細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

2012年感恩節在我家(2012 Thanksgiving in our home)

(2013-04-05 12:47:30) 下一個
This year's Thanksgiving is happened the same day of our twins birthday. Two years ago, our twins came to see us. The same week of the Thanksgiving week. So, we call them the "Thanksgiving babies"! Unfortunately, our twins were sick that day. Two of us were taking care of two sick babies and was bit challenge. We though we could just celebrate another day. But, I couldn't help to miss this important date for our family. Let's simplify everything and celebrate!


感恩節菜單:Thanksgiving Menu:
桔子青菜色拉 Green Garden Salad with Orange
自家做 CRANBERRY 醬 Homemade Cranberry Sauce
焦糖烤甜南瓜 Roasted Squash with Brown sugar
烤紅薯 Roast Yam
奶油晚餐麵包 Homemade Buttery Dinner Rolls
烤火雞 Roast Turkey
巧克力夾心生日蛋糕 Chocolate Cake with Ganache filling and frosting

We planted different type of the squash this year. Let's just use them mix in with store bought pineapple and banana to make center piece of the table this year.

桔子青菜色拉:Green Garden Salad with Oranges
Still can find some salad green and water melon radish in our garden this time of the year. Mixed in with cherry tomatoes (store bought) and oranges, plus home made Italian Vinaigrette. Salad is simple and satisfy.

再看一張, here is another picture.

自家做 CRANBERRY 醬: Homemade cranberry sauce

一包新鮮的 CRANBERRY,倒入厚底鍋, 加一大勺水,加半杯蔗糖,煮沸關小火,汁煮至厚厚的即可。方入冰箱冷卻。
Heat a heavy sauce pan, add 12 oz fresh cranberry, add 1Tbsp water, and half cup of cane sugar. Heat to boil and simmer for 10 minutes till thicken. Serve chilled.

焦糖烤甜南瓜和烤紅薯: Roast squash with brown sugar and roast yam
Clean the squash, rub inside squash with butter and sprinkle with brown sugar. Preheat oven to 350F. Put the squash and yam in the plate and roast for 40 mins till they are tender. See below pictures.

Here they are and ready to serve.

Another picture...

烤紅薯:Roast yam

奶油晚餐麵包 Homemade buttery dinner rolls:
I have made this million times. You all know how to. No need to waste time here.

烤火雞 Roast Turkey
Here is my turkey. We had a fresh organic turkey. The roasting process is shorter than frozen one. Taste is unbeatable. Everyone is falling love with it.

巧克力夾心生日蛋糕 Chocolate Cake with Ganache filling and frosting
這是我家虎妞的最愛,是她點的。很可惜照片找不到了。。。 This is our daughter's favorite. She requested it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the pictures any more....

下麵是我的盤子裏的東東:Below is in my plate...

Hope everyone had wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did. Double the happiness!!!
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