I made a carrot cake last night will bring it to my friend later on today , she got 2 little girls, I hope they will like it.
This cake is very easy to make, everyone can to do it.
4 cups flours, 3 or 2 1/2 cups sugar, 6 cups grated carrots, 1 ½ cups vegetable oil, 8 eggs, 4 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 teaspoon salt, 4 teaspoon baking soda. (the old recipe call for 3 cups oil EEEE~ and 4 cups sugar EEEE~again)
Mix it all together and bake in oven for 350F for 50 minutes or use a tooth pick insert in, if it’s clear, it mean it’s done. This cake can eat without the topping, to me the topping is too sweet. But for the American they love it.
For the topping
8 oz cream cheese, 1 pound powder sugar, 2 tablespoon butter (room temp) 2 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Use a blender to blend it well together.
Finished carrot cake
Food processor
Grate the carrots
Put all the ingredients together
Mix it well make sure it’s no lumps
At last add oil and mix well
Put into 2 nine inch pan and bake for 50 minutes.
Put cream cheese on top of the cake
Spread over the cake
Make the green and orange color to decorate the cake.