Letter to Hillary
(2008-01-07 22:55:21)
Jan 7, 2008
Via Email and Fax
Dear Hillary,
First of all, let me say this out loud: I LIKE YOU!
Of course, I don’t like you the same way I like Natalie Portman. It’s more like how I like Phil Jackson or my high school wrestling coach if I have to describe the kind of liking involved here. If you haven’t figured out by now, I’m in the 20-something crowd. And yes, there ARE some of us in your fan club.
Anyway, many of my friends say that you are not as likable as Barack, -- heck, my best friend Sam answered the phone at Barack’s campaign office in Chicago -- but to me, this is NOT a popularity contest. It’s not about who’s more likable but who can lead more effectively and build coalitions across party lines and get things done and bring back a decade of economic growth. Barack is someone with whom I’d go to a bar every week and maybe twice on the weekend; but you are someone whom I’d like to have as the CEO of my company because I want my fat year-end bonus check.
To me, the economy is still the BIGGEST issue. Of course, I can only speak for myself, so don’t be surprised if your brilliant staff members tell you otherwise. And without further ado, here’s my two cents, which probably have already been tossed around:
1. It’s okay to show your passion and emotions. Many say you seem cold on TV, which is a turn-off for a lot of people; but those who have met you usually say that you are very cordial in person and they liked you once they shook hands with you -- which means, if you show more passion publicly, your likability meter will go up a few notches. And having passion is not a bad thing for leaders, as long as they don’t let it blind their judgment.
2. On the theme of “Change” – I like specifics. So I like it when you talk about ending the polarization of the nation; about your plan to work with people from the other side of the aisle and build coalitions and get things done; and most important of all, about reversing the course toward economic recession that we’re on.
3. On the theme of “Hope” and “the Future” – Again, specifics is important to me. Hope is not wishful thinking and it is not blind faith. Hope does not appear out of thin air when the President says “Let there be hope.” There need to be realistic policies that can stimulate economic growth, and thus, give the middle-class hope in the midst of a mortgage and credit crisis and show them the possibility of a prosperous future.
Had I had more time, I would probably have made a “Hillary Kids” clip and put it on youtube, but I’ve been – how can I put it eloquently – lazy.
Anyway, good luck with the rest of the primary season. I wanna see you in the play-off.
Yours truly,
Da Panzer