細雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

學做中國菜:滑溜鮭魚球,Miso醬茄子(Stir Fry Salmon balls and Eggplants with Mis

(2009-02-19 21:08:33) 下一個
These are the dishes I made early of the year. As meat lovers in our family, I tried to cook more vegetable dishes at home. I have to say that I didn't do good job sometimes. One of the my New Year Resolution was to eat more vegetables. Let's see what I did this time.

1.  Stir Fry Salmon balls  滑溜鮭魚球:
1) Salmon cut into small pieces. Mix well with wine, salt, pepper, soy sauce and 1 Tsp of corn starch. Shape into several 1-inch diameter balls. Set aside.

2)Heat a wok or heavy pan. Add oil and deep fry salmon balls until they turn golden brown. Set aside and keep warm.

3)Stir fry Salmon balls and vegetables. See picture below.

This dish is a good combination of fish and vegetable.

2. Egg plant with Miso meat sauce: Miso醬茄子
See picture below for instructions: 做法看下圖

In this dish, egg plants are soft and tender. Miso meat sauce gave egg plants just right amount of flavor.  It is a great dish to serve with white rice.

Two dishes with rich proteins and fibers.

You will feel healthy both your body and your mind after eating these two dishes. Also, it reminds me my New Year Resolution: Eat Healthy.
吃了這樣的晚餐身心都會覺得健康。還會提醒自己立下的新年 Resolution:注意飲食健康。
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