細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

Home alone 一個人的日子:玫瑰,油飯,肉湯圓,紫菜粥等

(2009-04-27 22:24:53) 下一個
He is out for a business trip. The day after he was gone, I always found a dozen roses at the front door of our house.  Year after year, it has never changed.

What's the day like without him? Well,  fried sticky rice with sausage for dinner and my favorite book "Basic Country Skills" for the rest of the night.
先看看我的油飯:洋蔥,香腸,芹菜,木耳,切丁炒軟,加入糯米飯,鹽和醬油少許。配上一本我喜歡的書:“Basic Country Skills”,單身的日子好充實。

Second day around, I made stuffed tang yuan for dinner. Cooked some fresh ones and froze the rest of them. He will have some later when he comes back. 



Got home late today and didn't feel like to cook big meal. Simply pan fried some stuffing pan cakes for dinner. It was yummy.


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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 Hello Chicken little, Weston, CK, I am fine. Haven't get chance to check my blog for a long time. So busy at work... Hope you had good summer. Good to see you guys!
TexasChickenLittle 回複 悄悄話 How are you?

I haven't seen you for a long long time. Hope you are doing well.

Take care!
weston 回複 悄悄話 Haven't seen you around for a while. Hope all is well.
中國風箏 回複 悄悄話 All looked so good! What a happy lady you are. Your hubby is a romantic and lucky man.