
謝謝毛毛媽,蜜三刀, any many more people who made this 香糟鹵雞.~~~

(2008-10-14 18:36:55) 下一個
They ran out the 香糟鹵when I shopped at the Chinese grocery store, I made up the香糟鹵sauce myself with wine, chicken broth, salt, ginger, soy sauce It came out very tasty. I was going to drink the juice too, but I didn’t
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chicken thigh
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wine, chicken broth, soy sauce, add a ½ tea spoon SALT.
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Put in the refrigator for 4 hour, I use 蜜三刀’s method to tie the chicken thigh around before steam it. (steam 10 minutes)
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日落看多了,看看月落吧 6am in the morning

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