
為孩子和LG做飯, 心裏喜歡他們吃飯的樣子...

周日家常菜8: 清炒新豇豆, 青椒豆豉雞丁, 花生醬全麥麵條

(2009-05-15 18:33:25) 下一個

新豇豆出來了, 怎麽做都好吃。 豇豆一把去筋, 洗淨晾幹, 切小節, 隻用油鹽清炒。

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無皮無骨雞大腿肉切丁, 用醬油,鹽, 一小勺菱粉抓勻。小青椒切圓圈, 幹豆豉用熱水浸泡兩分鍾撈出擠幹水備用。 鍋裏兩大勺油燒熱, 下雞丁慢慢炒熟爆幹。 盛小半碗雞丁出來給老二(不辣) 下青椒豆豉翻勻,炒到青椒變蔫了起鍋裝盤。

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老大去田徑team dinner 回來告訴我Jaya家的 花生醬麵條很好吃。 第二天給Jaya媽發email請教做法(見下) 我用的是全麥麵條, 順手放了把黃豆芽。 老大說味道不錯。
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"I finally have my cookbook with me! It's actually a recipe I've made often and generally modify each time a bit, but I thought I'd give you some of the specifics from the book (Jane Brody's Good Food Cookbook.)

 "szechuan" noodles with peanut sauce

          2/3 cup hot water
          2/3 cup smooth all natural peanut butter
          4 tsp soy sauce
          4 tsp rice vinegar
          4 scallions finely chopped
          4 cloves garlic, finely minsed
         1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes

I also add about 1 tsp toasted sesame oil and sometimes chopped yellow pepper. first blend hot water and peanut butter, then add all other ingredients - except some of the scallions and the yellow pepper, which you'll sprinkle on last. I think this is the right amount for about 16 oz of spaghetti.


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