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    兒子安周末喜歡和姐姐玩編故事的遊戲,最近又開始繼續他的威廉螞蟻曆險記的故事,故事的主人公,小螞蟻威廉“一如既往”地頑皮,闖禍,曆險,最後獲救。那天姐姐聽了弟弟杜撰的故事,覺得很有趣,找到弟弟的筆記本,讓他續寫 The Adventure of William (威廉螞蟻曆險記)。安饒有興致地寫了該係列的第二部,共六頁,姐姐閱讀弟弟的故事後,還很用心地為弟弟的作品添了插圖。傑明也讀了故事,邊讀邊笑。兒子的小說 <wbr>- <wbr>螞蟻曆險記(1,2)


    今夜兩個孩子已熟睡,我在燈下打入安小說的第二部,想著明早給他一個大驚喜(big pleasant surprise)


    第二部的故事梗概大致是:威廉螞蟻和爸爸,威廉的姐姐和媽媽分別開車去賞螞蟻瀑布。他們邊開車,邊賽車, 威廉的姐姐和媽媽贏了一分鍾。 威廉在賓館裏和姐姐玩“拇指搏鬥”的遊戲,姐姐總贏,威廉隻贏了一次,為此他很高興。




The Adventures of William 威廉螞蟻曆險記(第二部)



Chapter One: Ant Falls  第一章節:螞蟻瀑布

William is now 8 and is older and he went with his Dad to the ant falls. His sister went with her Mom too. They took seperate cars so they could race. His sister and her Mom won by one minute, so they got there.


Chapter Two: The Arrival  第二章節:到達

Williaw was having fun at the hotel. He was thumb-wrestling with his sister Ashlyn and Ashlyn kept on winning except one time William won. He was very happy he won. They went to the ant falls the next morning and William said, "It's huge!" And he kept on staring at it. He was so amazed that he went even closer. His Dad said,"don't get too close." William said,"One more step..." uh-oh...


Chapter Three: William Slips 第三章節:威廉跌倒

William stepped one more step and his father said, "No, don't do it," while watching William fall. William said,"help, help, help," but nothing could help even if he said it louder, no one was there to help him. All William could do was to swim and scream. But if he were to swim, he had to swim 10 miles. "Oh, no," said William, "what am I going to do? I am going to drown......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


Chapter Four: The Rescue Motor Boat 第四章節:救援摩托艇

William was about to drown until William's Dad and Mom asked Ashlyn to ride a motor boat and save William. A shark chased William. William saw a motor boat with Ashlyn and William called out, "Over here Ashlyn." And Ashlyn came to save william and their family went to the hotel.


Chapter Five: The Lesson  第五章節:教訓

William's Dad was very upset and gave William some decipline like timeouts and spanks. William  was crying, "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He was crying and crying and crying. When he was done crying, his Dad said to William, "don't do that ever again," and William said, "OK".


And this ends the story.





女兒的小說 - 丟失的兔子

女兒的小說 -美人:迷霧的第二隻馬駒

螞蟻曆險記(1,2)(3,4) (5, 6)

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