女兒前段時間課間時寫了小說新作 Beauty - Misty's 2nd Foal (美人- 迷霧的第二隻馬駒)。故事梗概是:生活在農場的一對兄妹,家裏有媽媽馬叫迷霧,迷霧有個馬駒叫風暴。有一天,孩子們發現迷霧顯胖,獸醫檢查後,發現迷霧懷了孕,生產期在10月份。(女兒的生日也在10月份,難怪小說作者選10月份啊!)
Beauty - Misty's 2nd Foal
There were a boy and a girl named Paul and Maureen. They lived at a ranch and their favorite horse was Misty. Misty already had one foal named Stormy.
Maureen and Paul were brushing the dirt off Misty's fur. Stormy stayed with Misty a lot but he loved to play. Maureen and Paul thought Misty was getting a little too fat, so they called the vet. The vet came and checked Misty over and over and finally said Misty was pregnant. Maureen and Paul gasped and didn't speak for
When Maureen and Paul woke up, they immediately went to Misty's stall and Stormy wasn't there. Where could Stormy be? They looked around the yard but he wasn't there. They called his name but he didn't answer. Then with their grandpa they went everywhere in town and they went to a farm and found him. He was groaning. So they took him home.
When Paul and Maureen went to Misty's stall, Misty was in pain. It was
When Paul and Maureen went to Misty's stall, she was hurt. Maureen quickly called the vet and the vet came. The vet said Misty fell and would have to drink a medicine. So Misty drank the medicine and got better.
Beauty started drinking
A person came walking by and saw Misty, Stormy and Beauty and said "I will buy them for $200." Paul and Maureen said no. He said "$400." Paul and Maureen still said no. He even offered $1,000 but Paul and Maureen said no. So the dealer went away.
Beauty, Misty and Stormy were going to a show. They were going to be the stars of the show. When they got on stage, Paul was riding Misty and Maureen was riding Stormy, and Beauty stayed with her mom (Misty). They did a beautiful act. Paul, Maureen, Misty, Stormy and Beauty loved the show. As Beauty grew older, she loved her mom Misty more and her brother Stormy more, and Paul and Maureen more. And they lived happily together.