


(2011-04-24 13:53:45) 下一個


If you are right then there is no need to get angry


And if you are wrong then you don ' t have any right to get angry.



Patience with family is love,       對家庭成員忍耐是愛,

Patience with others is respect, 對他人忍耐是尊重,

Patience with self is confidence, and 對自己忍耐是自信,

Patience with GOD is faith.          對上帝忍耐是信仰。


Never Think Hard about PAST, it brings Tears ...從不要去緬懷過去,這樣會給你帶來眼淚。

Don ' t Think more about FUTURE, it brings Fears ...也不要去多想未來,這樣會給你帶來恐懼。

Live this Moment with a Smile, it brings Cheers !!!!  微笑著麵對目前的時光,這樣會給你帶來愉悅。


Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, 人生的每個曆練會讓我們苦痛或佳樂

Every problem comes to make us or break us, 每個問題的到來能成就我們或打破我們。


Choice is ours whether we become victim or victorious !!! 無論我們成為受害者或勝利者,選擇在我們。

Search a beautiful heart not a beautiful face. 尋找美麗的心靈,不是美麗的麵容。

Beautiful things are not always good     美麗的事物未必總是好的

But good things are always beautiful.    但美好的事物務必是美麗的。


Remember me like pressed flower in your Notebook. 記著我,如同你筆記本夾頁中被壓扁的花兒

It may not be having any fragrance 也許它已經沒有了芬芳

But will remind you of my existence forever in your life. 但仍將永存於你人生深處

Do you know, why God created gaps between fingers? 你知道嗎,為什麽上帝創造了有縫隙的手指頭?

 So that someone who is special to you, comes and fills those gaps by holding your hands forever. 是為了有特殊的人來到你身邊,填補縫隙,永遠握著你的手。

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