小閑去年幼兒園畢業的時候突然詩興大發,一口氣作了“Graduation is here”、 “You are perfect when you are just yourself”、 “I like school”等好幾首詩作 (見我的博文《小閑的第一篇詩作》)。如今一年過去,她又作了幾首詩,看看有沒有進步。
1. The Zoo
The zoo is full of animals
A giraffe uses its high neck to reach leaves
The penguin waddles on the ice
The lion roars out loud
The tiger growls in his cage
The polar bear plays with a barrel
The frog jumps and hops
What an exciting place!
I can’t wait to visit again!
2. Pet Store
On a sunny day
I am going to a pet store
I see one singing bird
I see two sleeping kittens
I see three goldfish swimming
I see four hamsters eating
I see five puppies playing
I see six rabbits hopping
I see seven guinea pigs drinking
I see eight turtles walking
I see nine mice running
I see ten frogs jumping
What a Busy Pet Store!
3. Rain
Rain drip drops on the sidewalk
Rain drip drops on the garbage cans
Rain drip drops on the roof
Rain drip drops on the window
Rain drip drops on the tree trunk
Rain drip drops everywhere!
What a raining day!
媽媽覺得去年寫的是一種情緒,而今年學會了更多的detail的描述。而且好象她很喜歡用排比句式耶,讀起來有一種重複的節奏美。(大言不慚誇自己的娃 )