Weekend is around the corner. This is simple and delicious breakfast, especially in the fall when apples are in season. You can use whatever the apple you have in hands. They're all delicious.
Below is part of our apples we had this fall.

The size of apples this year is quiet amazing. 蘋果很大,

All right, let's get apple pancake started...
Saute apples:炒蘋果2 Tsp butter (2大勺奶油)
4 or 5 apples, all kinds, peel and cut into big chunks (4-5個蘋果,削皮,切大塊)
3 Tbs brown sugar (3大勺紅糖)
2 tsp lemon juice (2小勺檸檬汁)
1/2 tsp cinnamon (二分之一小勺月桂粉)
Heat a cast iron pan first. Add butter and apples. Saute and turning as needed, ~5 to 7 minutes. Sprinkle with the brown sugar and lemon juice. Add cinnamon and mix well. See below pictures.

Apples are cooked just right. You don't want to cook them too soft.
Make batter:See below picture. Pour the batter on top of apples.

Bake it in a pre heated oven at 425F, for ~20 to 25 minutes. Or until it is golden brown. See below picture. It is puffed up so lovely。Then you know it is done.

From oven to table. You want to serve it immediately when it is hot and puffy... It will shrink down if you wait too long.

Dust powder sugar on the top before serving.

Another way to enjoy the apples in the fall. Everyone should try it. It is simple and delicious. You won't be disappointed. I promise...

Thanks for visiting, 二丫娘!