Morning on Christmas Day started late. Breakfast seems realy enjoyable after a good night sleep. This year I made breakfast first before I opened the gift from Santa Clause. If I would do the opposite way, it would be something different. I'll tell you why. So, first of all here is the breakfast we had. Nice and Simple...... That's the idea.
Christmas Day Breakfast Menu:
Homemade Scones (fry bread) with maple syrup
Homemade sausage patties
Fried eggs
Blueberry smoothie
聖誕節的一天開始得比較晚, 早飯比較有胃口,今年我是先做的早餐,後拆禮物,如果先拆禮物後做早餐,吃的早餐就不會是象下麵了,一會兒再說, 首先,來看看我做的早餐, 宗旨是簡單又美味
家做的Scones (美式炸油餅) 配楓樹糖漿

Homemade Scones are made of basic sweet dough and fry in the oil. I posted before. 家做的Scones(美式炸油餅) 是用加了糖的發麵做的,以前說過多次,這裏不嘮叨了

Here is another picture.再看一次, 油炸的東西不常做, 偶而做一次, 很好吃的.

Homemade sausage patties and fried eggs: 家做的香腸餅和煎雞蛋
Homemade sausage is made of ground pork with salt, herbs, wine and sugar.家做的香腸餅主要是原料是豬肉餡,鹽,香料,酒,和一點糖.

In my plate: 我的盤子裏的東東

Another one: 再看一眼.
After breakfast, it is the time to open the gifts from Santa Clause. He asked me if I got tied of Christmas. Usually I ran down stairs to open the gift first before breakfast. This year, I had patient and waited after breakfast. Any way, there were so many gifts that can't hide under the tree... from designer clothing, electronics, books, money, etc., too many. I know I was spoiled rotten....
早餐過後該開禮物了,他問我是不是對聖誕節的新鮮感過去了,我問他為什麽這樣說, 他說通常我都是早餐前自己先跑到樓下開禮物, 今年我一直等到早餐後才開禮物... 哈,我隻是不好意思讓別人餓肚子而已... 太多禮物了, 我知道我被寵壞了......

Too many gifs I had. Here just couple.... New Year comes with new laws. We are not allowed to hold a cel phone any more while driving. I refuse to ware an ear plug/blue tooth thing. It makes people look like Aliens. I hate it. Well, I found this on our Christmas tree....
從我喜歡的designer 衣物,手提包, electronics,書,到現金,太多了, 就看這兩樣吧.
新年到, 新法律也開始實施了,如今開車禁止用手提電話,必須用耳機/blue tooth ,我最恨的就是移動耳機/blue tooth ,戴上去象外星人,醜死了. 今年聖誕節我從聖誕樹上摘到了這個...

It is an adaptor for my SUV. It is a nice one to fit our "complicated life" nowadays. So, I don't have to look like an Alien. ha....
這個可以安裝在我的SUV上, 我就不用戴耳機象外星人了.... 說來我們現代人的"繁忙生活節奏", 挺可憐的...

Here is a tool that relates with the cooking. I like waffles for breakfast once a while in the
restaurant. They are good. But for some reason, I never thought about to buy a waffle maker. I don't know why. Until the Christmas day...
This 4-slice waffle maker from All-clad is heavy duty model. I got hard time to guess what was in the box with Christmas wrapping paper. It will add to my All clad collection in my kitchen. Now you understand why we would have something else for the breakfast if I would open the gifts first before making the breakfast.... :-) What a Christmas! I surely had a wonderful Christmas!
這個和我的聖地廚房有關. 我喜歡吃waffles, 我也不知道為什麽一直都沒有個機器,大概沒看好的, 直到今年的聖誕節....
這個4塊waffles機器是 ALL CLAD 做的,經久耐用型的, 很重,拆包裝紙之前怎麽也沒想到是這個東西, 這個可以加入我的ALL CLAD 的收藏係列中. 這就是為什麽我說如果先拆禮物後做早餐, 聖誕節節的早餐就不是上麵的樣子了. 我的聖誕節過的特別愉快, 和往常一樣!

At last, let's have some homemade eggnog. He made it with COGNAC and bourbon . I can't stop licking it.
最後,讓我們品嚐一杯咱家那位做的 eggnog. 加了COGNAC不得和 bourbon. 很不錯, 很有味道, 就是喝多了會飄起來...

Christmas doesn't have eggnog is not real Christmas!
真的, 沒有eggnog 的聖誕節不是真正的聖誕節!