1. Three Delicacy Stuffing Pancake (三鮮餡韭菜盒子)Chinese dumplings is popular in America and all over the world. But not too many people know the stuffing pancake with chives, unless you have been to China. Then you know that it is so popular in China, especially in
Northern China. You can find them in every street. However, a lots of people might feel that it is over powered by chives. Extra
garlicky could make you feel
uncomfortable after eating it. My version of stuffing pancake with chives could balance
餃子鍋貼馳名美國,乃至全世界,但有很多人還沒有嚐試過韮菜盒子,除非有去過中國. 你就會知道韮菜盒子在中國有多麽受歡迎,特別是北方, 大街小巷都可以找到韮菜盒子的影子.盡管如此,有人認為韮菜味道有可能太重些,吃後大蒜的味道也讓人感到"拘束". 我做的這款可以中和兩樣.
Three delicacy stuffing pancake recipe:
1 lb of ground Shrimp, 1 lb of ground pork mix with 3 fried eggs chopped. Mix in chopped chives. The proportion of stuffing is 3 part of mix meat with 1 part of chives. Mix well with olive oil, 2 tsp of wine, salt and pepper. Make shape like
ravioli. Pan fried in a pan with some oil. It is so good.
1磅蝦切碎, 1磅豬肉餡,3隻雞蛋炒好切小塊和肉餡混合均勻. 加入酒,水,油混合均勻.拌入切好的韭菜, 肉和菜的比例是3:1, 加鹽,胡椒粉少許調味.我相信大家都會做盒子.就不多說了.
It makes great appetizer, trust me. Everyone love it.
2. Roast Beef with chestnuts (栗子牛肉)Fresh chestnuts are available in the fall. Roasted sweet chestnuts make great snacks. But I never know how to use them for cooking. Here is my chance.
See below for recipe and ingredients. The main ingredients are beef and chestnuts. I used grass fed round steak, about 1.5 lb. You can use any kind, stew meat is the best.
Peel the chestnuts. Blanch them in hot water for 1 minute. Raise them in cold water and peel the skin. It is not complicated at all.
主要原料是牛肉和栗子. 我用的是走地牛肉ROUND STEAK. 你可以用任何肉來做,用來燉的肉最好.

It might take 1.5 hours to cook the beef at low heat. Make sure you have enough liquid and don't burn it.
1/4 杯洋蔥絲和胡籮卜片
1.5 - 2磅牛肉,切塊
2 杯水
2 小勺黑醬油
1 隻月桂
2 杯栗子
1 小勺鹽, 胡椒粉少許
牛肉過水,備用,炒鍋燒熱,加胡蘿卜,洋蔥,加入牛肉和其它佐料,栗子除外,開鍋後,蓋蓋,小火燉至熟爛. 大約1.5小時. 加入栗子和鹽調味,蓋蓋,小火再燉15分鍾直到栗子熟,即可.

This is final product. Slow roast beef with chestnuts is melted in your mouth and delicious.
這是做好的成品. 小火慢燉的栗子牛肉入口即化。 好香。
3. Jumbo Shrimp with Chinese Long Beans (大蝦薑豆):
1 lb Chinese Long beans, cut into 2 inch long.
1/4 cup sliced onion and carrots
1Tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp light soy sauce
Pinch of fresh grounded pepper
Blanch Chinese long beans first. Drain the water and set aside. Heat a wok or pan with oil at medium high heat. Add fresh grounded pepper. Saute onions and carrots for 1 minutes. Add Shrimp and cook for 2 - 3 minutes until shrimp turn color and 80% done. Add Chinese long beans and soy sauce; cook for another 3 - 4 minutes. Season with salt and serve. See below pictures
薑豆切成2寸長的條條, 開水燙一下後, 用冰水冷卻, 濾幹水分, 待用.
炒鍋加熱, 加油和洋蔥,胡籮卜片和胡椒粉少許炒香, 加入蝦和淺色醬油, 炒至八成熟, 再加入薑豆炒3 - 4 分鍾. 加鹽調味即可. 看下圖.

This is final product. It is light dish and full of nutrition. The most important is delicious.
Dinner is served:
Appetizer: Three Delicacy Stuffing Pancake
Main course: Roast Beef with chestnuts and Jumbo Shrimp with Chinese Long Beans主菜:
栗子牛肉和 大蝦薑豆
Enjoy! 大家慢用! 謝謝!