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今天晚餐新烤好的孜然蜜汁小排骨 - 很入味酥脆,滋潤可口
用料 (Ingredients):
近兩鎊小背排(around 2lb. baby back ribs)
孜然粒1桌匙(1 tablespoon of cumin seeds)
蜂蜜1桌匙(1 tablespoon of honey)
李錦記辣椒醬2桌匙(2 tablespoons of chilly sauce)
生抽1桌匙(1 tablespoon of soy sauce)
檸檬胡椒粉1茶匙(1 teaspoon of lemon pepper powder)
海鹽1茶匙(1 teaspoon of sea salt)
紅糖1茶匙(1 teaspoon of brown sugar)
蒜蓉,薑蓉合1茶匙(1 teaspoon of garlic and ginger paste)
(圖):近兩鎊小背排(around 2lb. baby back ribs)
做法(醃製部分 Marinating Steps):
將小排切成條狀 (Cut the ribs)
放入以上各調料,拌勻 (Mix the above sauces in the ribs)
蓋上錫箔紙,醃製至少兩個鍾頭 (Cover the ribs with foil paper and Marinate them for at least 2 hours)
(圖):將小排切成條狀,再放入以上各調料,拌勻 (ribs mixed with sauces)
做法(烤製部分 Roasting Directions):
將烤箱先燒熱到400華氏度 (Preheat oven to 400F)
錫箔紙蓋上先烤30分鍾 (Cover with foil paper and Bake for 30 minutes)
將排骨取出,翻麵 (Turn the ribs around)
繼續400華氏度烤20分鍾 (Bake for 20 more minutes with cover)
然後打開錫箔紙,再烤10分鍾即可 (Remove the foil paper and bake for another 10 minutes)
(圖):錫箔紙蓋上烤30分鍾後將排骨取出,翻麵(Turn the ribs around after 30 minutes baking)
(after baking, sprinkle some white sesame seeds to add color and flavor)
(圖):享用孜然蜜汁烤排骨 - 外脆內潤~~ yummy~~
Enjoy Cumin Honey Roast Baby Back Ribs - crunchy outside and tender inside ~~