It is very busy at work lately for both of us. Time is flying.By the time I found out the Easter was coming, it was already Saturday. Oh well, hurry up and went to our local store and bought a smoked ham. It turned out was delicious.

Easter Sunday came. Got up late as usual. I made simple breakfast: homemade waffles, homemade country style sausage and fried eggs. Also, coffee and homemade blackberry juice I made last summer. Can't be more simple. See my blog for the recipe of homemade waffles.
星期天早上起來很晚,做了簡單的早餐,奶油格子餅,家裏做的香腸餅,和煎蛋,配上咖啡和自己做的黑莓純果汁,簡單得不能再簡單了,不過很好吃.想看格子餅的配方請看這個連接: 格子餅

Take a look at it again. It is very simple, isn't it?

Easter Dinner is very simple also:
Salad: Spinach, grapefruit and walnuts salad with homemade garlic ranch dressing
Main course: Baked smoked ham
Side dish 1: Oven baked asparagus
Side dish 2: Mashed potatoes
Bread: Italian Easter bread (without color eggs)
Desert: Oat meal Rhubarb Crisp
甜點: Rhubarb 夾心點心
Salad: Spinach, grapefruit and walnuts salad with homemade garlic ranch dressing
1/4 cup of walnuts, toasted. A bunch of spinach, stemmed. A grapefruit, sectioned. Add 1/4 shredded white onions. Mix well and set aside.
Homemade garlic ranch dress:
1 egg
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, mashed
1 tsp lemon juice
Sea salt and fresh grounded pepper
Hand mixer mix well with egg and olive oil. Add garlic, lemon juice and mix well. Add salt and pepper at last and mix well. Simple and delicious.
做法:1/4杯核桃,烤熟,1磅菠菜去根洗淨,一隻葡萄柚切出肉,1/4杯洋蔥絲, 拌勻
蒜香RANCH醬汁:一隻蛋,1/4杯橄欖油,新鮮大蒜2瓣切末,1小勺檸檬汁,海鹽,黑胡椒少許.點動長杆攪拌器將橄欖油和蛋叫勻後加入剩餘的佐料,調好口味即可. 味道很美, 又營養豐富.

Another picture:
Main course: Baked smoked ham
Put a smoked ham, about 9 to 10 lb into a baking pan. Use a sharp knife cut few times in one direction and cut few times in the opposite direction. Cover tightly with a foil and bake it in 325F preheated oven for 1.5 hours. Then remove the foil and continue to bake another 1 hour or 1.5 hours. See below picture for the final product. It is the best ham we have never had. From now on, we will go that store for ham....
主餐:烤熏火腿 在LOCAL 店買的熏火腿, 表麵用刀橫向劃幾刀, 然後縱向劃幾刀, 放入烤盤, 用錫紙包好, 放入預熱好的325F烤箱中烤1.5小時, 然後, 丟掉錫紙, 再烤1-1.5小時. 烤好後是這樣的, 烤熏火腿味道真的很棒, 以後就買他家的了...
Side dish 1: Oven baked asparagus
Our asparagus didn't do too well this year. We end up with buying some from our local store.
~1.5 lb fresh asparagus, remove the old parts, washed and dried. Place them in a baking dish with 2 Tbsp of chopped onions, 1 Tbsp olive oil, plus sea salt and fresh grounded pepper. Mix well and baked in a 325F preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes. They are delicious. How simple is that?
今年家裏的蘆筍長得不好, 沒收多少, 還是去市場買了些, 大約1.5磅的新鮮蘆筍, 去掉老的莖部, 洗幹淨, 擦幹水分, 放入烤盤中, 撒上2大勺洋蔥丁, 1大勺橄欖油, 海鹽和黑胡椒少許, 混合均勻, 調好味, 放入325F的烤箱中烤20 -30分鍾左右, 即可. 再簡單不過了.

Side dish 2: Mashed potatoes
Everyone knows how to make this dish. I used our home grown potatoes. They are great!
這個最好做了, 自己家種的土豆去皮, 煮熟, 壓碎, 放入奶油和全脂牛奶, 海鹽和黑胡椒少許,攪拌均勻即可. 大家都會做...
Bread: Italian Easter bread (without color eggs) Well, I always make my signature butter dinner rolls. I wanted change a little. So, I made this Italian Easter bread without colored eggs. It is basically egg bread, slightly sweet and buttery. See my blog for recipes. It looks like Jewish bread, "Challah". Whatever you call it, it is great bread. Everyone likes it as usuall.
麵包:意大利複活節麵包 (沒有加彩蛋)
每年都做我拿手的奶油麵包, 這次想換個樣, 做了這個沒有加彩蛋的意大利複活節麵包, 有人叫 辯子麵包, 很象猶太人的CHALLAH, 少點折騰, 就用我的奶油麵包的配方做的, 和以往一樣很受歡迎...

Another picture:

Here is in my plate:

Desert: Oat meal Rhubarb Crisp
Rhubarb started to grow in early Spring. I picked few in the garden and made this Oat meal Rhubarb crisp. See my blog for recipe. It was so good.
甜點: Rhubarb 麥片夾心點心
春天到了Rhubarb長得很快, 花園裏摘了幾隻, 來做了這個麥片夾心點心. 做法請看我的博客. 很美味. 人人喜歡.

Happy Easter!