細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

Weekend gardening 周末園丁(2) rhubarb分栽,春天的跡象

(2009-03-07 22:41:58) 下一個
We have two Rhubarb plants in our garden. I make Rhubarb pies all year round. We really enjoy them. Both of plants are getting huge over the years and becoming so close to each other. I have been wanting to divide them for a long time. But never get around with it. Then propagation becomes one of my priorities in this Spring. Let's look at some pictures.
On the left is one of the Rhubarb plants I was going to divide. My husband dug it up and washed dirt out. They have big and healthy roots. So I kept them all. (see A and B)
我家院子裏有兩棵 Rhubarb,不要小看這兩棵哦,供給我們全年的 Rhubarb 派。是我們最喜歡的飯後甜點之一。幾年來,這兩棵Rhubarb長得很大,間距也越來越小。到了分栽的時候了,我一直沒有抓到時機,今年春季一定要提到日程上來,來,我們看看照片。
左邊是一棵 Rhubarb。還沒有被挖出來分栽。我讓我家那位挖了出來,用有點水壓的噴頭把根部衝洗幹淨,檢驗,還都很健康,所以我都留下了。(看A和B)

One plant was divided into three plants. I planted them and kept 2 feet in between each other. Look, they grew fast. A week later, they grew a lot bigger than they just got divided. Happy to see that.

I started eggplants and peppers in door two weeks ago. See, they are coming out.

Primroses are the earliest bloomers in our garden. They are reliable "messengers".
Primrose 是我們院子裏一年中開花最早的。是非常可靠的“通信員”。

Bright, pinky flowers meant a lot to us after a harsh winter, especially this year.

She surprised me. I didn't expect her at all, at least not now.

Our garden is still half sleep even thought the primroses are trying to wake everyone up. I just saw the snow flakes coming down the window. The winter is not over yet. The Spring is still far...
雖然Primrose 已經開始開花了,我們的院子其實還在冬眠中,我剛剛還看到窗外雪花飄飄,看來冬天還沒有結束,春天還早。。。。。。

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OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複sansemao的評論:
sansemao 回複 悄悄話 很喜歡你的花園。原來prime rose是那樣的。也希望自己有個綠手指。等爸媽來的時候,希望能種上西紅柿
OregonRain 回複 悄悄話 回複平凡往事的評論:
平凡往事 回複 悄悄話 熱愛生活啊,我們是校友嗎?