Painted Ladies Ready to Fly 初飛的彩色女士
Ten Painted Ladies 十隻彩色女士
Adorned with dots of orange and black 橘色和黑色交織點綴
Waiting to soar -- 等著飛翔 --
It was only just 2 weeks ago 隻在兩周前
They were shipped to us -- 我們收到他們
Total ten tiny caterpillars 一共十條微小的幼蟲
Slowly they ate the prepared food 慢慢地吃著預備的食物
Quickly they grew – bigger and bigger 很快地她們越長越大
Soon they started to weave 隨即她們開始織網
The cocoons they called home 作蛹為家
One day when we were out 一天我們外出時
They came out of cocoons one by one 她們一個接一個地破蛹而出
Wings were still wet and weak 翅膀依然濕漉柔弱
But patiently they waited and waited 但她們耐心地等待
Until wings were dry and strong 直到羽翼風幹強壯
Now that they were ready to explore 如今她們已準備探險
We took the cage to the backyard 我們將網籠帶到後院
Right next to our new-planted Butterfly Bush 放在新種的蝴蝶灌木叢旁
One by one they flew out 一個接一個她們飛出網
Up and down dancing in the sky 上上下下地在天空翩翩起舞
Some flew as high as the tip of the trees 有的飛得高至樹梢
Except the last couple 唯有最後幾隻
Two came up to the rim of the cage 有兩隻爬到籠沿邊
They sat there, pondering, 她們坐在那兒,思量著,
Flickering their wings, hesitating 撲閃著羽翼,遲疑著
Gingering they moved their antennas, experimenting 小心翼翼地移動觸角,嚐試著
“Why not tilting them close to the Butterfly Bush”“為什麽不把她們傾斜放到蝴蝶花木邊”
Kids'Dad suggested -- 孩子爸建議著 --
It turned out to be an excellent idea 這確是個好主意
The fragrance of purple flowers, so deep and sound~~~ 紫花的芬芳,如此濃厚~~~
One painted lady tiptoed out 一隻彩色女士踮著腳出籠
Landing smoothly on the flower petals 平緩地移到花瓣上
A beautiful scene that we would cherish 美麗的圖景我們將珍藏
Another painted lady soon followed -- 另一隻彩色女士隨即跟出 --
The purple flower petals beckoned 紫色花瓣招搖著
“Come and enjoy – this is your new home.”“過來享受-這是你們的新家”
In the sunny breezy June afternoon 在晴朗微風輕拂的六月午後
Twilight, kids’Dad was mowing the yard 黃昏時,孩子爸正割草
He found one painted lady on the grass 他看到草地上一隻彩色女士
Gently, he opened his palm 輕輕地,他張開手掌
The butterfly flew right up to his pointer 蝴蝶飛到他手上,停在他食指上
Kids were playing on the neighbor’s yard 孩子們正在鄰居家院裏玩
He walked across to show the kids 他走過街去給孩子們看
With the butterfly on his hand all the time 帶著手上的蝴蝶
So amazingly peaceful as if she recognized her owner
Night fell, and it came down with heavy rain 夜幕降臨,大雨傾盆
We couldn’t help wondering 我們禁不住尋思
Were they resting in the trees 她們是否在樹裏休息
Or hiding in the bushes 還是躲在花木叢中
Were the wings ready to withstand 她們的羽翅能否擔當
The baptism of strong wind and harsh rain 烈風暴雨的洗禮
From caterpillar to butterfly 從幼蟲到蝴蝶
They have transformed so much 她們變換至多
It was already a miraculous story 本已是神奇的故事
They will learn to survive in rainy night 她們將學會在雨夜生存
And tomorrow is a bright new day -- 而明天是一個亮麗的新日子 --
With hope perches on the wings 希望棲息在羽翼
And faith settles in the heart 信念駐留於心中