 買玫瑰送給她。把她抱在懷中。輕柔地托著她的臉,看著她的眼睛對她說,“我願意與你結婚,一遍又  一遍。”
   Buy her a rose. Take her in your arms.  Hold her face gently.  Look into her eyes and say, "I'd marry you all over again!"
5) 周末帶她到外度假。 Take her on a weekend getaway.
6) 讀聖經經文給她聽。Read the Scriptures to her.
7) 說話時用“委身”代替“離婚”! Replace the "D" word with the "C" word! (D = divorce; C = Commitment)
8) 追求她。 Court her.
9) 保持對她的忠誠。Remain faithful to her.
10) 實現你婚姻的盟約。 Fulfill your marriage covenant.
11) 至少一周有一個晚上是家庭時間。Have a family time at least one night a week.
12) 用生活情景教會你的孩子信任神。Use circumstances to teach your children to trust God.
13) 保護你的家庭免受邪惡。 Protect your family from evil.
14) 抑製你的青春期孩子的激情。  Restrain your teenager's passion.
15) 與你的孩子們定下靈命目標。 Set spiritual goals for your children.
16) 帶孩子們參加宣教旅行。 Take your children on mission trips.
17) 發現孩子做好事時,立即指出,以資鼓勵。Catch your kids doing something right.
18) 與你的女兒們約會。Date your daughters.
19) 審查你的期盼。 Inspect what you expect.
20) 與你的青春期孩子早餐學習聖經《箴言》的智慧。Do a Proverbs breakfast Bible study with your teens.
21) 擁抱親吻你的孩子們。Hug and kiss your children.
22) 當你做錯時,請你的孩子們原諒你。 Ask your children for forgiveness when you fail them.
23) 與家人祈禱。 Pray with them.
24) 鼓勵家人為神做工,讓他們去做神賦予他們的使命。 Call them to a spiritual mission to do what God wants to do with their lives.
25) 持之以恒,別放棄。 Persevere and don't quit.


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